require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') describe YARD::Parser::Ruby::RubyParser do def stmt(stmt), nil).parse.root.first end def stmts(stmts), nil).parse.root end def tokenize(stmt), nil).parse.tokens end describe '#parse' do it "should get comment line numbers" do s = stmt <<-eof # comment # comment # comment def method; end eof s.comments.should == "comment\ncomment\ncomment" s.comments_range.should == (1..3) s = stmt <<-eof # comment # comment def method; end eof s.comments.should == "comment\ncomment" s.comments_range.should == (2..3) s = stmt <<-eof # comment # comment def method; end eof s.comments.should == "comment\ncomment" s.comments_range.should == (1..2) s = stmt <<-eof # comment def method; end eof s.comments.should == "comment" s.comments_range.should == (1..1) s = stmt <<-eof def method; end # comment eof s.comments.should == "comment" s.comments_range.should == (1..1) end it "should only look up to two lines back for comments" do s = stmt <<-eof # comments # comments def method; end eof s.comments.should == "comments" s = stmt <<-eof # comments def method; end eof s.comments.should == nil ss = stmts <<-eof # comments def method; end # hello def method2; end eof ss[0].comments.should == nil ss[1].comments.should == 'hello' end it "should handle 1.9 lambda syntax with args" do src = "->(a,b,c=1,*args,&block) { hello_world }" stmt(src).source.should == src end it "should handle 1.9 lambda syntax" do src = "-> { hello_world }" stmt(src).source.should == src end it "should handle standard lambda syntax" do src = "lambda { hello_world }" stmt(src).source.should == src end it "should throw a ParserSyntaxError on invalid code" do lambda { stmt("Foo, bar.") }.should raise_error(YARD::Parser::ParserSyntaxError) end it "should handle bare hashes as method parameters" do src = "command :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3" stmt(src).jump(:command)[1].source.should == ":a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3" src = "command a: 1, b: 2, c: 3" stmt(src).jump(:command)[1].source.should == "a: 1, b: 2, c: 3" end it "should handle source for hash syntax" do src = "{ :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 }" stmt(src).jump(:hash).source.should == "{ :a => 1, :b => 2, :c => 3 }" end it "should handle an empty hash" do stmt("{}").jump(:hash).source.should == "{}" end it "new hash label syntax should show label without colon" do ast = stmt("{ a: 1 }").jump(:label) ast[0].should == "a" ast.source.should == "a:" end it "should handle begin/rescue blocks" do ast = stmt("begin; X; rescue => e; Y end").jump(:rescue) ast.source.should == "rescue => e; Y end" ast = stmt("begin; X; rescue A => e; Y end").jump(:rescue) ast.source.should == "rescue A => e; Y end" ast = stmt("begin; X; rescue A, B => e; Y end").jump(:rescue) ast.source.should == "rescue A, B => e; Y end" end it "should handle method rescue blocks" do ast = stmt("def x; A; rescue Y; B end") ast.source.should == "def x; A; rescue Y; B end" ast.jump(:rescue).source.should == "rescue Y; B end" end it "should handle defs with keywords as method name" do ast = stmt("# docstring\nclass A;\ndef class; end\nend") ast.jump(:class).docstring.should == "docstring" ast.jump(:class).line_range.should == (2..4) end it "should end source properly on array reference" do ast = stmt("AS[0, 1 ] ") ast.source.should == 'AS[0, 1 ]' ast = stmt("def x(a = S[1]) end").jump(:default_arg) ast.source.should == 'a = S[1]' end it "should end source properly on if/unless mod" do %w(if unless while).each do |mod| stmt("A=1 #{mod} true").source.should == "A=1 #{mod} true" end end it "should show proper source for assignment" do stmt("A=1").jump(:assign).source.should == "A=1" end it "should show proper source for a top_const_ref" do s = stmt("::\nFoo::Bar") s.jump(:top_const_ref).source.should == "::\nFoo" s.should be_ref s.jump(:top_const_ref).should be_ref s.source.should == "::\nFoo::Bar" s.line_range.to_a.should == [1, 2] end it "should show proper source for inline heredoc" do src = "def foo\n foo(<<-XML, 1, 2)\n bar\n\n XML\nend" s = stmt(src) t = tokenize(src) s.source.should == src {|x| x[1] }.join.should == src end it "should show proper source for regular heredoc" do src = "def foo\n x = <<-XML\n Hello \#{name}!\n Bye!\n XML\nend" s = stmt(src) t = tokenize(src) s.source.should == src {|x| x[1] }.join.should == src end it "should show proper source for heredoc with comment" do src = "def foo\n x = <<-XML # HI!\n Hello \#{name}!\n Bye!\n XML\nend" s = stmt(src) t = tokenize(src) s.source.should == src {|x| x[1] }.join.should == src end it "should show proper source for string" do ["'", '"'].each do |q| src = "#{q}hello\n\nworld#{q}" s = stmt(src) s.jump(:string_content).source.should == "hello\n\nworld" s.source.should == src end src = '("this is a string")' stmt(src).jump(:string_literal).source.should == '"this is a string"' end it "should show proper source for %w() array" do src = "%w(\na b c\n d e f\n)" stmt(src).jump(:qwords_literal).source.should == src end it "should show proper source for %w{} array" do src = "%w{\na b c\n d e f\n}" stmt(src).jump(:array).source.should == src end it "should parse %w() array in constant declaration" do s = stmt(<<-eof) class Foo FOO = %w( foo bar ) end eof s.jump(:qwords_literal).source.should == '%w( foo bar )' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' # ripper fix: array node encapsulates qwords s.jump(:array).source.should == '%w( foo bar )' end end it "should parse %w() array source in object[] parsed context" do s = stmts(<<-eof) {}[:key] FOO = %w( foo bar ) eof s[1].jump(:array).source.should == '%w( foo bar )' end it "should parse %w() array source in object[]= parsed context" do s = stmts(<<-eof) {}[:key] = :value FOO = %w( foo bar ) eof s[1].jump(:array).source.should == '%w( foo bar )' end it "should parse [] as array" do s = stmt(<<-eof) class Foo FOO = ['foo', 'bar'] end eof s.jump(:array).source.should == "['foo', 'bar']" end it "should show source for unary minus" do stmt("X = - 1").jump(:unary).source.should == '- 1' end it "should show source for unary exclamation" do stmt("X = !1").jump(:unary).source.should == '!1' end end end if HAVE_RIPPER