/** * @author thatcher */ //html passed to env external filter 1 (html to xml) Hello World ");

hello world!

//xml passed to env external filter 2 (xml to javascript) Hello World ");

hello world!

  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3 link to another page!
//Result passed to env internal parser _={html:{ lang:'en', xml$lang:'en', $:[ {head:{$:[ {title:{$:['Hello World']}}, {meta:{ content:'en-us', 'http-equiv':'Content-Language'}}, {meta:{ content:'text/html; charset=utf-8', 'http-equiv':'Content-Type'}}, {script:{ type:'text/javascript', $:['\ document.write("");\ ']}}, {body:{$:[ {h1:{$:['hello world!']}}, {div:{ clazz:'abc def ghi', $:[ {p:{$:['my name is chris thatcher']}}, {ul:{$:[ {li:{$:['item 1']}}, {li:{$:['item 2']}}, {li:{$:[ 'item 3 has ',{a:{href:'another/page.html', $:['link']}}, 'to another page!' ]}} ]}} ]}} ]}} ]}} ]}};