Description: Creates a basic layout using including a stylesheet and layout helper. The generator optionally takes a single arugument. This is the name of the layout and stylesheet files. If no argument is passed then it defaults to "application". The layout is i18n ready and the english translation is creates as config/en.layout.yml. The helper module includes a `title` method to allow views to set the title in the document head. Examples: `script/generate jfs_layout` Creates a layout file, helper, translation file and stylesheet: Layout: app/views/layouts/application.html.erb Helper: app/helpers/layout_helper.rb Translation: config/locales/en.layout.yml Stylesheet: public/stylesheets/application.css `script/generate jfs_layout admin` Creates a layout file, helper, translation file and stylesheet: Layout: app/views/layouts/admin.html.erb Helper: app/helpers/layout_helper.rb Translation: config/locales/en.layout.yml Stylesheet: public/stylesheets/admin.css