module Picky module Backends class Redis class List < Basic # Clear the index for this list. # # Note: Perhaps we can use a server only command. # This is not the optimal way to do it. # def clear redis_key = "#{namespace}:*" client.keys(redis_key).each do |key| client.del key end end # Size of the list(s). # def size redis_key = "#{namespace}:*" client.keys(redis_key).inject(0) do |total, key| total + client.zcard(key) end end # Deletes the list for the key. # def delete key client.del "#{namespace}:#{key}" end # Writes the hash into Redis. # def dump hash unless @realtime clear hash.each_pair do |key, values| redis_key = "#{namespace}:#{key}" i = 0 values.each do |value| i += 1 client.zadd redis_key, i, value end end end end # Get a collection. # # Internal API method for the index. # def [] key list = client.zrange "#{namespace}:#{key}", :'0', :'-1' DirectlyManipulable.make self, list, key list end # Set a single list. # def []= key, values delete key redis_key = "#{namespace}:#{key}" i = 0 values.each do |value| i += 1 client.zadd redis_key, i, value end DirectlyManipulable.make self, values, key values end # Inject. # def inject initial, &block redis_keys = "#{namespace}:*" client.keys(redis_keys).each do |redis_key| key = redis_key[/:([^\:]+)$/, 1] initial = initial, [key, self[key]] end initial end end end end end