# Refinery CMS Photo Gallery
__Photo gallery engine for Refinery CMS.__
## Requirements
This version of refinerycms-photo-gallery supports Rails 3.2.x and Refinery CMS ~> 2.0.3.
## Features
* Multiple photo uploading with [Plupload](http://www.plupload.com/) 1.5.4
* Only HTML5 runtime is supported
* Client side photo resizing to do faster uploading on slow connections
* Server side resizing with Carrierwave
* Attach album to page. One album can be attached to many pages.
* Grouping albums to collections. Album can be placed in one or more collections.
* Ajaxified photo editation during uploading
* Reading EXIF records from file - GPS latitude/longitude, photo title, photo description (In Linux you can put EXIF data using [digiKam](www.digikam.org/) )
* Multiple photo editing at once
* Fully configurable, searchable
* Using [Fancybox](http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/) 2.0.6 for frontend image slideshow. Read Fancybox license before you
use it on profit websites.
* Fragment caching on frontend
* Ajaxified pagination with history.pushState on frontend
## Screenshots
All screenshots are in branch screenshots

## Demo
## Options
* choose runtimes
* set max file size
* on/off client side resizing
* set plupload locale
* file extensions white list
* delete original files after resizing to save disk space
* set dimmensions of photo versions without need to override uploader
## Language
Gem is fully translated to slovak and english. Plupload is translated to 24 languages. You can add your own to
photo_gallery/app/assets/javascripts/refinery/photo_gallery/admin/plupload/i18n and enable it in config.plupload_locale
## Browser support
Client side image resizing with Plupload is possible on Firefox 3.5+ (with fixed quality) and Chrome.
Safari doesn't support direct data access to the selected files. Opera 12.00 + supports drag&drop and also client side image resizing.
## Installation
Make sure, you [have installed ImageMagick](http://www.imagemagick.org/script/install-source.php#unix) and ImageMagick dev.
On Ubuntu 12.04 you can install dev suite with commands:
sudo apt-get install libmagickcore-dev libmagickwand-dev
Then you need to install command-line Exiftool application.
Instructions for installation you can find under [www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/install.html](www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/install.html).
Open up your ``Gemfile`` and add at the bottom this line:
gem 'refinerycms-photo-gallery', '~> 0.1.0'
Now, run
bundle install
Next, to install the photo gallery plugin run:
rails g refinery:photo_gallery
Run database migrations:
rake db:migrate
Seed your database:
rake db:seed
``<%= render "/refinery/photo_gallery/albums/show" %>``
to pages/show.html.erb to display photos
You can configure gem in ``your_app_name/config/initializers/refinery/photo_gallery.rb``
If you want to use ajaxy pagination, copy ``app/assets/javascripts/refinery/photo_gallery/photo_gallery.js`` to your app's asset and add to manifest.
Check, if you have ``jquery.js`` included in your backend.
If you want to use Fancybox in frontend, copy ``photo_gallery/app/assets/images/refinery/photo_gallery/fancybox``, ``photo_gallery/app/assets/javascripts/refinery/photo_gallery/fancybox``, ``photo_gallery/app/assets/refinery/photo_gallery/stylesheets/fancybox`` to your
refinery cms assets directory.
Then you need to add fancybox js files to your js manifest file in ``your_app_name/app/javascripts/application.js``:
//= require fancybox/jquery.fancybox.pack
//= require fancybox/lib/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.6.pack
//= require fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-buttons
And fancybox css files in ``your_app_name/app/stylesheets/application.css``:
*= require jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom
*= require fancybox/jquery.fancybox
*= require fancybox/helpers/jquery.fancybox-buttons
And initialize Fancybox in your_app_name/app/views/refinery/_javascripts.html.erb. If you don't have this file
in your app, override it using rake refinery:override command and add this line to it:
If you want to use Fancybox 1.3, use this javascipt to initialize:
Before production, don't forget to precompile assets by:
rake assets:precompile
## Uninstall
rails destroy refinery:photo_gallery
From your app db/migrate dir, remove migrations from
Remove database tables. Run multiple times to remove all photo gallery tables:
rake db:rollback
Remove fancybox assets folders, which you copied to you app assets and also remove them from your js/css manifests.
Remove fancybox init javascript from _javascripts.html.erb file
Remove gem from Gemfile
## Todo list
* create app tests
* show live links in admin
* create pop-up window to upload photos from pages area, like page-images
* add checkboxes to delete multiple/all photos in album
* stop uploading
* add support for amazon S3 storage
* travis, codeclimate
## Code
## Known bugs
* Files with spaces in file names are rejected if you upload them using drag&drop
* Due to Opera bug I turn off Plupload client side mime type validation. It is able to choose files with non valid
file extensions to upload queue. ( But server side validation reject these files.).
## Road map ?
* GPS editing in degrees,minute,seconds format
* album/photo tags using acts_as_taggable ?
* show photo location on google maps ?
## Testing
## License
Refinery CMS Photo Gallery engine is released under the MIT license. Created by Martin Markech, inspired by
Espen Antonsen's [Balder photo gallery](http://balderapp.com/)