# encoding: UTF-8 module Asciidoctor module Cli # Public: List of options that can be specified on the command line class Options < ::Hash def initialize(options = {}) self[:attributes] = options[:attributes] || {} self[:input_files] = options[:input_files] || nil self[:output_file] = options[:output_file] || nil self[:safe] = options[:safe] || SafeMode::UNSAFE self[:header_footer] = options[:header_footer] || true self[:template_dirs] = options[:template_dirs] || nil self[:template_engine] = options[:template_engine] || nil if options[:doctype] self[:attributes]['doctype'] = options[:doctype] end if options[:backend] self[:attributes]['backend'] = options[:backend] end self[:eruby] = options[:eruby] || nil self[:verbose] = options[:verbose] || 1 self[:load_paths] = options[:load_paths] || nil self[:requires] = options[:requires] || nil self[:base_dir] = options[:base_dir] self[:destination_dir] = options[:destination_dir] || nil self[:trace] = false self[:timings] = false end def self.parse!(args) Options.new.parse! args end def parse!(args) opts_parser = ::OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<-EOS Usage: asciidoctor [OPTION]... FILE... Translate the AsciiDoc source FILE or FILE(s) into the backend output format (e.g., HTML 5, DocBook 4.5, etc.) By default, the output is written to a file with the basename of the source file and the appropriate extension. Example: asciidoctor -b html5 source.asciidoc EOS opts.on('-b', '--backend BACKEND', 'set output format backend: [html5, xhtml5, docbook5, docbook45, manpage] (default: html5)', 'additional backends are supported via extensions (e.g., pdf, latex)') do |backend| self[:attributes]['backend'] = backend end opts.on('-d', '--doctype DOCTYPE', ['article', 'book', 'manpage', 'inline'], 'document type to use when converting document: [article, book, manpage, inline] (default: article)') do |doc_type| self[:attributes]['doctype'] = doc_type end opts.on('-o', '--out-file FILE', 'output file (default: based on path of input file); use - to output to STDOUT') do |output_file| self[:output_file] = output_file end opts.on('--safe', 'set safe mode level to safe (default: unsafe)', 'enables include macros, but restricts access to ancestor paths of source file', 'provided for compatibility with the asciidoc command') do self[:safe] = SafeMode::SAFE end opts.on('-S', '--safe-mode SAFE_MODE', (safe_mode_names = SafeMode.constants.map(&:to_s).map(&:downcase)), %(set safe mode level explicitly: [#{safe_mode_names * ', '}] (default: unsafe)), 'disables potentially dangerous macros in source files, such as include::[]') do |safe_mode| self[:safe] = SafeMode.const_get safe_mode.upcase end opts.on('-s', '--no-header-footer', 'suppress output of header and footer (default: false)') do self[:header_footer] = false end opts.on('-n', '--section-numbers', 'auto-number section titles in the HTML backend; disabled by default') do self[:attributes]['sectnums'] = '' end opts.on('-e', '--eruby ERUBY', ['erb', 'erubis'], 'specify eRuby implementation to use when rendering custom ERB templates: [erb, erubis] (default: erb)') do |eruby| self[:eruby] = eruby end opts.on('-C', '--compact', 'compact the output by removing blank lines. (No longer in use)') do end opts.on('-a', '--attribute key[=value]', 'a document attribute to set in the form of key, key! or key=value pair', 'unless @ is appended to the value, this attributes takes precedence over attributes', 'defined in the source document') do |attr| key, val = attr.split '=', 2 val = val ? (FORCE_ENCODING ? (val.force_encoding ::Encoding::UTF_8) : val) : '' # move leading ! to end for internal processing #if !val && key.start_with?('!') # key = "#{key[1..-1]}!" #end self[:attributes][key] = val end opts.on('-T', '--template-dir DIR', 'a directory containing custom converter templates that override the built-in converter (requires tilt gem)', 'may be specified multiple times') do |template_dir| if self[:template_dirs].nil? self[:template_dirs] = [template_dir] elsif ::Array === self[:template_dirs] self[:template_dirs].push template_dir else self[:template_dirs] = [self[:template_dirs], template_dir] end end opts.on('-E', '--template-engine NAME', 'template engine to use for the custom converter templates (loads gem on demand)') do |template_engine| self[:template_engine] = template_engine end opts.on('-B', '--base-dir DIR', 'base directory containing the document and resources (default: directory of source file)') do |base_dir| self[:base_dir] = base_dir end opts.on('-D', '--destination-dir DIR', 'destination output directory (default: directory of source file)') do |dest_dir| self[:destination_dir] = dest_dir end opts.on('-IDIRECTORY', '--load-path DIRECTORY', 'add a directory to the $LOAD_PATH', 'may be specified more than once') do |path| (self[:load_paths] ||= []).concat(path.split ::File::PATH_SEPARATOR) end opts.on('-rLIBRARY', '--require LIBRARY', 'require the specified library before executing the processor (using require)', 'may be specified more than once') do |path| (self[:requires] ||= []).concat(path.split ',') end opts.on('-q', '--quiet', 'suppress warnings (default: false)') do |verbose| self[:verbose] = 0 end opts.on('--trace', 'include backtrace information on errors (default: false)') do |trace| self[:trace] = true end opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'enable verbose mode (default: false)') do |verbose| self[:verbose] = 2 end opts.on('-t', '--timings', 'enable timings mode (default: false)') do |timing| self[:timings] = true end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'show this message') do $stdout.puts opts return 0 end opts.on_tail('-V', '--version', 'display the version and runtime environment (or -v if no other flags or arguments)') do return print_version $stdout end end infiles = [] opts_parser.parse! args if args.empty? if self[:verbose] == 2 return print_version $stdout else $stderr.puts opts_parser return 1 end end # shave off the file to process so that options errors appear correctly if args.size == 1 && args[0] == '-' infiles.push args.pop elsif args.each do |file| if file == '-' || (file.start_with? '-') # warn, but don't panic; we may have enough to proceed, so we won't force a failure $stderr.puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: extra arguments detected (unparsed arguments: #{args.map{|a| "'#{a}'"} * ', '}) or incorrect usage of stdin" else if ::File.readable? file matches = [file] else # Tilt backslashes in Windows paths the Ruby-friendly way if ::File::ALT_SEPARATOR == '\\' && (file.include? '\\') file = file.tr '\\', '/' end if (matches = ::Dir.glob file).empty? $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: FAILED: input file #{file} missing or cannot be read) return 1 end end infiles.concat matches end end end infiles.each do |file| unless file == '-' || (::File.file? file) if ::File.readable? file $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: FAILED: input path #{file} is a #{(::File.stat file).ftype}, not a file) else $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: FAILED: input file #{file} missing or cannot be read) end return 1 end end self[:input_files] = infiles self.delete(:attributes) if self[:attributes].empty? if self[:template_dirs] begin require 'tilt' unless defined? ::Tilt rescue ::LoadError raise $! if self[:trace] $stderr.puts 'asciidoctor: FAILED: \'tilt\' could not be loaded' $stderr.puts ' You must have the tilt gem installed (gem install tilt) to use custom backend templates' $stderr.puts ' Use --trace for backtrace' return 1 rescue ::SystemExit # not permitted here end end if (load_paths = self[:load_paths]) (self[:load_paths] = load_paths.uniq).reverse_each do |path| $:.unshift File.expand_path(path) end end if (requires = self[:requires]) (self[:requires] = requires.uniq).each do |path| begin require path rescue ::LoadError raise $! if self[:trace] $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: FAILED: '#{path}' could not be loaded) $stderr.puts ' Use --trace for backtrace' return 1 rescue ::SystemExit # not permitted here end end end self rescue ::OptionParser::MissingArgument $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: option #{$!.message}) $stdout.puts opts_parser return 1 rescue ::OptionParser::InvalidOption, ::OptionParser::InvalidArgument $stderr.puts %(asciidoctor: #{$!.message}) $stdout.puts opts_parser return 1 end def print_version os = $stdout os.puts %(Asciidoctor #{::Asciidoctor::VERSION} [http://asciidoctor.org]) if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' encoding_info = {'lc' => 'locale', 'fs' => 'filesystem', 'in' => 'internal', 'ex' => 'external'}.map do |k,v| %(#{k}:#{Encoding.find(v) || '-'}) end os.puts %(Runtime Environment (#{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}) (#{encoding_info * ' '})) else os.puts %(Runtime Environment (#{RUBY_DESCRIPTION})) end 0 end end end end