describe 'collection', type: :feature do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:work1) { create(:work, title: ["King Louie"], user: user) } let(:work2) { create(:work, title: ["King Kong"], user: user) } let(:collection1) { create(:public_collection, user: user) } let(:collection2) { create(:public_collection, user: user) } describe 'create collection' do before do sign_in user end let(:title) { "Test Collection" } let(:description) { "Description for collection we are testing." } it "makes a new collection" do visit '/dashboard' first('#hydra-collection-add').click expect(page).to have_content 'Create New Collection' click_link('Additional fields') expect(page).to have_selector "input.collection_creator.multi_value" expect(page).to have_selector "input.collection_title.multi_value" fill_in('Title', with: title) fill_in('Abstract or Summary', with: description) fill_in('Location', with: 'Over there') fill_in('Related URL', with: '') click_button("Create Collection") expect(page).to have_content 'Items in this Collection' expect(page).to have_content title expect(page).to have_content description end end describe "adding works to a collection", skip: "we need to define a dashboard/works path" do let!(:collection) { create!(:collection, title: ["Barrel of monkeys"], user: user) } before do work1 work2 sign_in user end it "attaches the works", :js do visit '/dashboard/works' first('input#check_all').click click_button "Add to Collection" # opens the modal # since there is only one collection, it's not necessary to choose a radio button click_button "Update Collection" expect(page).to have_content "Items in this Collection" # There are two rows in the table per document (one for the general info, one for the details) # Make sure we have at least 2 documents expect(page).to have_selector "table.table-zebra-striped tr#document_#{}" expect(page).to have_selector "table.table-zebra-striped tr#document_#{}" end end describe 'delete collection' do let!(:collection) { create(:public_collection, user: user) } before do sign_in user visit '/dashboard/collections' end it "deletes a collection" do expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) within('#document_' + do first('button.dropdown-toggle').click first(".itemtrash").click end expect(page).not_to have_content(collection.title.first) end end describe 'collection show page' do let!(:collection) do create(:public_collection, description: ["Collection description"], members: [work1, work2], user: user) end before do sign_in user visit '/dashboard/collections' end it "has creation date for collections" do expect(page).to have_content(collection1.create_date.to_date.to_formatted_s(:standard)) end it "shows a collection with a listing of Descriptive Metadata and catalog-style search results" do expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) within('#document_' + do click_link("Display all details of #{collection.title.first}") end expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(collection.description.first) # Should not show title and description a second time expect(page).not_to have_css('.metadata-collections', text: collection.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_css('.metadata-collections', text: collection.description.first) # Should not have Collection Descriptive metadata table expect(page).to have_content("Descriptions") # Should have search results / contents listing expect(page).to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(work2.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_css(".pager") click_link "Gallery" expect(page).to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(work2.title.first) end it "hides collection descriptive metadata when searching a collection" do # URL: /dashboard/collections expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) within("#document_#{}") do click_link("Display all details of #{collection.title.first}") end # URL: /collections/collection-id expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(collection.description.first) expect(page).to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(work2.title.first) fill_in('collection_search', with: work1.title.first) click_button('collection_submit') # Should not have Collection metadata table (only title and description) expect(page).not_to have_content("Total Items") expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(collection.description.first) # Should have search results / contents listing expect(page).to have_content("Search Results") expect(page).to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_content(work2.title.first) end end describe 'collection sorting' do before do collection1 # create the collections by referencing them sleep(1) # make sure the timestamps aren't equal collection2 sleep(1) collection1.title = ['changed'] # collection 1 is now earlier when sorting by create date but later # when sorting by modified date sign_in user visit '/dashboard/collections' end it "allows changing sort order" do find(:xpath, "//select[@id='sort']/option[contains(., 'date modified')][contains(@value, 'asc')]") \ .select_option click_button('Refresh') expect(page).to have_css("#document_#{}") expect(page).to have_css("#document_#{}") expect(page.body.index("id=\"document_#{}")).to be > page.body.index("id=\"document_#{}") find(:xpath, "//select[@id='sort']/option[contains(., 'date modified')][contains(@value, 'desc')]") \ .select_option click_button('Refresh') expect(page).to have_css("#document_#{}") expect(page).to have_css("#document_#{}") expect(page.body.index("id=\"document_#{}")).to be < page.body.index("id=\"document_#{}") end end describe 'add works to collection' do before do collection1 # create collections by referencing them collection2 sign_in user end it "preselects the collection we are adding works to" do visit "/collections/#{}" click_link 'Add works' first('input#check_all').click click_button "Add to Collection" expect(page).to have_css("input#id_#{}[checked='checked']") expect(page).not_to have_css("input#id_#{}[checked='checked']") visit "/collections/#{}" click_link 'Add works' first('input#check_all').click click_button "Add to Collection" expect(page).not_to have_css("input#id_#{}[checked='checked']") expect(page).to have_css("input#id_#{}[checked='checked']") end end describe 'edit collection' do let!(:collection) { create(:named_collection, members: [work1, work2], user: user) } before do sign_in user visit '/dashboard/collections' end it "edits and update collection metadata" do # URL: /dashboard/collections expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) within("#document_#{}") do find('button.dropdown-toggle').click click_link('Edit Collection') end # URL: /collections/collection-id/edit expect(page).to have_field('collection_title', with: collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_field('collection_description', with: collection.description.first) expect(page).to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(work2.title.first) new_title = "Altered Title" new_description = "Completely new Description text." creators = ["Dorje Trollo", "Vajrayogini"] fill_in('Title', with: new_title) fill_in('Abstract or Summary', with: new_description) fill_in('Creator', with: creators.first) within('.primary-actions') do click_button('Update Collection') end # URL: /collections/collection-id header = find('header') expect(header).not_to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(header).not_to have_content(collection.description.first) expect(header).to have_content(new_title) expect(page).to have_content(new_description) expect(page).to have_content(creators.first) end end describe "Removing a files from a collection" do let!(:collection) { create(:named_collection, members: [work1, work2], user: user) } before do sign_in user visit "/collections/#{}/edit" end it "removes one file out of two" do within("#document_#{}") do first('button.dropdown-toggle').click click_button('Remove from Collection') end expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(collection.description.first) expect(page).not_to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(work2.title.first) end it "removes all files", :js do first('input#check_all').click click_button('Remove From Collection') expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) expect(page).to have_content(collection.description.first) expect(page).not_to have_content(work1.title.first) expect(page).not_to have_content(work2.title.first) end end describe 'show pages of a collection' do let(:works) { (0..12).map { create(:work, user: user) } } let!(:collection) { create(:named_collection, members: works, user: user) } before { sign_in user } it "shows a collection with a listing of Descriptive Metadata and catalog-style search results" do visit '/dashboard/collections' expect(page).to have_content(collection.title.first) within('#document_' + do click_link("Display all details of collection title") end expect(page).to have_css(".pager") end end end