Sitemap::Generator.instance.load :host => "" do # Sample path: # path :faq # The specified path must exist in your routes file (usually specified through :as). # Sample path with params: # path :faq, :params => { :format => "html", :filter => "recent" } # Depending on the route, the resolved url could be # Sample resource: # resources :articles # Sample resource with custom objects: # resources :articles, :objects => proc { Article.published } # Sample resource with search options: # resources :articles, :priority => 0.8, :change_frequency => "monthly" # Sample resource with block options: # resources :activities, # :skip_index => true, # :updated_at => proc { |activity| activity.published_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") } # :params => { :subdomain => proc { |activity| activity.location } } end