module BBLib # Allows any public setter method to be called during initialization using keyword arguments. # Add include BBLib::SimpleInit or prepend BBLib::SimpleInit to classes to add this behavior. module SimpleInit attr_reader :_init_type # strict - Raise exceptions for unknown named attributes # loose - Ignore unknown named attributes # collect - Put unknown named attributes into the attribute # configured by collect_attribute INIT_TYPES = [:strict, :loose, :collect].freeze def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval do define_method(:initialize) do |*args, &block| send(:simple_setup) if respond_to?(:simple_setup, true) send(:simple_preinit, *args, &block) if respond_to?(:simple_preinit, true) _initialize(*args, &block) send(:simple_init, *args, &block) if respond_to?(:simple_init, true) if block && !_attrs.any? { |k, v| v[:options][:arg_at] == :block } result = instance_eval(&block) simple_init_block_result(result) if respond_to?(:simple_init_block_result, true) end send(:simple_postinit, *args, &block) if respond_to?(:simple_postinit, true) self end end if BBLib.in_opal? base.singleton_class.class_eval do alias __new new def new(*args, &block) named = BBLib.named_args(*args) if init_foundation && named[init_foundation_method] && ((named[init_foundation_method] != self.send(init_foundation_method)) rescue false) klass = [self, descendants].flatten.find do |k| if init_foundation_compare, named[init_foundation_method]) else k.send(init_foundation_method).to_s == named[init_foundation_method].to_s end end raise ArgumentError, "Unknown #{init_foundation_method} \"#{named[init_foundation_method]}\" for #{self}" unless klass klass == self ? __new(*args, &block) :*args, &block) elsif named[init_foundation_method].nil? && init_foundation_default_class != self*args, &block) else __new(*args, &block) end end end end end module ClassMethods unless BBLib.in_opal? # Overriden new method that allows parent classes to dynamically generate # instantiations of descendants by using the named init_foundation_method argument. def new(*args, &block) named = BBLib.named_args(*args) if init_foundation && named[init_foundation_method] && ((named[init_foundation_method] != self.send(init_foundation_method)) rescue false) klass = [self, descendants].flatten.find do |k| if init_foundation_compare, named[init_foundation_method]) else k.send(init_foundation_method).to_s == named[init_foundation_method].to_s end end raise ArgumentError, "Unknown #{init_foundation_method} \"#{named[init_foundation_method]}\"" unless klass klass == self ? super :*args, &block) elsif named[init_foundation_method].nil? && init_foundation_default_class != self && init_foundation_default_class < self*args, &block) else super end end end # If true, this allows the overriden new method to generate descendants from # its constructors. def init_foundation @init_foundation ||= false end # Sets the init_foundation variable to true of false. When false, the new # method behaves like any other class. If true, the new method can instantiate # child classes using the :_class named parameter. def init_foundation=(toggle) @init_foundation = toggle end def init_foundation_method(method = nil) @init_foundation_method = method if method @init_foundation_method ||= ancestor_init_foundation_method end def init_foundation_compare(&block) @init_foundation_compare = block if block @init_foundation_compare end def setup_init_foundation(method, &block) self.init_foundation = true self.init_foundation_method(method) self.init_foundation_compare(&block) if block end def init_foundation_default_class self end def collect_method(name = nil) @collect_method = name if name @collect_method ||= _super_collect_method end def _super_collect_method ancestors.each do |ancestor| next if ancestor == self return ancestor.collect_method if ancestor.respond_to?(:collect_method) end :attributes end def ancestor_init_foundation_method anc = ancestors.find do |a| next if a == self a.respond_to?(:init_foundation_method) end anc ? anc.init_foundation_method : :_class end # Sets or returns the current init type for this class. # Available types are: #=> :strict = Unknown named arguments will raise an error. #=> :loose = Unknown named arguments are ignored. def init_type(type = nil) return @init_type ||= _super_init_type unless type raise ArgumentError, "Unknown init type '#{type}'. Must be #{INIT_TYPES.join_terms('or', encapsulate: "'")}." unless INIT_TYPES.include?(type) @init_type = type end # Used to load the init type of the nearest ancestor for inheritance. def _super_init_type ancestors.each do |ancestor| next if ancestor == self return ancestor.init_type if ancestor.respond_to?(:init_type) end :strict end # Dynamically create a new class based on this one. By default this class # is generated in the same namespace as the parent class. A custom namespace # can be passed in using the named argument :namespace. def build_descendant(name, namespace: parent_namespace) namespace.const_set(name, end # Returns the nearest parent namespace to thi current class. Object is # returned if this class is not in a namespace. def parent_namespace parent = self.to_s.split('::')[0..-2].join('::') if parent.empty? return Object else Object.const_get(parent) end end def _class self.to_s end end protected def _initialize(*args, &block) named = BBLib.named_args(*args) if self.class.respond_to?(:_attrs) set_v_arg = do |method, details| next unless details[:options][:arg_at] && (details[:options][:arg_at].is_a?(Integer) || details[:options][:arg_at] == :block) if details[:options][:arg_at] == :block send("#{method}=", block) if block method else index = details[:options][:arg_at] if args.size > index accept = details[:options][:arg_at_accept] next if args[index].is_a?(Hash) && (accept.nil? || ![accept].flatten.include?(Hash)) if accept.nil? || [accept].flatten.any? { |a| a >= args[index].class } send("#{method}=", args[index]) method end end end end.compact missing = do |method, details| next unless !set_v_arg.include?(method) && details[:options][:required] && !named.include?(method) && !send(method) method end.compact raise ArgumentError, "You are missing the following required #{BBLib.pluralize('argument', missing.size)} for #{self.class}: #{missing.join_terms}" unless missing.empty? end named.each do |method, value| next if method == self.class.init_foundation_method setter = "#{method}=" exists = respond_to?(setter) if !exists && self.class.init_type == :strict raise ArgumentError, "Undefined attribute #{setter} for class #{self.class}." elsif !exists && self.class.init_type == :collect _collect_attribute(method, value) end next unless exists send(setter, value) end end def _collect_attribute(method, value) inst_name = "@#{self.class.collect_method}" hash = instance_variable_get(inst_name) hash = instance_variable_set(inst_name, {}) unless hash.is_a?(Hash) hash[method] = value end end end