Given "I am a real person wanting to sign up for an account" do # no-op.. for documentation purposes only! end When /^I submit my registration information$/ do fill_in "Name", :with => 'Joe Someone' fill_in "Email", :with => '' click_button end Then /^(?:I|they) should receive an email with a link to a confirmation page$/ do unread_emails_for(current_email_address).size.should == 1 # this call will store the email and you can access it with current_email open_last_email_for(last_email_address) current_email.should have_subject(/Account confirmation/) current_email.should have_body_text('Joe Someone') click_email_link_matching /confirm/ response_body.should contain("Confirm your new account") end # Basically aliases "I should see [text]", but for third person Then /^they should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| Then "I should see \"#{text}\"" end