module ActiveScaffold module Helpers # Helpers that assist with the rendering of a Form Column module FormColumnHelpers # This method decides which input to use for the given column. # It does not do any rendering. It only decides which method is responsible for rendering. def active_scaffold_input_for(column, scope = nil) options = active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope) # first, check if the dev has created an override for this specific field if override_form_field?(column) send(override_form_field(column), @record, options[:name]) # second, check if the dev has specified a valid form_ui for this column elsif column.form_ui and override_input?(column.form_ui) send(override_input(column.form_ui), column, options) # fallback: we get to make the decision else if column.association # if we get here, it's because the column has a form_ui but not one ActiveScaffold knows about. raise "Unknown form_ui `#{column.form_ui}' for column `#{}'" elsif column.virtual? active_scaffold_input_virtual(column, options) else # regular model attribute column # if we (or someone else) have created a custom render option for the column type, use that if override_input?(column.column.type) send(override_input(column.column.type), column, options) # final ultimate fallback: use rails' generic input method else # for textual fields we pass different options text_types = [:text, :string, :integer, :float, :decimal] options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) if text_types.include?(column.column.type) input(:record,, options.merge(column.options)) end end end end alias form_column active_scaffold_input_for # the standard active scaffold options used for textual inputs def active_scaffold_input_text_options(options = {}) options[:autocomplete] = 'off' options[:class] = "#{options[:class]} text-input".strip options end # the standard active scaffold options used for class, name and scope def active_scaffold_input_options(column, scope = nil) name = scope ? "record#{scope}[#{}]" : "record[#{}]" # Fix for keeping unique IDs in subform id_control = "record_#{}_#{[params[:eid], params[:id]].compact.join '_'}" id_control += scope.gsub(/(\[|\])/, '_').gsub('__', '_').gsub(/_$/, '') if scope { :name => name, :class => "#{}-input", :id => id_control} end ## ## Form input methods ## def active_scaffold_input_singular_association(column, options) associated = @record.send( select_options = options_for_association(column.association) select_options.unshift([ associated.to_label, ]) unless associated.nil? or select_options.find {|label, id| id ==} selected = associated.nil? ? nil : method = column.association.macro == :belongs_to ? column.association.primary_key_name : options[:name] += '[id]' select(:record, method, select_options.uniq, {:selected => selected, :include_blank => as_(:_select_)}, options) end def active_scaffold_input_plural_association(column, options) associated_options = @record.send( {|r| [r.to_label,]} select_options = associated_options | options_for_association(column.association) return as_(:no_options) if select_options.empty? html = "' html << javascript_tag("new DraggableLists('#{options[:id]}')") if column.options[:draggable_lists] html end def active_scaffold_input_select(column, options) if column.singular_association? active_scaffold_input_singular_association(column, options) elsif column.plural_association? active_scaffold_input_plural_association(column, options) else select(:record,, column.options, { :selected => @record.send( }, options) end end # only works for singular associations # requires RecordSelect plugin to be installed and configured. # ... maybe this should be provided in a bridge? def active_scaffold_input_record_select(column, options) unless column.association raise ArgumentError, "record_select can only work against associations (and #{} is not). A common mistake is to specify the foreign key field (like :user_id), instead of the association (:user)." end remote_controller = active_scaffold_controller_for(column.association.klass).controller_path # if the opposite association is a :belongs_to (in that case association in this class must be has_one or has_many) # then only show records that have not been associated yet if [:has_one, :has_many].include?(column.association.macro) params.merge!({column.association.primary_key_name => ''}) end record_select_options = {:controller => remote_controller, :id => options[:id]} record_select_options.merge!(active_scaffold_input_text_options) record_select_options.merge!(column.options) if column.singular_association? record_select_field(options[:name], (@record.send( ||, record_select_options) elsif column.plural_association? record_multi_select_field(options[:name], @record.send(, record_select_options) end end def active_scaffold_input_checkbox(column, options) check_box(:record,, options) end def active_scaffold_input_password(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) password_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end def active_scaffold_input_textarea(column, options) text_area(:record,, options.merge(:cols => column.options[:cols], :rows => column.options[:rows])) end def active_scaffold_input_virtual(column, options) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options) text_field :record,, options.merge(column.options) end # # Column.type-based inputs # def active_scaffold_input_boolean(column, options) select_options = [] select_options << [as_(:_select_), nil] if column.column.null select_options << [as_(:true), true] select_options << [as_(:false), false] select_tag(options[:name], options_for_select(select_options, @record.send( end def onsubmit end ## ## Form column override signatures ## # add functionality for overriding subform partials from association class path def override_subform_partial?(column) path, partial_name = partial_pieces(override_subform_partial(column)) template_exists?(File.join(path, "_#{partial_name}")) end def override_subform_partial(column) File.join(active_scaffold_controller_for(column.association.klass).controller_path, "subform") if column_renders_as(column) == :subform end def override_form_field_partial?(column) path, partial_name = partial_pieces(override_form_field_partial(column)) template_exists?(File.join(path, "_#{partial_name}")) end # the naming convention for overriding form fields with partials def override_form_field_partial(column) "#{}_form_column" end def override_form_field?(column) respond_to?(override_form_field(column)) end # the naming convention for overriding form fields with helpers def override_form_field(column) "#{}_form_column" end def override_input?(form_ui) respond_to?(override_input(form_ui)) end # the naming convention for overriding form input types with helpers def override_input(form_ui) "active_scaffold_input_#{form_ui}" end def form_partial_for_column(column) if override_form_field_partial?(column) override_form_field_partial(column) elsif column_renders_as(column) == :field or override_form_field?(column) "form_attribute" elsif column_renders_as(column) == :subform "form_association" elsif column_renders_as(column) == :hidden "form_hidden_attribute" end end def subform_partial_for_column(column) if override_subform_partial?(column) override_subform_partial(column) else "horizontal_subform" end end ## ## Macro-level rendering decisions for columns ## def column_renders_as(column) if column.is_a? ActiveScaffold::DataStructures::ActionColumns return :subsection elsif column.active_record_class.locking_column.to_s == return :hidden elsif column.association.nil? or column.form_ui or !active_scaffold_config_for(column.association.klass).actions.include?(:subform) return :field else return :subform end end def is_subsection?(column) column_renders_as(column) == :subsection end def is_subform?(column) column_renders_as(column) == :subform end def column_scope(column) if column.plural_association? "[#{}][#{ || generate_temporary_id}]" else "[#{}]" end end end end end