# Tramway::Profiles This gem provides easy way to add info about social profiles of your organization ## Installation #### 1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'tramway-profiles' ``` #### 2. Generations ```shell rails g tramway:profiles:install rails db:migrate ``` #### 3. Install tramway-admin gem. [How-to](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/tree/develop/tramway-admin) #### 4. Add social network to the admin panel *app/initializers/tramway.rb* ```ruby ::Tramway::Admin.set_available_models(::Tramway::Profiles::SocialNetwork, project: :your_project_name) ``` ## Usage. English ...coming soon ## Использование [Прочитайте нашу инструкцию по использованию гема](https://github.com/ulmic/tramway-dev/blob/develop/tramway-profiles/docs/main.md) ## Troubleshooting 1. `undefined method 'profile_link'` just add `include ::Tramway::Profiles::ApplicationHelper` to your main helper ## Contributing Contribution directions go here. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).