` | `undefined` |
| `
` | `undefined` |
@function up.element.booleanAttr
@param {Element} element
The element from which to retrieve the attribute value.
@param {String} attribute
The attribute name.
@return {boolean|undefined}
The cast attribute value.
booleanAttr = (element, attribute, pass) ->
value = element.getAttribute(attribute)
switch value
when 'false'
when 'true', '', attribute
value if pass
Returns the given attribute value cast as boolean.
If the attribute value cannot be cast, returns the attribute value unchanged.
booleanOrStringAttr = (element, attribute) ->
booleanAttr(element, attribute, true)
Returns the value of the given attribute on the given element, cast to a number.
If the attribute value cannot be cast to a number, `undefined` is returned.
@function up.element.numberAttr
@param {Element} element
The element from which to retrieve the attribute value.
@param {String} attribute
The attribute name.
@return {number|undefined}
The cast attribute value.
numberAttr = (element, attribute) ->
value = element.getAttribute(attribute)
if value?.match(/^[\d\.]+$/)
Reads the given attribute from the element, parsed as [JSON](https://www.json.org/).
Returns `undefined` if the attribute value is [blank](/up.util.isBlank).
Throws a `SyntaxError` if the attribute value is an invalid JSON string.
@function up.element.jsonAttr
@param {Element} element
The element from which to retrieve the attribute value.
@param {String} attribute
The attribute name.
@return {Object|undefined}
The cast attribute value.
jsonAttr = (element, attribute) ->
# The document does not respond to #getAttribute()
if json = element.getAttribute?(attribute)?.trim()
Temporarily sets the inline CSS styles on the given element.
Returns a function that restores the original inline styles when called.
\#\#\# Example
element = document.querySelector('div')
unhide = up.element.setTemporaryStyle(element, { 'visibility': 'hidden' })
// do things while element is invisible
// element is visible again
@function up.element.setTemporaryStyle
@param {Element} element
The element to style.
@param {Object} styles
An object of CSS property names and values.
@return {Function()}
A function that restores the original inline styles when called.
setTemporaryStyle = (element, newStyles, block) ->
oldStyles = inlineStyle(element, Object.keys(newStyles))
setInlineStyle(element, newStyles)
return -> setInlineStyle(element, oldStyles)
Receives [computed CSS styles](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle)
for the given element.
\#\#\# Examples
When requesting a single CSS property, its value will be returned as a string:
value = up.element.style(element, 'font-size')
// value is '16px'
When requesting multiple CSS properties, the function returns an object of property names and values:
value = up.element.style(element, ['font-size', 'margin-top'])
// value is { 'font-size': '16px', 'margin-top': '10px' }
@function up.element.style
@param {Element} element
@param {String|Array} propOrProps
One or more CSS property names in kebab-case or camelCase.
@return {string|object}
computedStyle = (element, props) ->
style = window.getComputedStyle(element)
extractFromStyleObject(style, props)
Receives a [computed CSS property value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle)
for the given element, casted as a number.
The value is casted by removing the property's [unit](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp) (which is usually `px` for computed properties).
The result is then parsed as a floating point number.
Returns `undefined` if the property value is missing, or if it cannot
be parsed as a number.
\#\#\# Examples
When requesting a single CSS property, its value will be returned as a string:
value = up.element.style(element, 'font-size')
// value is '16px'
value = up.element.styleNumber(element, 'font-size')
// value is 16
@function up.element.styleNumber
@param {Element} element
@param {String} prop
A single property name in kebab-case or camelCase.
@return {number|undefined}
computedStyleNumber = (element, prop) ->
rawValue = computedStyle(element, prop)
if u.isGiven(rawValue)
Gets the given inline style(s) from the given element's `[style]` attribute.
@function up.element.inlineStyle
@param {Element} element
@param {String|Array} propOrProps
One or more CSS property names in kebab-case or camelCase.
@return {string|object}
inlineStyle = (element, props) ->
style = element.style
extractFromStyleObject(style, props)
extractFromStyleObject = (style, keyOrKeys) ->
if u.isString(keyOrKeys)
else # array
u.only(style, keyOrKeys...)
Sets the given CSS properties as inline styles on the given element.
@function up.element.setStyle
@param {Element} element
@param {Object} props
One or more CSS properties with kebab-case keys or camelCase keys.
@return {string|object}
setInlineStyle = (element, props) ->
style = element.style
for key, value of props
value = normalizeStyleValueForWrite(key, value)
style[key] = value
normalizeStyleValueForWrite = (key, value) ->
if u.isMissing(value)
value = ''
else if CSS_LENGTH_PROPS.has(key.toLowerCase().replace(/-/, ''))
value = cssLength(value)
CSS_LENGTH_PROPS = u.arrayToSet [
'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left',
'padding', 'paddingtop', 'paddingright', 'paddingbottom', 'paddingleft',
'margin', 'margintop', 'marginright', 'marginbottom', 'marginleft',
'borderwidth', 'bordertopwidth', 'borderrightwidth', 'borderbottomwidth', 'borderleftwidth'
'width', 'height',
'maxwidth', 'maxheight',
'minwidth', 'minheight',
Converts the given value to a CSS length value, adding a `px` unit if required.
@function cssLength
cssLength = (obj) ->
if u.isNumber(obj) || (u.isString(obj) && /^\d+$/.test(obj))
obj.toString() + "px"
Resolves the given CSS selector (which might contain `&` references)
to a full CSS selector without ampersands.
If passed an `Element` or `jQuery` element, returns a CSS selector string
for that element.
@function up.element.resolveSelector
@param {string|Element|jQuery} selectorOrElement
@param {string|Element|jQuery} origin
The element that this selector resolution is relative to.
That element's selector will be substituted for `&` ([like in Sass](https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#parent-selector)).
@return {string}
resolveSelector = (selectorOrElement, origin) ->
if u.isString(selectorOrElement)
selector = selectorOrElement
if u.contains(selector, '&')
if u.isPresent(origin) # isPresent returns false for empty jQuery collection
originSelector = toSelector(origin)
selector = selector.replace(/\&/, originSelector)
up.fail("Found origin reference (%s) in selector %s, but no origin was given", '&', selector)
selector = toSelector(selectorOrElement)
Returns whether the given element is currently visible.
An element is considered visible if it consumes space in the document.
Elements with `{ visibility: hidden }` or `{ opacity: 0 }` are considered visible, since they still consume space in the layout.
Elements not attached to the DOM are considered hidden.
@function up.element.isVisible
@param {Element} element
The element to check.
isVisible = (element) ->
# From https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blame/9cb162f6b62b6d4403060a0f0d2065d3ae96bbcc/src/css/hiddenVisibleSelectors.js#L12
!!(element.offsetWidth || element.offsetHeight || element.getClientRects().length)
<% if ENV['JS_KNIFE'] %>knife: eval(Knife.point)<% end %>
# also document :has()!
first: first # same as document.querySelector
all: all # same as document.querySelectorAll
subtree: subtree # practical
closest: closest # needed for IE11
matches: matches # needed for IE11
ancestor: ancestor # not practical. we use it to implement closest
get: getOne # practical for code that also works with jQuery
list: getList # practical for composing multiple collections, or wrapping.
remove: remove # needed for IE11
toggle: toggle # practical
toggleClass: toggleClass # practical
hide: hide # practical
show: show # practical
metaContent: metaContent # internal
replace: replace # needed for IE11
insertBefore: insertBefore # internal shortcut, people can use insertAdjacentElement and i don't want to support insertAfter when I don't need it.
createFromSelector: createFromSelector # practical for element creation.
setAttrs: setAttrs # practical
affix: affix # practical for element creation
toSelector: toSelector # practical
isSingleton: isSingleton # internal
attributeSelector: attributeSelector # internal
createDocumentFromHtml: createDocumentFromHtml # internal
createFromHtml: createFromHtml # practical for element creation
root: getRoot # internal
paint: paint # internal
concludeCssTransition: concludeCssTransition # internal
hasCssTransition: hasCssTransition # internal
fixedToAbsolute: fixedToAbsolute # internal
setMissingAttrs: setMissingAttrs # internal
unwrap: unwrap # practical for jQuery migration
# presentAttr: presentAttr # experimental
booleanAttr: booleanAttr # it's practical, but i cannot find a good name. people might expect it to cast to number, too. but i don't need that for my own code. maybe booleanAttr?
numberAttr: numberAttr # practical
jsonAttr: jsonAttr # practical
booleanOrStringAttr: booleanOrStringAttr
setTemporaryStyle: setTemporaryStyle # practical
style: computedStyle # practical.
styleNumber: computedStyleNumber # practical.
inlineStyle: inlineStyle # internal
setStyle: setInlineStyle # practical.
resolveSelector: resolveSelector # internal
none: -> NONE # internal
isVisible: isVisible # practical