Key Features • Installation • Coverage Report • Verify Correct Installation • Advanced Config • License • Change Log / Roadmap
A gem to measure production code usage, showing a counter for the number of times each line of code that is executed. Coverband allows easy configuration to collect and report on production code usage. It reports in the background via a thread or can be used as Rack middleware, or manually configured to meet any need. **Note:** Coverband is not intended for test code coverage, for that we recommended using [SimpleCov]( ## Key Features The primary goal of Coverband is giving deep insight into your production runtime usage of your application code, while having the least impact on performance possible. - Low performance overhead - Very simple setup and configuration - Out of the box support for all standard code execution paths (web, cron, background jobs, rake tasks, etc) - Easy to understand actionable insights from the report - Development mode, offers deep insight of code usage details (number of LOC execution during single request, etc) during development. - Mountable web interface to easily share reports # Installation ## Redis Coverband stores coverage data in Redis. The Redis endpoint is looked for in this order: 1. `ENV['COVERBAND_REDIS_URL']` 2. `ENV['REDIS_URL']` 3. `localhost` The redis store can also be explicitly defined within the coverband.rb. See [advanced config](#advanced-config). ## Gem Installation Add this line to your application's `Gemfile`, remember to `bundle install` after updating: ```bash gem 'coverband' ``` If [tracking gem usage](#collecting-gem--library-usage), be sure to include coverband before other gems you would like to track. ## Rails The Railtie integration means you shouldn't need to do anything anything else other than ensure coverband is required after rails within your Gemfile. ## Sinatra For the best coverage you want this loaded as early as possible. I have been putting it directly in my `` but you could use an initializer, though you may end up missing some boot up coverage. To start collection require Coverband as early as possible. ```ruby require 'coverband' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment' use Coverband::Middleware run ``` # Coverage Report Coverband comes with a mountable rack app for viewing reports. For Rails this can be done in `config/routes.rb` with: ```ruby Rails.application.routes.draw do mount, at: '/coverage' end ``` But don't forget to _protect your source code with proper authentication_. Something like this when using devise: ```ruby Rails.application.routes.draw do authenticate :user, lambda { |u| u.admin? } do mount, at: '/coverage' end end ``` ### Coverband Web Endpoint The web endpoint is a barebones endpoint that you can either expose direct (after authentication) or you can just link to the actions you wish to expose. The index is intended as a example to showcase all the features. ![image]( > The web index as available on the Coverband Demo site - **force coverage collection:** This triggers coverage collection on the current webserver process - **reload Coverband files:** This has Coverband reload files as configured (force reload of some files that might not capture Coverage on boot). This can be used to reload files on demand. - **clear coverage report:** This will clear the coverage data. This wipes out all collected data (**dangerous**) ### Rake Tasks The rake task generates a report locally and opens a browser pointing to `coverage/index.html`. `rake coverband:coverage` This is mostly useful in your local development environment. ##### Example Output Since Coverband is [Simplecov]( output compatible it should work with any of the `SimpleCov::Formatter`'s available. The output below is produced using the default Simplecov HTML formatter. Index Page ![image]( Details on an example Sinatra app ![image]( # Verify Correct Installation - boot up your application - run app and hit a controller (via a web request, at least one request must complete) - run `rake coverband:coverage` this will show app initialization coverage - make another request, or enough that your reporting frequency will trigger - run `rake coverband:coverage` and you should see coverage increasing for the endpoints you hit. # Coverband Demo Take Coverband for a spin on the live Heroku deployed [Coverband Demo]( The [full source code for the demo]( is available to help with installation, configuration, and understanding of basic usage. ### Example apps - [Rails 5.2.x App]( - [Sinatra app]( - [Non Rack Ruby app]( # Advanced Config If you need to configure coverband, this can be done by creating a `config/coverband.rb` file relative to your project root. - See [lib/coverband/configuration.rb]( for all options - By default Coverband will try to stored data to Redis \* Redis endpoint is looked for in this order: `ENV['COVERBAND_REDIS_URL']`, `ENV['REDIS_URL']`, or `localhost` Below is an example config file for a Rails 5 app: ```ruby #config/coverband.rb Coverband.configure do |config| = ENV['MY_REDIS_URL'])) config.logger = Rails.logger # configure S3 integration config.s3_bucket = 'coverband-demo' config.s3_region = 'us-east-1' config.s3_access_key_id = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] config.s3_secret_access_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] # config options false, true, or 'debug'. Always use false in production # true and debug can give helpful and interesting code usage information # they both increase the performance overhead of the gem a little. # they can also help with initially debugging the installation. config.verbose = false end ``` ### Ignoring Files Sometimes you have files that are known to be valuable perhaps in other environments or something that is just run very infrequently. Opposed to having to mentally filter them out of the report, you can just have them ignored in the Coverband reporting by using `config.ignore` as shown below. Ignore takes a string but can also match with regex rules see how below ignores all rake tasks as an example. ``` config.ignore += ['config/application.rb', 'config/boot.rb', 'config/puma.rb', 'config/schedule.rb', 'bin/*' 'config/environments/*', 'lib/tasks/*'] ``` ### Writing Coverband Results to S3 If you add some additional Coverband configuration your coverage html report will be written directly to S3, update `config/coverband.rb` like below. ``` # configure S3 integration config.s3_bucket = 'coverband-demo' config.s3_region = 'us-east-1' config.s3_access_key_id = ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] config.s3_secret_access_key = ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ``` Alternatively, Coverband if you don't set via the `config.s3_*` accessor methods will look for the standard S3 environment variables. ``` ENV['AWS_BUCKET'] ENV['AWS_REGION'] ENV['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] ENV['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] ``` ### Coverage Data Migration Between the release of 4.0 and 4.1 our data format changed. This resets all your coverage data. If you want to restore your previous coverage data, feel free to migrate. `rake coverband:migrate` - We will be working to support migrations going forward, when possible ### Clear Coverage Now that Coverband uses MD5 hashes there should be no reason to manually clear coverage unless one is testing, changing versions, possibly debugging Coverband itself. `rake coverband:clear` ### Adding Rake Tasks outside of Rails Rails apps should automaticallly include the tasks via the Railtie. For non Rails apps, either add the below to your `Rakefile` or to a file included in your `Rakefile` such as `lib/tasks/coverband.rake` if you want to break it up that way. ```ruby require 'coverband' Coverband.configure require 'coverband/utils/tasks' ``` Verify it works ```bash rake -T coverband rake coverband:clear # reset coverband coverage data rake coverband:coverage # report runtime coverband code coverage ``` ### Forcing Coverband to Track Coverage on files loaded during boot `safe_reload_files` Coverband will report code usage for anything `required` or `loaded` after calling `Coverband.start` which happens automatically when coverband is required. This means some of the files loaded before coverband such as the Rails application.rb will be reported as having no coverage. The `safe_reload_files` reload option in the configuration options can help to ensure you can track any files regardless of loading before Coverband. For example if I wanted to show the coverage of `config/coverband.rb`, which has to be loaded before calling `Coverband.start`, I could do that by adding that path to the `safe_reload_files` option. ``` Coverband.configure do |config| # ... a bunch of other options # using the new safe reload to enforce files loaded config.safe_reload_files = ['config/coverband.rb'] end ``` By adding any files above you will get reporting on those files as part of your coverage runtime report. The files are reloaded when Coverband first starts, you can also trigger a reload via the web interface. ### Collecting Gem / Library Usage Gem usage can be tracked by enabling the `track_gems` config. ``` Coverband.configure do |config| config.track_gems = true end ``` The `track_gems` feature exposes a Gems tab in the report which prints out the percentage usage of each Gem. See demo [here]( When tracking gems, it is important that `Coverband#start` is called before the gems to be tracked are required. Since `Coverband#start` is automatically called by default when coverband is required, list coverband before the other gems to be tracked within your Gemfile. The exception to this are gems like rails and resque. Since coverband has some specific intergrations for these frameworks, these two gems should be required first. The track_gems config only exposes the overall usage of a gem. In order to see the detail of each file, enable the `gem_details` flag. ``` Coverband.configure do |config| config.track_gems = true config.gem_details = true end ``` This flag exposes line by line usage of gem files. Unfortunately due to the way the coverband report is currently rendered, enabling `gem_details` slows down viewing of the coverage report in the browser and is not yet recommended. ### Manually Starting Coverband Coverband starts on require of the the library which is usually done within the Gemfile. This can be disabled by setting the `COVERBAND_DISABLE_AUTO_START` environment variable. This environment variable can be useful to toggle coverband on and off in certain environments. In order to start coverband manually yourself when this flag is enabled, call `Coverband.configure` followed by `Coverband.start`. ```ruby Coverband.configure Coverband.start ``` ### Verbose Debug / Development Mode Note: To debug issues getting Coverband working. I recommend running in development mode, by turning verbose logging on `config.verbose = true` and passing in the Rails.logger `config.logger = Rails.logger` to the Coverband config. This makes it easy to follow in development mode. Be careful to not leave these on in production as they will affect performance. --- If you are trying to debug locally wondering what code is being run during a request. The verbose modes `config.verbose = true` and `config.verbose = 'debug'` can be useful. With true set it will output the number of lines executed per file, to the passed in log. The files are sorted from least used file to most active file. I have even run that mode in production without much of a problem. The debug verbose mode outputs both file usage and provides the number of calls per line of code. For example if you see something like below which indicates that the `application_helper` has 43150 lines executed. That might seem odd. Then looking at the breakdown of `application_helper` we can see that line `516` was executed 38,577 times. That seems bad, and is likely worth investigating perhaps memoizing or cacheing is required. config.verbose = 'debug' coverband file usage: [["/Users/danmayer/projects/app_name/lib/facebook.rb", 6], ["/Users/danmayer/projects/app_name/app/models/some_modules.rb", 9], ... ["/Users/danmayer/projects/app_name/app/models/user.rb", 2606], ["/Users/danmayer/projects/app_name/app/helpers/application_helper.rb", 43150]] file: /Users/danmayer/projects/app_name/app/helpers/application_helper.rb => [[448, 1], [202, 1], ... [517, 1617], [516, 38577]] # Prerequisites - Coverband 3.0.X+ requires Ruby 2.3+ - Coverband currently requires Redis for production usage # Contributing To Coverband If you are working on adding features, PRs, or bugfixes to Coverband this section should help get you going. 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Make sure all tests are passing (run `bundle install`, make sure Redis is running, and then execute `rake test`) 6. Create new Pull Request ### Tests & Benchmarks If you submit a change please make sure the tests and benchmarks are passing. - run tests: - `bundle exec rake` - `BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.rails4 bundle exec rake` (Same tests using rails 4 instead of 5) - view test coverage: `open coverage/index.html` - run the benchmarks before and after your change to see impact - `rake benchmarks` ### Known Issues - **total fail** on front end code, because of the precompiled template step basically coverage doesn't work well for `erb`, `slim`, and the like. - related it will try to report something, but the line numbers reported for `ERB` files are often off and aren't considered useful. I recommend filtering out .erb using the `config.ignore` option. The default configuration excludes these files - coverage doesn't show for Rails `config/application.rb` or `config/boot.rb` as they get loaded when loading the Rake environment prior to starting the `Coverage` library. See [reload files section](#forcing-coverband-to-track-coverage-on-files-loaded-during-boot-safe_reload_files). ### Debugging Redis Store What files have been synced to Redis? `` What is the coverage data in Redis? `` # License This is a MIT License project... See the file license.txt for copying permission.