require 'isimud' require 'thread' module Isimud # Daemon process manager for monitoring event queues. # Known EventObserver models and their instances automatically registered upon startup. It is also possible to # define ad-hoc queues and handlers by extending # In addition, ad-hoc event managing may be set up by extending bind_queues() and making the appropriate subscribe # calls directly. # # ===================================== # Threads created by the daemon process # ===================================== # # Upon startup, EventListener operates using the following threads: # * An event processing thread that establishes consumers for message queues # * An error counter thread that manages the error counter # * A shutdown thread that listens for INT or TERM signals, which will trigger a graceful shutdown. # * The main thread is put to sleep until a shutdown is required. # # ================== # Registering Queues # ================== # # All active instances of all known EventObserver classes (which are assumed to be ActiveRecord instances) are # automatically loaded by the event processing thread, and their associated queues are bound. Note that queues # and associated routing key bindings are established at the time the instance is created or modified. # @see EventObserver.find_active_observers # # Each EventListener process creates an exclusive queue for monitoring the creation, modification, and destruction # of EventObserver instances, using ModelWatcher messages. # # ============== # Error Handling # ============== # # Whenever an uncaught exception is rescued from a consumer handling a message, it is logged and the error counter # is incremented. The error counter is reset periodically according to the value of +error_interval+. # If the total number of errors logged exceeds +error_limit+, the process is terminated immediately. # @see BunnyClient#subscribe() # # There are certain situations that may cause a Bunny exception to occur, such as a loss of network connection. # Whenever a Bunny exception is rescued in the event processing thread, the Bunny session is closed (canceling all # queue consumers), in addition to the error being counted, all Bunny channels are closed, and queues are # reinitialized. class EventListener include Logging attr_reader :error_count, :error_interval, :error_limit, :name, :queues, :events_exchange, :models_exchange, :status DEFAULT_ERROR_LIMIT = 10 DEFAULT_ERROR_INTERVAL = 3600 DEFAULT_EVENTS_EXCHANGE = 'events' DEFAULT_MODELS_EXCHANGE = 'models' STATUS_INITIALIZE = :initialize STATUS_RUNNING = :running STATUS_SHUTDOWN = :shutdown # Initialize a new EventListener daemon instance # @param [Hash] options daemon options # @option options [Integer] :error_limit (10) maximum number of errors that are allowed to occur within error_interval # before the process terminates # @option options [Integer] :error_interval (3600) time interval, in seconds, before the error counter is cleared # @option options [String] :events_exchange ('events') name of AMQP exchange used for listening to event messages # @option options [String] :models_exchange ('models') name of AMQP exchange used for listening to EventObserver # instance create, update, and destroy messages # @option options [String] :name ("#{Rails.application.class.parent_name.downcase}-listener") daemon instance name. def initialize(options = {}) default_options = { error_limit: Isimud.listener_error_limit || DEFAULT_ERROR_LIMIT, error_interval: DEFAULT_ERROR_INTERVAL, events_exchange: Isimud.events_exchange || DEFAULT_EVENTS_EXCHANGE, models_exchange: Isimud.model_watcher_exchange || DEFAULT_MODELS_EXCHANGE, name: "#{Rails.application.class.parent_name.downcase}-listener" } options.reverse_merge!(default_options) @error_count = 0 @observers = @observed_models = @error_limit = options[:error_limit] @error_interval = options[:error_interval] @events_exchange = options[:events_exchange] @models_exchange = options[:models_exchange] @name = options[:name] @observer_mutex = @error_counter_mutex = @status = STATUS_INITIALIZE end # Run the daemon process. This creates the event, error counter, and shutdown threads def run bind_queues and return if test_env? start_shutdown_thread start_error_counter_thread client.on_exception do |e| count_error(e) end client.connect start_event_thread puts 'EventListener started. Hit Ctrl-C to exit' Thread.stop puts 'Main thread wakeup - exiting.' client.close end # Hook for setting up custom queues in your application. Override in your subclass. def bind_event_queues end # @private def bind_queues bind_observer_queues bind_event_queues end # @private def has_observer?(observer) @observers.has_key?(observer_key_for(observer.class, end private def test_env? ['cucumber', 'test'].include?(Rails.env) end def bind_observer_queues Isimud::EventObserver.observed_models.each do |model_class| log "EventListener: registering observers for #{model_class}" register_observer_class(model_class) count = 0 model_class.find_active_observers.each do |model| register_observer(model) count += 1 end log "EventListener: registered #{count} observers for #{model_class}" end client.subscribe(observer_queue) do |payload| handle_observer_event(payload) end end def start_shutdown_thread shutdown_thread = do Thread.stop # wait until we get a TERM or INT signal. log 'EventListener: shutdown requested. Shutting down AMQP...', :info @status = STATUS_SHUTDOWN end %w(SIGINT SIGTERM).each { |sig| trap(sig) { shutdown_thread.wakeup } } end def client Isimud.client end def initializing? status == STATUS_INITIALIZE end def running? status == STATUS_RUNNING end def shutdown? status == STATUS_SHUTDOWN end def start_event_thread do log 'EventListener: starting event_thread' until shutdown? do begin bind_queues log 'EventListener: event_thread finished' @status = STATUS_RUNNING Thread.stop rescue => e count_error(e) log 'EventListener: resetting queues', :warn @observer_queue = nil client.reset end end end end def count_error(exception) @error_counter_mutex.synchronize do @error_count += 1 log "EventListener#count_error count = #{@error_count} limit=#{error_limit}", :warn if (@error_count >= error_limit) log 'EventListener: too many errors, exiting', :fatal @status = STATUS_SHUTDOWN unless test_env? end end end def start_error_counter_thread log 'EventListener: starting error counter' @error_count = 0 do while true sleep(error_interval) @error_counter_mutex.synchronize do log('EventListener: resetting error counter') if @error_count > 0 @error_count = 0 end end end end def handle_observer_event(payload) event = JSON.parse(payload).with_indifferent_access action = event[:action] log "EventListener: received observer model message: #{event.inspect}" if %w(update destroy).include?(action) unregister_observer(event[:type], event[:id]) end if %w(create update).include?(action) observer = event[:type].constantize.find(event[:id]) register_observer(observer) if observer.enable_listener? end end # Register the observer class watcher def register_observer_class(observer_class) @observer_mutex.synchronize do return if @observed_models.include?(observer_class) @observed_models << observer_class log "EventListener: registering observer class #{observer_class}" observer_queue.bind(models_exchange, routing_key: "#{Isimud.model_watcher_schema}.#{}.*") end end # Register an observer instance, and start listening for events on its associated queue. # Also ensure that we are listening for observer class update events def register_observer(observer) @observer_mutex.synchronize do log "EventListener: registering observer #{observer.class} #{}" @observers[observer_key_for(observer.class,] = observer.observe_events(client, initializing?) end end # Unregister an observer instance, and cancel consumption of messages. Any pre-fetched messages will be returned to the queue. def unregister_observer(observer_class, observer_id) @observer_mutex.synchronize do log "EventListener: un-registering observer #{observer_class} #{observer_id}" if (consumer = @observers.delete(observer_key_for(observer_class, observer_id))) consumer.cancel end end end # Create or return the observer queue which listens for ModelWatcher events def observer_queue @observer_queue ||= client.create_queue([name, 'listener', Socket.gethostname,].join('.'), models_exchange, queue_options: {exclusive: true}, subscribe_options: {manual_ack: true}) end def observer_key_for(type, id) [type.to_s, id.to_s].join(':') end end end