= rack-rewrite A rack middleware for defining and applying rewrite rules. In many cases you can get away with rack-rewrite instead of writing Apache mod_rewrite rules. == Use Cases === Rebuild of existing site in a new technology It's very common for sites built in older technologies to be rebuilt with the latest and greatest. Let's consider a site that has already established quite a bit of "google juice." When we launch the new site, we don't want to lose that hard-earned reputation. By writing rewrite rules that issue 301's for old URL's, we can "transfer" that google ranking to the new site. An example rule might look like: r301 '/contact-us.php', '/contact-us' r301 '/wiki/John_Trupiano', '/john' === Retiring old routes As a web application evolves you will undoubtedly reach a point where you need to change the name of something (a model, e.g.). This name change will typically require a similar change to your routing. The danger here is that any URL's previously generated (in a transactional email for instance) will have the URL hard-coded. In order for your rails app to continue to serve this URL, you'll need to add an extra entry to your routes file. Alternatively, you could use rack-rewrite to redirect or pass through requests to these routes and keep your routes.rb clean. rewrite %r{/features(.*)}, '/facial_features$1' == Sample rackup file use Rack::Rewrite do rewrite '/wiki/John_Trupiano', '/john' r301 '/wiki/Yair_Flicker', '/yair' r302 '/wiki/Greg_Jastrab', '/greg' r301 %r{/wiki/(\w+)_\w+}, '/$1' end == Sample usage in a rails app config.gem 'rack-rewrite', '~> 0.1.0' require 'rack-rewrite config.middleware.insert_before(Rack::Lock, Rack::Rewrite) do rewrite '/wiki/John_Trupiano', '/john' r301 '/wiki/Yair_Flicker', '/yair' r302 '/wiki/Greg_Jastrab', '/greg' r301 %r{/wiki/(\w+)_\w+}, '/$1' end == Rewrite Rules === :rewrite Calls to #rewrite will simply update the PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI HTTP header values and pass the request onto the next chain in the Rack stack. The URL that a user's browser will show will not be changed. See these examples: rewrite '/wiki/John_Trupiano', '/john' # [1] rewrite %r{/wiki/(\w+)_\w+}, '/$1' # [2] For [1], the user's browser will continue to display /wiki/John_Trupiano, but the actual HTTP header values for PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI in the request will be changed to /john for subsequent nodes in the Rack stack. Rails reads these headers to determine which routes will match. Rule [2] showcases the use of regular expressions and substitutions. [2] is a generalized version of [1] that will match any /wiki/FirstName_LastName URL's and rewrite them as the first name only. This is an actual catch-all rule we applied when we rebuilt our website in September 2009 ( http://www.smartlogicsolutions.com ). === :r301, :302 Calls to #r301 and #r302 have the same signature as #rewrite. The difference, however, is that these actually short-circuit the rack stack and send back 301's and 302's, respectively. See these examples: r301 '/wiki/John_Trupiano', '/john' # [1] r301 '/wiki/(.*)', 'http://www.google.com/?q=$1' # [2] Recall that rules are interpreted from top to bottom. So you can install "default" rewrite rules if you like. [2] is a sample default rule that will redirect all other requests to the wiki to a google search. == Tips === Keeping your querystring When rewriting a URL, you may want to keep your querystring in tact (for example if you're tracking traffic sources). You will need to include a capture group and substitution pattern in your rewrite rule to achieve this. rewrite %r{/wiki/John_Trupiano(\?.*)?}, '/john$1' This rule will store the querystring in a capture group (via '(?.*)' ) and will substitute the querystring back into the rewritten URL (via $1). == Copyright Copyright (c) 2009 John Trupiano. See LICENSE for details.