require "spec_helper" describe Octopus, :shards => [] do describe "#config" do it "should load shards.yml file to start working" do Octopus.config().should be_kind_of(HashWithIndifferentAccess) end describe "when config file doesn't exist" do before(:each) do Octopus.stub(:directory).and_return('/tmp') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@config, nil) end it "should return an empty HashWithIndifferentAccess" do Octopus.config().should == end end end describe "#directory" do it "should return the directory that contains the shards.yml file" do == File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../") end end describe "#env" do it "should return 'production' when is outside of a rails application" do Octopus.env().should == 'octopus' end end describe "#shards=" do after(:each) do Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@config, nil) Octopus::Model.send(:class_variable_set, :@@connection_proxy, nil) end it "should permit users to configure shards on initializer files, instead of on a yml file." do lambda { User.using(:crazy_shard).create!(:name => "Joaquim") }.should raise_error Octopus.setup do |config| config.shards = {:crazy_shard => {:adapter => "mysql2", :database => "octopus_shard_5", :username => "root", :password => ""}} end lambda { User.using(:crazy_shard).create!(:name => "Joaquim") }.should_not raise_error end end describe "#setup" do it "should have the default octopus environment as production" do Octopus.environments.should == ["production"] end it "should allow the user to configure the octopus environments" do Octopus.setup do |config| config.environments = [:production, :staging] end Octopus.environments.should == ['production', 'staging'] Octopus.setup do |config| config.environments = [:production] end end end describe "#enabled?" do before do Rails = double() end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) end it "should be if octopus is configured and should hook into current environment" do Rails.stub(:env).and_return('production') Octopus.should be_enabled end it "should not be if octopus should not hook into current environment" do Rails.stub(:env).and_return('staging') Octopus.should_not be_enabled end end end