#= start/stop/restart webserver(s) # This file is required in script/cluster. # # Navigate to your app root and run it with the following commands. # # script/cluster # -C command (start || stop || restart || test) # -E environment (default: development || deployment) # -D (daemonize) - This is automatically initialized in deployment mode. # -c config file - This is used to pass a config file for starting up unicorn # -h Hellllpppp!!! require 'optparse' APP_PATH = Dir.pwd if APP_PATH.nil? config = Doozer::Configs.symbolize_keys( YAML.load(File.read(File.join(APP_PATH,'config/app.yml'))) ) clusters = Doozer::Configs.symbolize_keys(config[:clusters]) @command = nil @env = :development @daemonize = '' @server = clusters[:server] @config = DOOZER_PATH + '/doozer/rackup/server.ru' @test_config = DOOZER_PATH + '/doozer/rackup/test.rb' @config_file = '' #optional config file to use instead of the default unicorn config @apps = [] for app in clusters[:apps] ip = app.split(':')[0] port = app.split(':')[1] @apps.push({:ip=>ip, :port=>port}) end # Automatically starts a test instance of your appserver on http://localhost:5000. (No -E flag is required for this command). def test cmd = "rackup #{@test_config}" puts "=> #{cmd} -p 5000 -E test -o" system(cmd) end # development: Only starts the first configured (if more then one) address:port # # deployment: Automatically starts a new instance of your appserver for each defined cluster address:port def start puts "Starting clusters..." for app in @apps if @env == :deployment #need to check if application has a pid file so we don't start pid_file = "#{APP_PATH}/log/doozer.#{app[:port]}.pid" raise "pid file already exists for #{pid_file}" if File.exist?(pid_file) cmd = "rackup #{@config} -p #{app[:port]} -E #{@env.to_s} -s #{@server} -o #{app[:ip]} #{@daemonize} -P #{pid_file}" puts "=> #{cmd}" system(cmd) else cmd = "rackup #{@config} -p #{app[:port]} -E #{@env.to_s} -s #{@server} -o #{app[:ip]}" puts "=> #{cmd}" system(cmd) break end end puts "Did they start?" system("ps -aux | grep rackup") end # Call to start unicorn server # # Set the app.yml clusters server to unicorn complete with one ip:port value. # # You can also pass an optional value -c FILE to override the default unicorn conf. # # See Unicorn::Configurator for more details => http://unicorn.bogomips.org/Unicorn/Configurator.html # # See this page for supported signals => http://unicorn.bogomips.org/SIGNALS.html def start_unicorn puts "Starting unicorn..." for app in @apps # unicorn @config_file = "-c #{@config_file}" if @config_file != '' cmd = "unicorn -p #{app[:port]} -E #{@env.to_s} -o #{app[:ip]} #{@daemonize} #{@config_file} #{@config}" puts "=> #{cmd}" system(cmd) break end end # Calls stop() and then start() def restart stop start end # Calls stop_unicorn() and then start_unicorn() def restart_unicorn stop_unicorn start_unicorn end # development: Only stops the first configured (if more then one) address:port # # deployment: Automatically stops all instances of your appserver for each defined cluster address:port def stop system("ps -aux | grep rackup") puts "Stoping clusters..." for app in @apps if @env == :deployment pid_file = "#{APP_PATH}/log/doozer.#{app[:port]}.pid" puts "=> Reading pid from #{pid_file}" if File.exist?(pid_file) File.open(pid_file, 'r'){ | f | pid = f.gets.to_i puts "=> Shutting down process #{pid}" system("kill -9 #{pid}") } File.delete(pid_file) else puts "ERROR => pid file doesn't exist" end end end sleep(1) system("ps -aux | grep rackup") end # development: Only stops the first configured (if more then one) address:port # # deployment: Automatically stops the first master process/cluster defined for address:port def stop_unicorn system("ps -aux | grep unicorn") puts "Stoping unicorn..." for app in @apps if @env == :deployment pid_file = "#{APP_PATH}/log/unicorn.pid" puts "=> Reading pid from #{pid_file}" if File.exist?(pid_file) system("kill -QUIT `cat #{pid_file}`") else puts "ERROR => pid file doesn't exist" end end break end sleep(1) system("ps -aux | grep unicorn") end opts = OptionParser.new("", 24, ' ') { |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: script/cluster -C [command] -E [environment] -h" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Command options:" opts.on("-C", "--command COMMAND", "start, stop, restart, or test") { | c | @command = c.downcase.to_sym } opts.on("-E", "--env ENVIRONMENT", "default: development || deployment") { | e | @env = e.downcase.to_sym } opts.on("-c", "--config-file FILE", "optional config file to use for server (supported by unicorn, etc.)") { | cf | @config_file = cf || '' } opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end opts.parse! ARGV } @daemonize = '-D' if @env == :deployment case @command when :start @server != 'unicorn' ? start() : start_unicorn() when :restart @server != 'unicorn' ? restart() : restart_unicorn() when :stop @server != 'unicorn' ? stop() : stop_unicorn() when :test test() end