# 3.5.0 * Add a govspeak help template * Improve default indicator styles # 3.4.0 * Add support for flash messages * Add optional signout element to navigation bar # 3.3.2 * Fix module starting when the module is defined on the container passed into `GOVUKAdmin.start` https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_admin_template/pull/98 # 3.3.1 * Prevent GA shim output in test / CI # 3.3.0 * Add track-click module for Analytics tracking of button clicks # 3.2.0 * Enable sendBeacon for all admin analytics events # 3.1.0 * Add checkbox and radio form toggles: https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_admin_template/pull/90 # 3.0.0 * Use GOVUK_APP_DOMAIN environment variable to set Google Analytics domain # 2.6.0 * Add functions for setting, reading and deleting cookies # 2.5.1 * Fix inline form rendering in IE7 # 2.5.0 * Allow apps to disable Google Analytics * Fix table filtering for queries containing special characters # 2.4.0 * Add a table filter partial for re-use in apps # 2.3.4 * Improve Bootstrap 3 in IE7 # 2.3.3 * Fix table filtering on tables that contain multiple forms # 2.3.2 * Make SASS compatible with libsass # 2.3.1 * Bump version of jquery-rails due to CSRF vulnerability # 2.3.0 * Allow apps to specify a custom navbar # 2.2.0 * Add a confirm javascript module for confirming a user action: https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_admin_template/pull/64 # 2.1.0 * Strip off the last octet of IP addresses before sending them to GA # 2.0.0 * Manage Google Analytics tracking * Update event and pageview tracking API, deprecate classic GA event tracking # 1.5.1 * Rename SASS files to exclude `.css` and fix deprecation warnings # 1.5.0 * Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3.2 # 1.4.3 * Allow customisation of app's home page # 1.4.2 * Track events using universal analytics as well as classic analytics # 1.4.1 * Prevent wrapping of environment label # 1.4.0 * Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.3 # 1.3.0 * Add 'callout' component # 1.2.0 * Remove selectable table javascript module # 1.1.7 * Fix display of `lead` styles when using `text-muted` class * Add display inline class helpers # 1.1.6 * Really fix the crown this time (`image-url` requires a gem-relative path) # 1.1.5 * Move gem management-related rake tasks to ./tasks to avoid breaking consuming apps that auto-load tasks from lib/tasks # 1.1.4 * Fix missing assets in production Rails 4 apps, both our own (header-crown.png) and Bootstrap's glyphicon font-using bits # 1.1.3 * Fix GillSans font stack for IE and Chrome on Windows * Tweak Bootstrap’s default `lead` styles to be stronger # 1.1.2 * Add full width page option * Rename SASS partials to begin with underscores # 1.1.1 * When filtering tables, allow users to easily go to the first item # 1.1.0 * Upgrade to JQuery 1.11.1 * Upgrade to Bootstrap 3.2 # 1.0.5 * Tweak to size of inputs when using input helper classes # 1.0.4 * Fix precompile error with IE7 css # 1.0.3 * Improve Bootstrap 3 rendering in IE7 * Add helper classes for input widths # 1.0.2 * Fix rendering of an empty navbar # 1.0.1 * Fix rendering of media queries in <= IE8 * Add short date and time formats # 1.0.0 * Create padding and margin mixins, remove silent classes * Add Bootstrap 2 nav list component * Correct spacing when using `page-header` class # 0.1.1 * Fix active visited link styles on bootstrap components * Fix visited link styles on nested bootstrap components # 0.1.0 * Environment indicators * Apps upgrading will need to change how they use favicons # 0.0.7 * Fix visited link styles on bootstrap components * Allow content in footer and bottom of page * Namespace CSS and Javascript files # 0.0.6 * Add `:govuk_date` date format * Fix broken footer HTML # 0.0.5 * Fix gem.files to include all needed files (routes) # 0.0.4 * Put style guide through parent application controller for accurate rendering # 0.0.3 * Make style guide available as a mounted route # 0.0.2 * Add lightweight Javascript framework and modules, ported from Transition # 0.0.1 * Original gem release including template, styles, jQuery and Bootstrap