# Code generated by Speakeasy (https://speakeasy.com). DO NOT EDIT.

# typed: true
# frozen_string_literal: true

module OpenApiSDK
  module Shared

    class Link < ::OpenApiSDK::Utils::FieldAugmented
      extend T::Sig

      # The Android destination URL for the short link for Android device targeting.
      field :android, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('android') } }
      # The number of clicks on the short link.
      field :clicks, ::Float, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('clicks') } }
      # The comments for the short link.
      field :comments, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('comments') } }

      field :created_at, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('createdAt') } }
      # The description of the short link generated via `api.dub.co/metatags`. Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if `proxy` is true.
      field :description, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('description') } }
      # The domain of the short link. If not provided, the primary domain for the workspace will be used (or `dub.sh` if the workspace has no domains).
      field :domain, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('domain') } }
      # The URL to redirect to when the short link has expired.
      field :expired_url, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('expiredUrl') } }

      field :expires_at, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('expiresAt') } }
      # This is the ID of the link in your database that is unique across your workspace. If set, it can be used to identify the link in future API requests. Must be prefixed with 'ext_' when passed as a query parameter.
      field :external_id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('externalId') } }
      # Geo targeting information for the short link in JSON format `{[COUNTRY]: https://example.com }`. Learn more: https://d.to/geo
      field :geo, ::OpenApiSDK::Shared::ClickEventGeo, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('geo') } }
      # The unique ID of the short link.
      field :id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('id') } }
      # The identifier of the short link that is unique across your workspace. If set, it can be used to identify your short link for client-side click tracking.
      field :identifier, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('identifier') } }
      # The image of the short link generated via `api.dub.co/metatags`. Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if `proxy` is true.
      field :image, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('image') } }
      # The iOS destination URL for the short link for iOS device targeting.
      field :ios, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('ios') } }
      # The short link slug. If not provided, a random 7-character slug will be generated.
      field :key, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('key') } }

      field :last_clicked, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('lastClicked') } }
      # [BETA]: The number of leads the short links has generated.
      field :leads, ::Float, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('leads') } }
      # The password required to access the destination URL of the short link.
      field :password, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('password') } }
      # The project ID of the short link. This field is deprecated – use `workspaceId` instead.
      # @deprecated  true: This will be removed in a future release, please migrate away from it as soon as possible.
      field :project_id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('projectId') } }
      # The full URL of the QR code for the short link (e.g. `https://api.dub.co/qr?url=https://dub.sh/try`).
      field :qr_code, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('qrCode') } }
      # [BETA]: The total dollar amount of sales the short links has generated (in cents).
      field :sale_amount, ::Float, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('saleAmount') } }
      # [BETA]: The number of sales the short links has generated.
      field :sales, ::Float, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('sales') } }
      # The full URL of the short link, including the https protocol (e.g. `https://dub.sh/try`).
      field :short_link, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('shortLink') } }
      # The unique ID of the tag assigned to the short link. This field is deprecated – use `tags` instead.
      # @deprecated  true: This will be removed in a future release, please migrate away from it as soon as possible.
      field :tag_id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('tagId') } }
      # The tags assigned to the short link.
      field :tags, T::Array[::OpenApiSDK::Shared::TagSchema], { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('tags') } }
      # The title of the short link generated via `api.dub.co/metatags`. Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if `proxy` is true.
      field :title, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('title') } }

      field :updated_at, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('updatedAt') } }

      field :url, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('url') } }

      field :user_id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('userId') } }
      # The UTM campaign of the short link.
      field :utm_campaign, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('utm_campaign') } }
      # The UTM content of the short link.
      field :utm_content, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('utm_content') } }
      # The UTM medium of the short link.
      field :utm_medium, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('utm_medium') } }
      # The UTM source of the short link.
      field :utm_source, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('utm_source') } }
      # The UTM term of the short link.
      field :utm_term, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('utm_term') } }
      # The custom link preview video (og:video). Will be used for Custom Social Media Cards if `proxy` is true. Learn more: https://d.to/og
      field :video, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('video') } }
      # The workspace ID of the short link.
      field :workspace_id, ::String, { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('workspaceId') } }

      field :archived, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('archived') } }

      field :do_index, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('doIndex') } }

      field :proxy, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('proxy') } }

      field :public_stats, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('publicStats') } }

      field :rewrite, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('rewrite') } }

      field :track_conversion, T.nilable(T::Boolean), { 'format_json': { 'letter_case': ::OpenApiSDK::Utils.field_name('trackConversion') } }

      sig { params(android: ::String, clicks: ::Float, comments: ::String, created_at: ::String, description: ::String, domain: ::String, expired_url: ::String, expires_at: ::String, external_id: ::String, geo: ::OpenApiSDK::Shared::ClickEventGeo, id: ::String, identifier: ::String, image: ::String, ios: ::String, key: ::String, last_clicked: ::String, leads: ::Float, password: ::String, project_id: ::String, qr_code: ::String, sale_amount: ::Float, sales: ::Float, short_link: ::String, tag_id: ::String, tags: T::Array[::OpenApiSDK::Shared::TagSchema], title: ::String, updated_at: ::String, url: ::String, user_id: ::String, utm_campaign: ::String, utm_content: ::String, utm_medium: ::String, utm_source: ::String, utm_term: ::String, video: ::String, workspace_id: ::String, archived: T.nilable(T::Boolean), do_index: T.nilable(T::Boolean), proxy: T.nilable(T::Boolean), public_stats: T.nilable(T::Boolean), rewrite: T.nilable(T::Boolean), track_conversion: T.nilable(T::Boolean)).void }
      def initialize(android: nil, clicks: nil, comments: nil, created_at: nil, description: nil, domain: nil, expired_url: nil, expires_at: nil, external_id: nil, geo: nil, id: nil, identifier: nil, image: nil, ios: nil, key: nil, last_clicked: nil, leads: nil, password: nil, project_id: nil, qr_code: nil, sale_amount: nil, sales: nil, short_link: nil, tag_id: nil, tags: nil, title: nil, updated_at: nil, url: nil, user_id: nil, utm_campaign: nil, utm_content: nil, utm_medium: nil, utm_source: nil, utm_term: nil, video: nil, workspace_id: nil, archived: nil, do_index: nil, proxy: nil, public_stats: nil, rewrite: nil, track_conversion: nil)
        @android = android
        @clicks = clicks
        @comments = comments
        @created_at = created_at
        @description = description
        @domain = domain
        @expired_url = expired_url
        @expires_at = expires_at
        @external_id = external_id
        @geo = geo
        @id = id
        @identifier = identifier
        @image = image
        @ios = ios
        @key = key
        @last_clicked = last_clicked
        @leads = leads
        @password = password
        @project_id = project_id
        @qr_code = qr_code
        @sale_amount = sale_amount
        @sales = sales
        @short_link = short_link
        @tag_id = tag_id
        @tags = tags
        @title = title
        @updated_at = updated_at
        @url = url
        @user_id = user_id
        @utm_campaign = utm_campaign
        @utm_content = utm_content
        @utm_medium = utm_medium
        @utm_source = utm_source
        @utm_term = utm_term
        @video = video
        @workspace_id = workspace_id
        @archived = archived
        @do_index = do_index
        @proxy = proxy
        @public_stats = public_stats
        @rewrite = rewrite
        @track_conversion = track_conversion