= 0.4.0 - Allow naming of mocks (patch from Chris Roos). - Specify multiple return values for consecutive calls. - Improved consistency of expectation error messages. - Allow mocking of Object instance methods e.g. kind_of?, type. - Provide aliased versions of #expects and #stubs to allow mocking of these methods. - Added at_least, at_most, at_most_once methods to expectation. - Allow expects and stubs to take a hash of method and return values. - Eliminate warning: "instance variable @yield not initialized" (patch from Xavier Shay). - Restore instance methods on partial mocks (patch from Chris Roos). - Allow stubbing of a method with non-word characters in its name (patch from Paul Battley). - Removed coupling to Test::Unit. - Allow specified exception instance to be raised (patch from Chris Roos). - Make mock object_id appear in hex like normal Ruby inspect (patch from Paul Battley). - Fix path to object.rb in rdoc rake task (patch from Tomas Pospisek). - Reverse order in which expectations are matched, so that last expectation is matched first. This allows e.g. a call to #stubs to be effectively overridden by a call to #expects (patch from Tobias Lutke). - Stubba & SmartTestCase modules incorporated into Mocha module so only need to require 'mocha' - no longer need to require 'stubba'. - AutoMocha removed. = 0.3.3 - Quick bug fix to restore instance methods on partial mocks (for Kevin Clark). = 0.3.2 - Examples added. = 0.3.1 - Dual licensing with MIT license added. = 0.3.0 * Rails plugin. * Auto-verify for expectations on concrete classes. * Include each expectation verification in the test result assertion count. * Filter out noise from assertion backtraces. * Point assertion backtrace to line where failing expectation was created. * New yields method for expectations. * Create stubs which stub all method calls. * Mocks now respond_to? expected methods. = 0.2.1 * Rename MochaAcceptanceTest::Rover#move method to avoid conflict with Rake (in Ruby 1.8.4 only?) = 0.2.0 * Small change to SetupAndTeardown#teardown_stubs suggested by Luke Redpath (http://www.lukeredpath.co.uk) to allow use of Stubba with RSpec (http://rspec.rubyforge.org). * Reorganized directory structure and extracted addition of setup and teardown methods into SmartTestCase mini-library. * Addition of auto-verify for Mocha (but not Stubba). This means there is more significance in the choice of expects or stubs in that any expects on a mock will automatically get verified. So instead of... wotsit = Mocha.new wotsit.expects(:thingummy).with(5).returns(10) doobrey = Doobrey.new(wotsit) doobrey.hoojamaflip wotsit.verify you need to do... wotsit = mock() wotsit.expects(:thingummy).with(5).returns(10) doobrey = Doobrey.new(wotsit) doobrey.hoojamaflip # no need to verify There are also shortcuts as follows... instead of... wotsit = Mocha.new wotsit.expects(:thingummy).returns(10) wotsit.expects(:summat).returns(25) you can have... wotsit = mock(:thingummy => 5, :summat => 25) and instead of... wotsit = Mocha.new wotsit.stubs(:thingummy).returns(10) wotsit.stubs(:summat).returns(25) you can have... wotsit = stub(:thingummy => 5, :summat => 25) = 0.1.2 * Minor tweaks = 0.1.1 * Initial release.