#-- # Ruby Whois # # An intelligent pure Ruby WHOIS client and parser. # # Copyright (c) 2009-2013 Simone Carletti #++ require 'whois/record/parser/base' module Whois class Record class Parser # Parser for the whois.register.com server. # # @see Whois::Record::Parser::Example # The Example parser for the list of all available methods. class WhoisRegisterCom < Base property_not_supported :status # The server is contacted only in case of a registered domain. property_supported :available? do false end property_supported :registered? do !available? end property_supported :created_on do if content_for_scanner =~ /(?:Created on\.+|Creation date): (.+)\n/ Time.parse($1) end end property_not_supported :updated_on property_supported :expires_on do if content_for_scanner =~ /(?:Expires on\.+|Expiration date): (.+)\n/ Time.parse($1) end end property_supported :registrar do Record::Registrar.new( :name => 'Register.com', :organization => 'Register.com', :url => 'http://www.register.com/' ) end property_supported :registrant_contacts do build_contact(/Registrant(?: Contact)?:/, Record::Contact::TYPE_REGISTRANT) end property_supported :admin_contacts do build_contact(/Administrative Contact:/, Record::Contact::TYPE_ADMINISTRATIVE) end property_supported :technical_contacts do build_contact(/Technical\s+Contact:/, Record::Contact::TYPE_TECHNICAL) end property_supported :nameservers do if content_for_scanner =~ /(?:DNS|Name) Servers:\n((?:\s+.+\n)+)(?:\s+)\n/ $1.split("\n").map do |line| Record::Nameserver.new(:name => line.strip) end end end private def build_contact(element, type) if content_for_scanner.match /DNS Servers/ build_register_contact(element, type) else build_enom_contact(element, type) end end def build_register_contact(element, type) match = content_for_scanner.slice(/#{element}\n((.+\n){7})/, 1) return unless match lines = match.split("\n").map(&:strip) # 0 Register.Com, Inc. # 1 Domain Registrar # 2 575 8th Avenue # 3 New York, NY 10018 # 4 US # 5 Phone: +1.9027492701 # 6 Email: domainregistrar@register.com city, state, zip = lines[3].scan(/^(.+), ([A-Z]{2}) ([0-9]+)$/).first phone = lines[5].slice(/Phone: (.+)/, 1) email = lines[6].slice(/Email: (.+)/, 1) Record::Contact.new( :type => type, :name => lines[1], :organization => lines[0], :address => lines[2], :city => city, :state => state, :zip => zip, :country_code => lines[4], :email => email, :phone => phone ) end def build_enom_contact(element, type) match = content_for_scanner.slice(/#{element}\n(((\s{3}+.*)\n)+)/, 1) return unless match # 0 AdBrite, Inc. # 1 Host Master (hostmaster@adbrite.com) # 2 4159750916 # 3 Fax: # 4 731 Market Street, Suite 500 # 5 San Francisco, CA 94103 # 6 US lines = match.split("\n").map(&:lstrip) name, email = lines[1].match(/(.*)\((.*)\)/)[1..2].map(&:strip) fax_match = lines[3].match(/Fax: (.*)/) fax = fax_match[1] if fax_match city, state, zip = lines[-2].match(/(.*),(.+?)(\d*)$/)[1..3].map(&:strip) Record::Contact.new( :type => type, :id => nil, :name => name, :organization => lines[0], :address => lines[4..-3].join("\n"), :city => city, :zip => zip, :state => state, :country_code => lines[-1], :phone => lines[2] == "" ? nil : lines[2], :fax => fax, :email => email == "" ? nil : email ) end end end end end