require([ 'ace/undomanager', 'ace/ext/static_highlight', 'ace/theme/github', 'ace/editor', 'ace/virtual_renderer', 'ace/mode/markdown', 'ace/theme/twilight', 'ace/mode/c_cpp', 'ace/mode/clojure', 'ace/mode/coffee', 'ace/mode/coldfusion', 'ace/mode/csharp', 'ace/mode/css', 'ace/mode/diff', 'ace/mode/golang', 'ace/mode/groovy', 'ace/mode/haxe', 'ace/mode/html', 'ace/mode/java', 'ace/mode/javascript', 'ace/mode/json', 'ace/mode/latex', 'ace/mode/less', 'ace/mode/liquid', 'ace/mode/lua', 'ace/mode/markdown', 'ace/mode/ocaml', 'ace/mode/perl', 'ace/mode/pgsql', 'ace/mode/php', 'ace/mode/powershell', 'ace/mode/python', 'ace/mode/ruby', 'ace/mode/scad', 'ace/mode/scala', 'ace/mode/scss', 'ace/mode/sh', 'ace/mode/sql', 'ace/mode/svg', 'ace/mode/textile', 'ace/mode/text', 'ace/mode/xml', 'ace/mode/xquery', 'ace/mode/yaml' ], function() { var UndoManager = require("ace/undomanager").UndoManager; var Renderer = require( 'ace/virtual_renderer' ).VirtualRenderer; var Editor = require( 'ace/editor' ).Editor; var dom = require( 'ace/lib/dom' ); var win = window; var location = win.location; var doc = document; win.onbeforeunload = function() { return 'Leaving Live Preview will discard all edits!' }; var editor = new Editor( new Renderer( doc.getElementById( 'editor' ) ));//ace.edit( 'editor' ); var editorSession = editor.getSession(); $.editorSession = editorSession; // for testing var editorContainer = editor.container; var preview = doc.getElementById( 'previewframe' ); var content = doc.getElementById( 'contentframe' ); var toolPanel = doc.getElementById( 'toolpanel' ); var comment = doc.getElementById( 'comment' ); var commentToolPanel = doc.getElementById( 'commenttoolpanel' ); // dim the page var darkness = doc.getElementById( 'darkness' ); var leftRight = true; var jsm = {}; // JavaScript Markdown win.jsm = jsm; win.jsm.toggleLeftRight = function() { leftRight = leftRight === false ? true : false; jsm.resize(); } var MarkdownMode = require( 'ace/mode/markdown' ).Mode; function initAce( editor, editorSession ) { editorSession.setUndoManager(new UndoManager()); editor.setTheme( 'ace/theme/twilight' ); editorSession.setMode( new MarkdownMode() ); // Gutter shows line numbers editor.renderer.setShowGutter( true ); editor.renderer.setHScrollBarAlwaysVisible( false ); editorSession.setUseSoftTabs( true ); editorSession.setTabSize( 2 ); editorSession.setUseWrapMode( true ); editor.setShowPrintMargin( false ); editor.setBehavioursEnabled( true ); } initAce( editor, editorSession ); // Setup comment ace. var commentEditor = new Editor( new Renderer( doc.getElementById( 'comment' ) ));//ace.edit( 'comment' ); var commentEditorSession = commentEditor.getSession(); $.commentSession = commentEditorSession; // for testing var commentEditorContainer = commentEditor.container; initAce( commentEditor, commentEditorSession ); // Find the app's base url, knowing we are in /livepreview/index.html var baseUrl = location.pathname.split('/').slice(0,-2).join('/'); // RegExp from // Returns value on success and undefined on failure. $.key = function( key ) { var value = new RegExp( '[\\?&]' + key + '=([^&#]*)' ).exec( location.href ); return ( !value ) ? undefined : value[ 1 ] || undefined; } // True if &create=true var create = $.key( 'create' ); // The path and name of the page being edited. var pageName = $.key( 'page' ); var pathName = $.key( 'path' ); defaultCommitMessage = function() { var msg = pageName + ' (markdown)'; if (create) { return 'Created ' + msg; } else { return 'Updated ' + msg; } } // Set comment using the default commit message. commentEditorSession.setValue( defaultCommitMessage() ); $.preview = function( previewWindow ) { jQuery.ajax( { type: 'POST', url: baseUrl + '/preview', data: { page: 'Preview: ' + pageName, format: 'markdown', content: editorSession.getValue() }, success: function( html ) { previewWindow.document.write( html ); previewWindow.focus(); } }); } $.save = function( commitMessage ) { win.onbeforeunload = null; var POST = 'POST'; var markdown = 'markdown'; var txt = editorSession.getValue(); var msg = defaultCommitMessage(); var newLocation = baseUrl; // Remove all duplicate slashes function clean( str ) { return str.replace(/\/+/g, '/'); } // 'a%2Fb' => a/b if ( pathName ) { pathName = unescape( pathName ); newLocation += '/' + pathName; pathName = pathName + '/'; // pathName must end with / pathName = clean( pathName ); } newLocation += '/' + pageName; newLocation = clean( newLocation ); // if &create=true then handle create instead of edit. if ( create ) { jQuery.ajax( { type: POST, url: baseUrl + '/create', data: { path: pathName, page: pageName, format: markdown, content: txt, message: commitMessage || msg }, success: function() { win.location = newLocation; } }); } else { jQuery.ajax( { type: POST, url: baseUrl + '/edit/' + pageName, data: { path: pathName, page: pageName, format: markdown, content: txt, message: commitMessage || msg }, success: function() { win.location = newLocation; } }); } // end else } var elapsedTime; var oldInputText = ''; // ---- from Markdown.Editor var timeout; var nonSuckyBrowserPreviewSet = function( text ) { content.innerHTML = text; } // IE doesn't let you use innerHTML if the element is contained somewhere in a table // (which is the case for inline editing) -- in that case, detach the element, set the // value, and reattach. Yes, that *is* ridiculous. var ieSafePreviewSet = function( text ) { var parent = content.parentNode; var sibling = content.nextSibling; parent.removeChild( content ); content.innerHTML = text; if ( !sibling ) parent.appendChild( content ); else parent.insertBefore( content, sibling ); } var cssTextSet = function( element, css ){ = css; } var cssAttrSet = function( element, css ){ element.setAttribute( 'style', css ); } /* Redefine the function based on browser support. element - the element to set the css on css - a fully formed css string. ex: 'top: 0; left: 0;' Avoid reflow by batching CSS changes. */ var cssSet = function( element, css ) { if( typeof( ) != 'undefined' ) { cssTextSet( element, css ); cssSet = cssTextSet; } else { cssAttrSet( element, css ); cssSet = cssAttrSet; } } var previewSet = function( text ) { try { nonSuckyBrowserPreviewSet( text ); previewSet = nonSuckyBrowserPreviewSet; } catch ( e ) { ieSafePreviewSet( text ); previewSet = ieSafePreviewSet; } }; // See pygmentsLanguageToAceMode for pygment to ace mode translations. // TODO: Update languages and translation once Ace is upgraded to v1.0. var languages = [ 'c', 'c++', 'cpp', 'clojure', 'coffee', 'coffeescript', 'coldfusion', 'csharp', 'css', 'diff', 'golang', 'groovy', 'haxe', 'html', 'java', 'javascript', 'json', 'latex', 'less', 'liquid', 'lua', 'markdown', 'ocaml', 'perl', 'pgsql', 'php', 'powershell', 'python', 'ruby', 'scad', 'scala', 'scss', 'sh', 'sql', 'svg', 'textile', 'text', 'xml', 'xquery', 'yaml' ]; var staticHighlight = require( 'ace/ext/static_highlight' ); var githubTheme = require( 'ace/theme/github' ); var langModes = {}; (function() { var languagesLength = languages.length; for ( var a = 0; a < languagesLength; a++ ) { var name = languages[ a ]; langModes[ name ] = false; } })(); function getLang( language ) { var mode = langModes[ language ]; if ( mode ) { return mode; } // require.Mode must be wrapped in parens. mode = new ( require( 'ace/mode/' + language ).Mode )(); return mode; } function highlight( element, language ) { // Highlighting requires .innerText not // .innerHTML. It's the difference between // '>' and '>'. // Firefox does not support innerText. var data = element.innerText || element.textContent; data = data.trim(); var mode = getLang( language ); // input, mode, theme, lineStart, disableGutter var color = staticHighlight.render( data, mode, githubTheme, 1, true ); var newDiv = doc.createElement('div'); newDiv.innerHTML = color.html; element.parentNode.parentNode.replaceChild( newDiv, element.parentNode ); } // Pygments and Ace have different names for languages. function pygmentsLanguageToAceMode( declaredLanguage ) { declaredLanguage = declaredLanguage.toLowerCase(); switch ( declaredLanguage ) { case 'bash': return 'sh'; case 'c': case 'c++': case 'cpp': case 'objective-c': return 'c_cpp'; case 'c#': return 'csharp'; case 'coffeescript': return 'coffee'; case 'html+erb': return 'html' } // Assume language name is the same // if it's not handled above. return declaredLanguage; } var makePreviewHtml = function () { var text = editorSession.getValue(); if ( text == undefined || text == '' ) { previewSet( '' ); return; } if (text && text == oldInputText) { return; // Input text hasn't changed. } else { oldInputText = text; } var prevTime = new Date().getTime(); // Handle gollum file code insertion syntax. text = text.replace(/^[ \t]*``` ?([^:\n\r]+:[^`\n\r]+)```/gm, '``$1``'); text = md_to_html( text ); // Calculate the processing time of the HTML creation. // It's used as the delay time in the event listener. var currTime = new Date().getTime(); elapsedTime = currTime - prevTime; // Update the text using feature detection to support IE. // preview.innerHTML = text; // this doesn't work on IE. previewSet( text ); // highlight code blocks. var codeElements = preview.getElementsByTagName( 'pre' ); var codeElementsLength = codeElements.length; var skipped = 0; if ( codeElementsLength > 0 ) { for ( var idx = 0; idx < codeElementsLength; idx++ ) { // highlight removes an element so 0 is always the correct index. // Skipped tags are not removed so they must be added. var element = codeElements[ 0 + skipped ].firstChild; if ( element == undefined ) { skipped++; continue; } var codeHTML = element.innerHTML; if ( codeHTML == undefined ) { skipped++; continue; } var txt = codeHTML.split( /\b/ ); // the syntax for code highlighting means all code, even one line, contains newlines. if ( txt.length > 1 && codeHTML.match( /\n/ ) ) { var declaredLanguage = element.className.toLowerCase(); var aceMode = pygmentsLanguageToAceMode( declaredLanguage ); if ( $.inArray( declaredLanguage, languages ) === -1 ) { // Unsupported language. skipped++; continue; } // highlight: element highlight( element, aceMode ); } else { // Highlighting is not for `code` inline syntax. For example `puts "string"`. skipped++; } } } }; // setTimeout is already used. Used as an event listener. var applyTimeout = function () { if ( timeout ) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = undefined; } // 3 second max delay if ( elapsedTime > 3000 ) { elapsedTime = 3000; } timeout = setTimeout( makePreviewHtml, elapsedTime ); }; /* Load markdown from /data/page into the ace editor. ~-1 == false; !~-1 == true; */ if ( !~ '' ) ) { // returns unescaped key with leading slashes removed function key_no_leading_slash( key ) { return unescape( $.key( key ) || '' ).replace( /^\/+/, '' ); } // ensure leading / is removed from path and that it ends with / var path = key_no_leading_slash( 'path' ); // don't append '/' if path is empty from removing leading slash if ( path !== '' && path.charAt( path.length - 1 ) !== '/' ) { path += '/'; } jQuery.ajax( { type: 'GET', url: baseUrl + '/data/' + path + key_no_leading_slash( 'page' ), success: function( data ) { editorSession.setValue( data ); } }); } $( '#preview' ).click( function() { $(this).target = "_blank"; // pass window into preview $.preview( ); return false; }); $( '#save' ).click( function() { $.save(); return false; }); // Hide dimmer, comment tool panel, and comment. $( '#commentcancel' ).click( function() { // Restore focus on commentcancel but not on // savecommentconfirm because the latter loads // a new page. hideCommentWindow(); editor.focus(); }); var isCommentHidden = true; // var style = will not update visibility. var darknessStyle =; var commentToolPanelStyle =; var commentStyle =; function hideCommentWindow() { isCommentHidden = true; darknessStyle.visibility = commentToolPanelStyle.visibility = commentStyle.visibility = 'hidden'; } // Show dimmer, comment tool panel, and comment. $( '#savecomment' ).click( function() { isCommentHidden = false; darknessStyle.visibility = commentToolPanelStyle.visibility = commentStyle.visibility = 'visible'; // Set focus so typing can begin immediately. commentEditor.focus(); }); $( '#savecommentconfirm' ).click( function() { $.save( commentEditorSession.getValue() ); hideCommentWindow(); }); // onChange calls applyTimeout which rate limits the calling of makePreviewHtml based on render time. editor.on( 'change', applyTimeout ); makePreviewHtml(); // preview default text on load function resize() { var width = $( win ).width(); var widthHalf = width / 2; var widthFourth = widthHalf / 2; var height = $( win ).height(); var heightHalf = height / 2; // height minus 50 so the end of document text doesn't flow off the page. // + 15 for scroll bar var editorContainerStyle = 'width:' + (widthHalf + 15) + 'px;' + 'height:' + (height - 50) + 'px;' + 'left:' + (leftRight === false ? widthHalf + 'px;' : '0px;') + 'top:' + '40px;'; // use 40px for tool menu cssSet( editorContainer, editorContainerStyle ); editor.resize(); // width -2 for scroll bar & -10 for left offset var previewStyle = 'width:' + (widthHalf - 2 - 10) + 'px;' + 'height:' + (height -50) + 'px;' + 'left:' + (leftRight === false ? '10px;' : widthHalf + 'px;') + // preview panel top is equal to height of comment tool panel (40px) + 1 'top:41px;'; cssSet( preview, previewStyle ); // Resize tool panel var toolPanelStyle = 'width:50%;'; cssSet( toolPanel, toolPanelStyle ); // Resize comment related elements. var commentHidden = 'visibility:' + ( isCommentHidden === true ? 'hidden;' : 'visible;' ); // Adjust comment editor var commentEditorContainerStyle = 'height:' + heightHalf + 'px;' + 'width:' + widthHalf + 'px;' + 'left:' + widthFourth + 'px;' + 'top:' + (heightHalf / 2) + 'px;' + commentHidden; cssSet( commentEditorContainer, commentEditorContainerStyle ); commentEditor.resize(); var commentToolPanelHeight = height / 4 - 40; // In top subtract height (40px) of comment tool panel. var commentToolPanelStyle = 'width:' + widthHalf + 'px;' + 'left:' + widthFourth + 'px;' + 'top:' + commentToolPanelHeight + 'px;' + commentHidden; cssSet( commentToolPanel, commentToolPanelStyle ); // Resize dimmer. var darknessStyle = 'width:' + width + 'px;' + 'height:' + height + 'px;' + commentHidden; cssSet( darkness, darknessStyle ); } win.jsm.resize = resize; // remove editor_bg after loading because // it'll cause problems if toggle left right is used var ebg = doc.getElementById('editor_bg'); ebg.parentNode.removeChild(ebg); /* Resize can be called an absurd amount of times and will crash the page without debouncing. */ $( win ).resize( $.debounce( 100, resize ) ); // resize for the intial page load resize(); });