= sinatra-gen http://github.com/quirkey/sinatra-gen == DESCRIPTION: sinatra-gen generates a common file structure and basic app files for a web app utilizing the sinatra framework. For more information on sinatra, check out http://sinatrarb.com == SYNOPSIS: sinatra-gen has a bunch of different options (based loosley on merb-gen) to try to not lock the user into any specific frameworks/dev practices. Run: sinatra-gen [appname] [options] [paths] e.g. sinatra-gen mysinatrapp --vendor --init --test=shoulda --views=haml get:/ post:/:id === Actions For even faster app development you specify actions to include in your app when generating. Actions are written out as http_method:path And are seperated by spaces. For example: get:/ post:/:id put:/update/* Will be added you your app as: get '/' do end post '/:id' do end put '/update/*' do end It will also generate test skeletons in the test framework of your choosing. === Options (can also be obtained by running sinatra-gen with no arguments): -v, --version Show the sinatra-gen version number and quit. -d, --vendor Extract the latest sinatra to vendor/sinatra --tiny Only create the minimal files. --init Initialize a git repository --heroku Create a Heroku app (also runs 'git init'). Optionally, specify the path to the heroku bin --cap Adds config directory with basic capistrano deploy.rb --scripts Install the rubigen scripts (script/generate, script/destroy) --test=test_framework Specify your testing framework (bacon (default)/rspec/spec/shoulda/test) --views=view_framework Specify your view framework (haml (default)/erb/builder) General Options: -h, --help Show this help message and quit. -p, --pretend Run but do not make any changes. -f, --force Overwrite files that already exist. -s, --skip Skip files that already exist. -q, --quiet Suppress normal output. -t, --backtrace Debugging: show backtrace on errors. -c, --svn Modify files with subversion. (Note: svn must be in path) -g, --git Modify files with git. (Note: git must be in path) The --tiny option will create no directories. Just an app.rb, a Rakefile, and a config.ru (Rackup file) == ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Big props to the Sinatra developers (http://github.com/bmizerany/sinatra/). Also, thanks to Dr. Nic (http://github.com/drnic) for the Rubigen and Newgem libraries == REQUIREMENTS: To use the --vendor option, git must be installed. To run the app without using the vendor option, the sinatra gem must be installed. == INSTALL: sudo gem install sintra-gen You can also install directly from github: sudo gem install quirkey-sinatra-gen -s http://gems.github.com