# frozen_string_literal: true task stats: :environment do Rake::Task["gbl_admin:stats"].invoke end namespace :gbl_admin do desc "Run Solr and GeoBlacklight for interactive development" task :server, [:rails_server_args] do |_t, args| require "solr_wrapper" SolrWrapper.wrap(port: "8983") do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: "blacklight-core", dir: File.join( File.expand_path(Rails.root, File.dirname(__FILE__)), "solr", "conf" )) do puts "\nSolr server running: http://localhost:#{solr.port}/solr/#/blacklight-core" puts "\n^C to stop" puts " " begin Rake::Task["geoblacklight:solr:seed"].invoke system "bundle exec rails s #{args[:rails_server_args]}" rescue Interrupt puts "Shutting down..." end end end end end desc "Run test suite" task ci: :environment do Rails.env = "test" shared_solr_opts = {managed: true, verbose: true, persist: false, download_dir: "tmp"} shared_solr_opts[:version] = ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] if ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] success = true SolrWrapper.wrap(shared_solr_opts.merge(port: 8983, instance_dir: "tmp/blacklight-core")) do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: "blacklight-core", dir: Rails.root.join("solr/conf").to_s) do system('RAILS_ENV=test TESTOPTS="-v" bundle exec rails test:system test') || success = false end end exit!(1) unless success end namespace :gbl_admin do desc "Set everything to published state" task publish_all: :environment do Document.all.each do |doc| doc.publication_state = "Published" doc.save end puts "\nAll documents published." end task production_guard: :environment do if Rails.env.production? && ENV["PRODUCTION_OKAY"] != "true" warn "\nNot safe for production. If you are sure, run with `PRODUCTION_OKAY=true #{ARGV.join}`\n\n" exit 1 end end task stats: :environment do require "rails/code_statistics" ::STATS_DIRECTORIES << ["Indexers", "app/indexers"] ::STATS_DIRECTORIES << ["Indexers Tests", "test/indexers"] CodeStatistics::TEST_TYPES << "Indexers Tests" end desc "Run Solr and GBLADMIN for development" task server: :environment do require "solr_wrapper" shared_solr_opts = {managed: true, verbose: true, persist: false, download_dir: "tmp"} shared_solr_opts[:version] = ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] if ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] SolrWrapper.wrap(shared_solr_opts.merge(port: 8983, instance_dir: "tmp/blacklight-core")) do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: "blacklight-core", dir: Rails.root.join("solr/conf").to_s) do puts "Solr running at http://localhost:8983/solr/blacklight-core/, ^C to exit" puts " " begin # Rake::Task['gbl_admin:solr:restore'].invoke system "bundle exec rails s --binding=#{ENV.fetch("GEOMG_SERVER_BIND_INTERFACE", "")} --port=#{ENV.fetch("GEOMG_SERVER_PORT", "3000")}" sleep rescue Interrupt puts "\nShutting down..." end end end end desc "Start solr server for testing." task test: :environment do if Rails.env.test? shared_solr_opts = {managed: true, verbose: true, persist: false, download_dir: "tmp"} shared_solr_opts[:version] = ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] if ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] SolrWrapper.wrap(shared_solr_opts.merge(port: 8983, instance_dir: "tmp/blacklight-core")) do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: "blacklight-core", dir: Rails.root.join("solr/conf").to_s) do puts "Solr running at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/blacklight-core/, ^C to exit" begin Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].invoke # Rake::Task["gbl_admin:solr:reindex"].invoke sleep rescue Interrupt puts "\nShutting down..." end end end else system("rake gbl_admin:test RAILS_ENV=test") end end desc "Start solr server for development." task :development do shared_solr_opts = {managed: true, verbose: true, persist: false, download_dir: "tmp"} shared_solr_opts[:version] = ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] if ENV["SOLR_VERSION"] SolrWrapper.wrap(shared_solr_opts.merge(port: 8983, instance_dir: "tmp/blacklight-core")) do |solr| solr.with_collection(name: "blacklight-core", dir: Rails.root.join("solr", "conf").to_s) do puts "Solr running at http://localhost:8983/solr/#/blacklight-core/, ^C to exit" begin # Rake::Task['geoblacklight:solr:seed'].invoke sleep rescue Interrupt puts "\nShutting down..." end end end end namespace :solr do desc "sync all Works and Collections to solr index" task reindex: :environment do Kithe::Indexable.index_with(batching: true) do progress_bar = ProgressBar.create(total: Document.count, format: Kithe::STANDARD_PROGRESS_BAR_FORMAT) scope = Kithe::Model.where(kithe_model_type: 1) scope.find_each do |model| progress_bar.title = "#{model.class.name}:#{model.friendlier_id}" model.update_index progress_bar.increment end end end desc "delete any model objects in solr that no longer exist in the db" task delete_orphans: :environment do deleted_ids = Kithe::SolrUtil.delete_solr_orphans puts "Deleted #{deleted_ids.count} Solr objects" end desc "delete ALL items from Solr" task delete_all: %i[environment production_guard] do Kithe::SolrUtil.delete_all end desc "print out mapped index hash for specified ID, eg rake scihist:solr:debug_indexing[adf232adf]" task :debug_indexing, [:friendlier_id] => [:environment] do |_t, args| Kithe::Model.find_by(friendlier_id: args[:friendlier_id]).update_index(writer: Traject::DebugWriter.new({})) end desc "Save - Sanity Check" task save_check: :environment do @steps = 0 Document.in_batches(of: 1000).each do |relation| relation.each do |doc| # Reindex doc doc.save rescue puts "Save Failed: #{doc.id}\n" end @steps += relation.count puts "Docs Saved: #{@steps}" end end desc "Backup - Create a Solr snapshot" task backup: :environment do solr = ENV["SOLR_URL"] replication = "replication?command=backup" res = Faraday.get "#{solr}/#{replication}" puts res.body sleep(10) snapshots = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("tmp/geoportal-core-development/server/solr/geoportal-core-development/data/snapshot.*").to_s) FileUtils.cp_r(snapshots, Rails.root.join("solr/snapshots").to_s) end desc "Restore Backup" task restore: :environment do solr = ENV["SOLR_URL"] replication = "replication?command=restore" snapshot = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("solr/snapshots/snapshot.*").to_s).last FileUtils.cp_r(snapshot, Rails.root.join("tmp/geoportal-core-development/server/solr/geoportal-core-development/data").to_s) res = Faraday.get "#{solr}/#{replication}" puts res.body end end end