describe "Browse Dashboard", type: :feature do let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } let!(:dissertation) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_work, user: user, title: ["Fake PDF Title"], subject: %w(lorem ipsum dolor sit amet)) } let!(:mp3_work) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_work, user: user, title: ["Test Document MP3"], subject: %w(consectetur adipisicing elit)) } let!(:audio_work) { FactoryGirl.create(:public_work, user: user, title: ["Fake Wav Files"], subject: %w(sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore)) } before do sign_in user user.trophies.create!(work_id: visit "/dashboard" end it "lets the user search and display their files" do expect(page).to have_link "Create Collection" expect(page).to have_link "Create Work" # Search fill_in "q", with: "PDF" click_button "search-submit-header" expect(page).to have_content("Fake PDF Title") visit "/dashboard/works" fill_in "q", with: "PDF" click_button "search-submit-header" expect(page).to have_content("Fake PDF Title") within(".constraints-container") do expect(page).to have_content("You searched for:") expect(page).to have_css("span.glyphicon-remove") find(".dropdown-toggle").click end expect(page).to have_content("Fake Wav File") # Browse facets click_link "Subject" click_link "more Subjects" click_link "consectetur" within("#document_#{}") do expect(page).to have_link("Display all details of Test Document MP3", href: hyrax_generic_work_path(mp3_work, locale: 'en')) end click_link("Remove constraint Subject: consectetur") # Refresh the page click_button "Refresh" within("#document_#{}") do click_button("Select an action") expect(page).to have_content("Edit Work") end # View other tabs ["My Collections", "My Highlights", "Works Shared with Me"].each do |tab| within("#my_nav") do click_link(tab) end expect(page).to have_content(tab) end end it "allows me to delete works in upload_sets", js: true do visit "/dashboard/works" first('input#check_all').click expect do click_button('Delete Selected') change { GenericWork.count }.by(-3) end end