/** * NMF: Non-Negative Matrix Factorization - Ruby wrapper * * Written by Roman Shterenzon * */ #include #include int gsl_matrix_nmf(gsl_matrix *v, int cols, gsl_matrix **w, gsl_matrix **h); //double difcost(gsl_matrix *a, gsl_matrix *b); double difcost(const gsl_matrix *a, const gsl_matrix *b); //VALUE mNMF; static VALUE mNMF; extern VALUE cgsl_matrix; /* * call-seq: * nmf(GSL::Matrix, columns) -> [GSL::Matrix, GSL::Matrix] * * Calculates the NMF of the given +matrix+, returns the W and H matrices */ static VALUE nmf_wrap(VALUE obj, VALUE matrix, VALUE cols) { gsl_matrix *w, *h, *m; unsigned int c; VALUE arr; if ( ! FIXNUM_P(cols) || (c=NUM2INT(cols)) <= 0 ) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Number of columns should be a positive integer."); } arr = rb_ary_new2(2); Data_Get_Struct(matrix, gsl_matrix, m); /* compute the NMF */ gsl_matrix_nmf(m, c, &w, &h); rb_ary_push(arr, Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix, 0, gsl_matrix_free, w)); rb_ary_push(arr, Data_Wrap_Struct(cgsl_matrix, 0, gsl_matrix_free, h)); return arr; } /* * call-seq: * difcost(GSL::Matrix, GSL::Matrix) -> Float * * Calculates the geometric distance between two matrices */ static VALUE difcost_wrap(VALUE obj, VALUE matrix1, VALUE matrix2) { gsl_matrix *m1, *m2; Data_Get_Struct(matrix1, gsl_matrix, m1); Data_Get_Struct(matrix2, gsl_matrix, m2); return rb_float_new(difcost(m1, m2)); } /* call-seq: * nmf(cols) -> [GSL::Matrix, GSL::Matrix] */ static VALUE matrix_nmf(VALUE obj, VALUE cols) { // nmf_wrap(cgsl_matrix, obj, cols); return nmf_wrap(cgsl_matrix, obj, cols); } void Init_gsl_matrix_nmf(void) { mNMF = rb_define_module_under(cgsl_matrix, "NMF"); rb_define_singleton_method(mNMF, "nmf", nmf_wrap, 2); rb_define_singleton_method(mNMF, "difcost", difcost_wrap, 2); rb_define_method(cgsl_matrix, "nmf", matrix_nmf, 1); }