!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rio is pre-alpha software. The documented interface and behavior is subject to change without notice. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! === Rio - Ruby I/O Comfort Class Rio is a convenience class wrapping much of the functionality of IO, File, Dir, Pathname, FileUtils, Tempfile, StringIO, OpenURI, Zlib, and CSV. To create the documentation for Rio run the command rake rdoc from the distribution directory. If your don't have rake installed, install it, until you do try: ruby RUNME.1st.rb from the distribution directory. Then point your browser at the 'doc/rdoc' directory. Suggested Reading * RIO::Doc::SYNOPSIS * RIO::Doc::INTRO * RIO::Doc::HOWTO * RIO::Rio == New for version 0.3.2 * Based on a suggestion by Wybo Decker and code attributed to Nobu Nokada, Rio now supports temporary directories in addition to temporary files. * Bug fixes * More tests and documentation. == SYNOPSIS For the following assume: astring = "" anarray = [] Copy a file into a string rio('afile') > astring Copy the chomped lines of a file into an array rio('afile').chomp > anarray Copy a file into another file rio('afile') > rio('another_file') Copy a file into a directory rio('afile') > rio('adir') Copy an entire directory structure into another directory rio('adir') > rio('another_directory') Copy a web page into a file rio('http://rubydoc.org/') > rio('afile') Copy a file from a ftp server into a file rio('ftp://host/afile.gz') > rio('afile.gz') Copy a gzipped file un-gzipping it rio('afile.gz').gzip > rio('afile') Copy a file from a ftp server into a local file un-gzipping it rio('ftp://host/afile.gz').gzip > rio('afile') Copy a plain file, gzipping it rio('afile.gz').gzip < rio('afile') Iterate over the entries in a directory rio('adir').entries { |entrio| ... } Iterate over only the files in a directory rio('adir').files { |entrio| ... } Iterate over only the .rb files in a directory rio('adir').files('*.rb') { |entrio| ... } Create an array of the .rb entries in a directory anarray = rio('adir')['*.rb'] Iterate over the .rb files in a directory and its subdirectories rio('adir').all.files('*.rb') { |entrio| ... } Create an array of the .rb entries in a directory and its subdirectories anarray = rio('adir').all['*.rb'] Create an array of the .rb files in a directory and its subdirectories anarray = rio('adir').all.files['*.rb'] Copy an entire directory structure but only the .rb files from a directory and its subdirectories into another directory rio('adir').dirs.files('*.rb') > rio('another_directory') Iterate over the chomped lines of a file rio('afile').chomp.lines { |line| ... } Put the chomped lines of a file into an array anarray = rio('afile').chomp.lines[] Iterate over the first 10 chomped lines of a file rio('afile').chomp.lines(0..9) { |line| ... } Put the first 10 chomped lines of a file into an array anarray = rio('afile').chomp.lines[0..9] Copy the first 10 lines of a file into another file rio('afile').lines(0..9) > rio('another_file') Copy the first 10 lines of a file to stdout rio('afile').lines(0..9) > rio(?-) Copy the first 10 lines of a gzipped file to stdout rio('afile.gz').gzip.lines(0..9) > rio(?-) Copy the first 10 lines of a gzipped file on an ftp server to stdout rio('ftp://host/afile.gz').gzip.lines(0..9) > rio(?-) Put the first 100 chomped lines of a gzipped file into an array anarray = rio('afile.gz').gzip[0...100] Copy the output of th ps command into an array, skipping the header line and the ps command entry rio(?-,'ps -a').nolines(0,/ps$/) > anarray Prompt for input and return what was typed ans = rio(?-).print("Type Something: ").chomp.gets Change the extension of all files with the extension '.htm' in a directory and its subdirectories to have the extension '.html' rio('adir').rename.all.files('*.htm') do |htmfile| htmfile.extname = '.html' end Create a symbolic link 'asymlink' in 'adir' which refers to 'adir/afile' rio('adir/afile').symlinke('adir/asymlink')