require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'matchers/resource' describe 'the unique function' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler include Matchers::Resource context 'produces the unique set of chars from a String such that' do it 'same case is considered unique' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, "abc") notify{ 'test': message => 'abcbbcc'.unique } SOURCE end it 'different case is not considered unique' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, "abcABC") notify{ 'test': message => 'abcAbbBccC'.unique } SOURCE end it 'case independent matching can be performed with a lambda' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, "abc") notify{ 'test': message => 'abcAbbBccC'.unique |$x| { String($x, '%d') } } SOURCE end it 'the first found value in the unique set is used' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, "AbC") notify{ 'test': message => 'AbCAbbBccC'.unique |$x| { String($x, '%d') } } SOURCE end end context 'produces the unique set of values from an Array such that' do it 'ruby equality is used to compute uniqueness by default' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'B', 'C']) notify{ 'test': message => [a, b, c, a, 'B', 'C'].unique } SOURCE end it 'accepts a lambda to perform the value to use for uniqueness' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, ['a', 'b', 'c']) notify{ 'test': message => [a, b, c, a, 'B', 'C'].unique |$x| { String($x, '%d') }} SOURCE end it 'the first found value in the unique set is used' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, ['A', 'b', 'C']) notify{ 'test': message => ['A', b, 'C', a, 'B', 'c'].unique |$x| { String($x, '%d') }} SOURCE end end context 'produces the unique set of values from an Hash such that' do it 'resulting keys and values in hash are arrays' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, {['a'] => [10], ['b']=>[20]}) notify{ 'test': message => {a => 10, b => 20}.unique } SOURCE end it 'resulting keys contain all keys with same value' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, {['a', 'b'] => [10], ['c']=>[20]}) notify{ 'test': message => {a => 10, b => 10, c => 20}.unique } SOURCE end it 'resulting values contain Ruby == unique set of values' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, {['a'] => [10], ['b', 'c']=>[11, 20]}) notify{ 'test': message => {a => 10, b => 11, c => 20}.unique |$x| { if $x > 10 {bigly} else { $x }}} SOURCE end end context 'produces the unique set of values from an Iterable' do it 'such as reverse_each - in reverse order' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, ['B','b','a']) notify{ 'test': message => ['a', 'b', 'B'].reverse_each.unique } SOURCE end it 'such as Integer[1,5]' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, [1,2,3,4,5]) notify{ 'test': message => Integer[1,5].unique } SOURCE end it 'such as the Integer 3' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, [0,1,2]) notify{ 'test': message => 3.unique } SOURCE end it 'allows lambda to be used with Iterable' do expect(compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE)).to have_resource('Notify[test]').with_parameter(:message, ['B','a']) notify{ 'test': message => ['a', 'b', 'B'].reverse_each.unique |$x| { String($x, '%d') }} SOURCE end end it 'errors when given unsupported data type as input' do expect do compile_to_catalog(<<-SOURCE) undef.unique SOURCE raise_error(/expects an Iterable value, got Undef/) end end