# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt (tm), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://github.com/urbanopt/urbanopt-geojson-gem/blob/develop/LICENSE.md # ********************************************************************************* module URBANopt module GeoJSON module Zoning ## # This method divides the floor print using perimeter and core zoning at # the depth of the +perimeter_depth+. # # It returns an Array of Arrays containing instances of +OpenStudio::Point3d+ . # # [Parameters] # * +floor_print+ - _Type:Array_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new+ . # * +perimeter_depth+ - _Type:Float_ - Represents perimeter depth. # * +runner+ - _Type:String_ - Measure run's instance of +OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner+ . # * +scale+ - _Type:Boolean_ - Checks whether floor print is to be scaled. Default is false. def self.divide_floor_print(floor_print, perimeter_depth, runner, scale = false) result = [] t_inv = OpenStudio::Transformation.alignFace(floor_print) t = t_inv.inverse vertices = t * floor_print new_vertices = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new n = vertices.size (0...n).each do |i| vertex_1 = nil vertex_2 = nil vertex_3 = nil if i == 0 vertex_1 = vertices[n - 1] vertex_2 = vertices[i] vertex_3 = vertices[i + 1] elsif i == (n - 1) vertex_1 = vertices[i - 1] vertex_2 = vertices[i] vertex_3 = vertices[0] else vertex_1 = vertices[i - 1] vertex_2 = vertices[i] vertex_3 = vertices[i + 1] end vector_1 = (vertex_2 - vertex_1) vector_2 = (vertex_3 - vertex_2) angle_1 = Math.atan2(vector_1.y, vector_1.x) + Math::PI / 2.0 angle_2 = Math.atan2(vector_2.y, vector_2.x) + Math::PI / 2.0 vector = OpenStudio::Vector3d.new(Math.cos(angle_1) + Math.cos(angle_2), Math.sin(angle_1) + Math.sin(angle_2), 0) vector.setLength(perimeter_depth) new_point = vertices[i] + vector new_vertices << new_point end normal = OpenStudio.getOutwardNormal(new_vertices) if normal.empty? || normal.get.z < 0 runner.registerWarning('Wrong direction for resulting normal, will not divide') return [floor_print] end self_intersects = OpenStudio.selfIntersects(OpenStudio.reverse(new_vertices), 0.01) if OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion) < OpenStudio::VersionString.new('1.12.4') self_intersects = !self_intersects end if self_intersects runner.registerWarning('Self intersecting surface result, will not divide') end if scale == true result = t_inv * new_vertices else result << t_inv * new_vertices (0...n).each do |i| perim_vertices = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new if i == (n - 1) perim_vertices << vertices[i] perim_vertices << vertices[0] perim_vertices << new_vertices[0] perim_vertices << new_vertices[i] else perim_vertices << vertices[i] perim_vertices << vertices[i + 1] perim_vertices << new_vertices[i + 1] perim_vertices << new_vertices[i] end result << t_inv * perim_vertices end end return result end ## # The get_first_floor_points is used to return the points for the first floor. # # It returns an Array containing instances of +OpenStudio::Point3d+. # # [Parameters] # * +multi_polygons+ - _Type-Array_ - Coordinate pairs in double nested +Array+ . # * +origin_lat_lon+ - _Type-Float_ - An instance of +OpenStudio::PointLatLon+ indicating origin # latitude and longitude. # * +runner+ - _Type-String_ - Measure run's instance of +OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner+ . def self.get_first_floor_points(multi_polygons, origin_lat_lon, runner) building_points = [] multi_polygons.each do |multi_polygon| multi_polygon.each do |polygon| elevation = 0 floor_print = URBANopt::GeoJSON::Helper.floor_print_from_polygon(polygon, elevation, origin_lat_lon, runner, true) floor_print.each do |point| building_points << point end break end end return building_points end end end end