module HDLRuby::High::Std ## # Standard HDLRuby::High library: fixed point types. # ######################################################################## # Save the former included. class << self alias_method :_included_fixpoint, :included end # Redefines the include to add fixed point generation through the Type # class. def self.included(base) # Performs the previous included res = self.send(:_included_fixpoint,base) # Now modify the Type class if not already modified. unless ::HDLRuby::High::Type.instance_methods.include?(:"_[]_fixpoint") then ::HDLRuby::High::Type.class_eval do # Saves the former type generation method. alias_method :"_[]_fixpoint", :[] # Redefine the type generation method for supporting fixed point # type generation. def [](*args) if args.size == 1 then return self.send(:"_[]_fixpoint",*args) else # Handle the arguments and compute the fix point sizes. arg0,arg1 = *args if arg0.respond_to?(:to_i) then isize = arg0 else isize = (arg0.first-arg0.last).abs+1 end if arg1.respond_to?(:to_i) then fsize = arg1 else fsize = (arg1.first-arg1.last).abs+1 end # Build the type. case( when :bit typ = bit[isize+fsize].typedef(::HDLRuby.uniq_name) when :unsigned typ = unsigned[isize+fsize].typedef(::HDLRuby.uniq_name) when :signed typ = signed[isize+fsize].typedef(::HDLRuby.uniq_name) else raise "Invalid type for generating a fixed point type: #{}" end # Redefine the multiplication and division for fixed point. typ.define_operator(:*) do |left,right| if (typ.signed?) then ([isize+fsize*2])*right) >> fsize else ([isize+fsize*2])*right) >> fsize end end typ.define_operator(:/) do |left,right| if (typ.signed?) then ([isize+fsize*2]) << fsize) / right else ([isize+fsize*2]) << fsize) / right end end typ end end return res end end end # Extends the Numeric class for conversion to fixed point litteral. class ::Numeric # Convert to fixed point value with +dec+ digits after the decimal # point. def to_fix(dec) return (self * (2**dec.to_i)).to_i end end end