module Slinky CONTENT_TYPES = { 'html' => 'text/html', 'js' => 'application/x-javascript', 'css' => 'text/css' } EXTENSION_REGEX = /(.+)\.(\w+)/ class Server < EventMachine::Connection include EM::HttpServer @compilers = [] @compilers_by_ext = {} @files = {} class << self def register_compiler klass, options options[:klass] = klass @compilers << options options[:outputs].each do |output| @compilers_by_ext[output] ||= [] @compilers_by_ext[output] << options end end def compilers_by_ext @compilers_by_ext end end def files self.class.instance_variable_get(:@files) end def process_http_request @resp = _, _, _, _, _, path, _, query = URI.split @http_request_uri path = path[1..-1] #get rid of the leading / _, file, extension = path.match(EXTENSION_REGEX).to_a compilers = self.class.compilers_by_ext # Check if we've already seen this file. If so, we can skip a # bunch of processing. if files[path] serve_compiled_file files[path] return end # if there's a file extension and we have a compiler that # outputs that kind of file, look for an input with the same # name and an extension in our list if extension && extension != "" && compilers[extension] files_by_ext = {} # find possible source files Dir.glob("#{file}.*").each do |f| _, _, ext = f.match(EXTENSION_REGEX).to_a files_by_ext[ext] = f end cfile = nil # find a compiler that outputs the request kind of file and # which has an input file type that exists on the file system compilers[extension].each do |c| c[:inputs].each do |i| if files_by_ext[i] cfile = files_by_ext[i], c[:klass], extension files[path] = cfile break end end break if cfile end if cfile serve_compiled_file cfile else serve_file path end else serve_file path end end def serve_compiled_file cfile cfile.file do |path, status, stdout, stderr| if path serve_file path else puts "Status: #{status.inspect}" @resp.status = 500 @resp.content = "Error compiling #{cfile.source}:\n #{stdout}" @resp.send_response end end end def serve_file path if File.exists?(path) && size = File.size?(path) _, _, extension = path.match(EXTENSION_REGEX).to_a @resp.content_type CONTENT_TYPES[extension] # File reading code from rack/file.rb path do |file| @resp.content = "" while size > 0 part =[8192, size].min) break unless part size -= part.length @resp.content << part end end @resp.send_response else @resp.status = 404 @resp.content = "File '#{path}' not found." @resp.send_response end end end end