require 'spec_helper' require 'net/http' require 'pact/consumer' require 'pact/consumer/rspec' describe "A service consumer side of a pact", :pact => true do context "with more than one matching interaction found" do let(:expected_response) do {"message"=>"Multiple interaction found for GET /path", "matching_interactions"=>[{"description"=>"a request", "request"=>{"method"=>"get", "path"=>"/path", "body"=>{"a"=>"some body"}, "headers"=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}}}, {"description"=>"an identical request", "request"=>{"method"=>"get", "path"=>"/path", "body"=>{"a"=>"some body"}, "headers"=>{"Content-Type"=>"application/json"}}}]} end it "returns an error" do Pact.clear_configuration Pact.service_consumer "Consumer" do has_pact_with "Mary Service" do mock_service :mary_service do verify false port 1237 end end end mary_service .given("something") .upon_receiving("a request") .with(method: 'get', path: '/path', body: {a: 'some body'}, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) .will_respond_with(status: 200) mary_service .upon_receiving("an identical request") .with(method: 'get', path: '/path', body: {a: 'some body'}, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) .will_respond_with(status: 200) uri = URI('http://localhost:1237/path') post_req = post_req['Content-Type'] = "application/json" post_req.body = {a: "some body"}.to_json response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request post_req end expect(JSON.load(response.body)).to eq expected_response end end context "with no matching interaction found" do let(:expected_response) do { "message"=>"No interaction found for GET /path", "interaction_diffs"=>[{ "description" => "a request that will not be properly matched", "provider_state" => "something", "body"=>{ "a"=>{ "EXPECTED"=>"some body", "ACTUAL"=>"not matching body" } } }] } end it "returns an error" do Pact.clear_configuration Pact.service_consumer "Consumer" do has_pact_with "Mary Service" do mock_service :mary_service do verify false port 1236 end end end mary_service .given("something") .upon_receiving("a request that will not be properly matched") .with(method: 'get', path: '/path', body: {a: 'some body'}, headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) .will_respond_with(status: 200) uri = URI('http://localhost:1236/path') post_req = post_req['Content-Type'] = "application/json" post_req.body = {a: "not matching body"}.to_json response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request post_req end expect(JSON.load(response.body)).to eq expected_response end end context "with a provider state" do before do Pact.clear_configuration Pact.service_consumer "Consumer" do has_pact_with "Zebra Service" do mock_service :zebra_service do verify false port 1235 end end end end it "goes like this" do zebra_service. given(:the_zebras_are_here). upon_receiving("a retrieve Mallory request").with({ method: :get, path: '/mallory', headers: {'Accept' => 'text/html'} }). will_respond_with({ status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' }, body: /Mallory/, generate: 'That is some good Mallory.') }) interactions = Pact::ConsumerContract.from_json( interactions.first.provider_state.should eq("the_zebras_are_here") sleep 1 end end context "with multiple headers" do before do Pact.clear_configuration Pact.service_consumer "Consumer" do has_pact_with "Multi Headers Service" do mock_service :multi_headers_service do verify true port 1240 end end end multi_headers_service. given("there are multiple headers"). upon_receiving("a request with multiple headers"). with(method: :get, path: '/something', headers: {'X-Something' => "1, 2"}). will_respond_with(status: 200) end it "handles multiple headers with the same name in a comma separated list" do interactions = Pact::ConsumerContract.from_json( expect(interactions.first.request.headers['X-Something']).to eq("1, 2") uri = URI('http://localhost:1240/something') post_req = post_req.add_field('X-Something', '1') post_req.add_field('X-Something', '2') response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) do |http| http.request post_req end end end context "with a async interaction with provider" do before do Pact.clear_configuration Pact.service_consumer "Consumer" do has_pact_with "Zebra Service" do mock_service :zebra_service do verify true port 1239 end end end end it "goes like this" do zebra_service. given(:the_zebras_are_here). upon_receiving("a retrieve Mallory request"). with({ method: :get, path: '/mallory' }). will_respond_with({status: 200}) async_interaction { Net::HTTP.get_response(URI('http://localhost:1239/mallory'))} zebra_service.wait_for_interactions wait_max_seconds: 1, poll_interval: 0.1 end def async_interaction do sleep 0.2 yield end end end end