o: ActiveSupport::Cache::Entry :@compressedF:@expires_in0:@created_atf1358447264.3462899: @value"ÿ{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;FI" chaplin;FI" pathname;FI"U/Users/mike/dev/oss/chaplin-on-rails/vendor/assets/javascripts/chaplin.js.coffee;FI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;FI"2013-01-11T23:01:59+04:00;FI" length;Fi2ÿI" digest;F"%62ca4e5a957b3a045be92d431137960cI" source;FI"2ÿ /* Chaplin 0.7.0-pre. Chaplin may be freely distributed under the MIT license. For all details and documentation: http://chaplinjs.org */ (function() { var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty, __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }, __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }, __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }, __slice = [].slice; define('chaplin/application', ['backbone', 'chaplin/mediator', 'chaplin/dispatcher', 'chaplin/views/layout', 'chaplin/lib/router', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'], function(Backbone, mediator, Dispatcher, Layout, Router, EventBroker) { 'use strict'; var Application; return Application = (function() { function Application() {} Application.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Application.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Application.prototype.title = ''; Application.prototype.dispatcher = null; Application.prototype.layout = null; Application.prototype.router = null; Application.prototype.initialize = function() {}; Application.prototype.initDispatcher = function(options) { return this.dispatcher = new Dispatcher(options); }; Application.prototype.initLayout = function(options) { var _ref; if (options == null) { options = {}; } if ((_ref = options.title) == null) { options.title = this.title; } return this.layout = new Layout(options); }; Application.prototype.initRouter = function(routes, options) { this.router = new Router(options); if (typeof routes === "function") { routes(this.router.match); } return this.router.startHistory(); }; Application.prototype.disposed = false; Application.prototype.dispose = function() { var prop, properties, _i, _len; if (this.disposed) { return; } properties = ['dispatcher', 'layout', 'router']; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; if (!(this[prop] != null)) { continue; } this[prop].dispose(); delete this[prop]; } this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Application; })(); }); define('chaplin/mediator', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/support', 'chaplin/lib/utils'], function(_, Backbone, support, utils) { 'use strict'; var mediator; mediator = {}; mediator.subscribe = Backbone.Events.on; mediator.unsubscribe = Backbone.Events.off; mediator.publish = Backbone.Events.trigger; mediator._callbacks = null; utils.readonly(mediator, 'subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'publish'); mediator.seal = function() { if (support.propertyDescriptors && Object.seal) { return Object.seal(mediator); } }; utils.readonly(mediator, 'seal'); return mediator; }); define('chaplin/dispatcher', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/utils', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'], function(_, Backbone, utils, EventBroker) { 'use strict'; var Dispatcher; return Dispatcher = (function() { Dispatcher.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Dispatcher.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Dispatcher.prototype.previousControllerName = null; Dispatcher.prototype.currentControllerName = null; Dispatcher.prototype.currentController = null; Dispatcher.prototype.currentAction = null; Dispatcher.prototype.currentParams = null; Dispatcher.prototype.url = null; function Dispatcher() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Dispatcher.prototype.initialize = function(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.settings = _(options).defaults({ controllerPath: 'controllers/', controllerSuffix: '_controller' }); return this.subscribeEvent('matchRoute', this.matchRoute); }; Dispatcher.prototype.matchRoute = function(route, params, options) { return this.startupController(route.controller, route.action, params, options); }; Dispatcher.prototype.startupController = function(controllerName, action, params, options) { var _this = this; if (action == null) { action = 'index'; } if (params == null) { params = {}; } if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (options.changeURL !== false) { options.changeURL = true; } if (options.forceStartup !== true) { options.forceStartup = false; } if (!options.forceStartup && this.currentControllerName === controllerName && this.currentAction === action && (!this.currentParams || _(params).isEqual(this.currentParams))) { return; } return this.loadController(controllerName, function(ControllerConstructor) { return _this.controllerLoaded(controllerName, action, params, options, ControllerConstructor); }); }; Dispatcher.prototype.loadController = function(controllerName, handler) { var fileName, moduleName; fileName = utils.underscorize(controllerName) + this.settings.controllerSuffix; moduleName = this.settings.controllerPath + fileName; if (typeof define !== "undefined" && define !== null ? define.amd : void 0) { return require([moduleName], handler); } else { return handler(require(moduleName)); } }; Dispatcher.prototype.controllerLoaded = function(controllerName, action, params, options, ControllerConstructor) { var controller, methodName; controller = new ControllerConstructor(params, options); methodName = controller.beforeAction ? 'executeBeforeActionChain' : 'executeAction'; return this[methodName](controller, controllerName, action, params, options); }; Dispatcher.prototype.executeAction = function(controller, controllerName, action, params, options) { var currentController, currentControllerName; currentControllerName = this.currentControllerName || null; currentController = this.currentController || null; this.previousControllerName = currentControllerName; if (currentController) { this.publishEvent('beforeControllerDispose', currentController); currentController.dispose(params, controllerName); } options.previousControllerName = currentControllerName; controller[action](params, options); if (controller.redirected) { return; } this.currentControllerName = controllerName; this.currentController = controller; this.currentAction = action; this.currentParams = params; this.adjustURL(params, options); return this.publishEvent('startupController', { previousControllerName: this.previousControllerName, controller: this.currentController, controllerName: this.currentControllerName, params: this.currentParams, options: options }); }; Dispatcher.prototype.executeBeforeActionChain = function(controller, controllerName, action, params, options) { var acts, args, beforeAction, beforeActions, name, next, _i, _len, _ref, _this = this; beforeActions = []; args = arguments; _ref = utils.getAllPropertyVersions(controller, 'beforeAction'); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { acts = _ref[_i]; for (name in acts) { beforeAction = acts[name]; if (name === action || RegExp("^" + name + "$").test(action)) { if (typeof beforeAction === 'string') { beforeAction = controller[beforeAction]; } if (typeof beforeAction !== 'function') { throw new Error('Controller#executeBeforeActionChain: ' + ("" + beforeAction + " is not a valid beforeAction method for " + name + ".")); } beforeActions.push(beforeAction); } } } next = function(method, previous) { if (previous == null) { previous = null; } if (controller.redirected) { return; } if (!method) { _this.executeAction.apply(_this, args); return; } previous = method.call(controller, params, options, previous); if (previous && typeof previous.then === 'function') { return previous.then(function(data) { return next(beforeActions.shift(), data); }); } else { return next(beforeActions.shift(), previous); } }; return next(beforeActions.shift()); }; Dispatcher.prototype.adjustURL = function(params, options) { var url; if (options.path == null) { return; } url = options.path + (options.queryString ? "?" + options.queryString : ""); if (options.changeURL) { this.publishEvent('!router:changeURL', url, options); } return this.url = url; }; Dispatcher.prototype.disposed = false; Dispatcher.prototype.dispose = function() { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Dispatcher; })(); }); define('chaplin/controllers/controller', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'], function(_, Backbone, EventBroker) { 'use strict'; var Controller; return Controller = (function() { Controller.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Controller.prototype).extend(Backbone.Events); _(Controller.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Controller.prototype.view = null; Controller.prototype.redirected = false; function Controller() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Controller.prototype.initialize = function() {}; Controller.prototype.adjustTitle = function(subtitle) { return this.publishEvent('!adjustTitle', subtitle); }; Controller.prototype.redirectTo = function(url, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.redirected = true; return this.publishEvent('!router:route', url, options, function(routed) { if (!routed) { throw new Error('Controller#redirectTo: no route matched'); } }); }; Controller.prototype.redirectToRoute = function(name, params, options) { this.redirected = true; return this.publishEvent('!router:routeByName', name, params, options, function(routed) { if (!routed) { throw new Error('Controller#redirectToRoute: no route matched'); } }); }; Controller.prototype.disposed = false; Controller.prototype.dispose = function() { var obj, prop, properties, _i, _len; if (this.disposed) { return; } for (prop in this) { if (!__hasProp.call(this, prop)) continue; obj = this[prop]; if (obj && typeof obj.dispose === 'function') { obj.dispose(); delete this[prop]; } } this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); properties = ['redirected']; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; delete this[prop]; } this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Controller; })(); }); define('chaplin/models/collection', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker', 'chaplin/models/model'], function(_, Backbone, EventBroker, Model) { 'use strict'; var Collection; return Collection = (function(_super) { __extends(Collection, _super); function Collection() { return Collection.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } _(Collection.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Collection.prototype.model = Model; Collection.prototype.initDeferred = function() { return _(this).extend($.Deferred()); }; Collection.prototype.serialize = function() { var model, _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = this.models; _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { model = _ref[_i]; if (model instanceof Model) { _results.push(model.serialize()); } else { _results.push(model.toJSON()); } } return _results; }; Collection.prototype.addAtomic = function(models, options) { var direction, model; if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (!models.length) { return; } options.silent = true; direction = typeof options.at === 'number' ? 'pop' : 'shift'; while (model = models[direction]()) { this.add(model, options); } return this.trigger('reset'); }; Collection.prototype.disposed = false; Collection.prototype.dispose = function() { var prop, properties, _i, _len; if (this.disposed) { return; } this.trigger('dispose', this); this.reset([], { silent: true }); this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.off(); if (typeof this.reject === "function") { this.reject(); } properties = ['model', 'models', '_byId', '_byCid', '_callbacks']; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; delete this[prop]; } this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Collection; })(Backbone.Collection); }); define('chaplin/models/model', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/utils', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'], function(_, Backbone, utils, EventBroker) { 'use strict'; var Model; return Model = (function(_super) { var serializeAttributes, serializeModelAttributes; __extends(Model, _super); function Model() { return Model.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } _(Model.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Model.prototype.initDeferred = function() { return _(this).extend($.Deferred()); }; Model.prototype.getAttributes = function() { return this.attributes; }; serializeAttributes = function(model, attributes, modelStack) { var delegator, key, otherModel, serializedModels, value, _i, _len, _ref; delegator = utils.beget(attributes); if (modelStack) { modelStack.push(model); } else { modelStack = [model]; } for (key in attributes) { value = attributes[key]; if (value instanceof Backbone.Model) { delegator[key] = serializeModelAttributes(value, model, modelStack); } else if (value instanceof Backbone.Collection) { serializedModels = []; _ref = value.models; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { otherModel = _ref[_i]; serializedModels.push(serializeModelAttributes(otherModel, model, modelStack)); } delegator[key] = serializedModels; } } modelStack.pop(); return delegator; }; serializeModelAttributes = function(model, currentModel, modelStack) { var attributes; if (model === currentModel || __indexOf.call(modelStack, model) >= 0) { return null; } attributes = typeof model.getAttributes === 'function' ? model.getAttributes() : model.attributes; return serializeAttributes(model, attributes, modelStack); }; Model.prototype.serialize = function() { return serializeAttributes(this, this.getAttributes()); }; Model.prototype.disposed = false; Model.prototype.dispose = function() { var prop, properties, _i, _len; if (this.disposed) { return; } this.trigger('dispose', this); this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.off(); if (typeof this.reject === "function") { this.reject(); } properties = ['collection', 'attributes', 'changed', '_escapedAttributes', '_previousAttributes', '_silent', '_pending', '_callbacks']; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; delete this[prop]; } this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Model; })(Backbone.Model); }); define('chaplin/views/layout', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/utils', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker'], function(_, Backbone, utils, EventBroker) { 'use strict'; var $, Layout; $ = Backbone.$; return Layout = (function() { Layout.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Layout.prototype).extend(EventBroker); Layout.prototype.title = ''; Layout.prototype.events = {}; Layout.prototype.el = document; Layout.prototype.$el = $(document); Layout.prototype.cid = 'chaplin-layout'; function Layout() { this.openLink = __bind(this.openLink, this); this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Layout.prototype.initialize = function(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } this.title = options.title; this.settings = _(options).defaults({ titleTemplate: _.template("<%= subtitle %> \u2013 <%= title %>"), openExternalToBlank: false, routeLinks: 'a, .go-to', skipRouting: '.noscript', scrollTo: [0, 0] }); this.subscribeEvent('beforeControllerDispose', this.hideOldView); this.subscribeEvent('startupController', this.showNewView); this.subscribeEvent('!adjustTitle', this.adjustTitle); if (this.settings.routeLinks) { this.startLinkRouting(); } return this.delegateEvents(); }; Layout.prototype.delegateEvents = Backbone.View.prototype.delegateEvents; Layout.prototype.undelegateEvents = Backbone.View.prototype.undelegateEvents; Layout.prototype.hideOldView = function(controller) { var scrollTo, view; scrollTo = this.settings.scrollTo; if (scrollTo) { window.scrollTo(scrollTo[0], scrollTo[1]); } view = controller.view; if (view) { return view.$el.hide(); } }; Layout.prototype.showNewView = function(context) { var view; view = context.controller.view; if (view) { return view.$el.show(); } }; Layout.prototype.adjustTitle = function(subtitle) { var title; if (subtitle == null) { subtitle = ''; } title = this.settings.titleTemplate({ title: this.title, subtitle: subtitle }); return setTimeout((function() { return document.title = title; }), 50); }; Layout.prototype.startLinkRouting = function() { if (this.settings.routeLinks) { return $(document).on('click', this.settings.routeLinks, this.openLink); } }; Layout.prototype.stopLinkRouting = function() { if (this.settings.routeLinks) { return $(document).off('click', this.settings.routeLinks); } }; Layout.prototype.openLink = function(event) { var $el, callback, el, href, internal, isAnchor, options, path, queryString, skipRouting, type, _ref, _ref1, _ref2; if (utils.modifierKeyPressed(event)) { return; } el = event.currentTarget; $el = $(el); isAnchor = el.nodeName === 'A'; href = $el.attr('href') || $el.data('href') || null; if (href === null || href === void 0 || href === '' || href.charAt(0) === '#') { return; } if (isAnchor && ($el.attr('target') === '_blank' || $el.attr('rel') === 'external' || ((_ref = el.protocol) !== 'http:' && _ref !== 'https:' && _ref !== 'file:'))) { return; } skipRouting = this.settings.skipRouting; type = typeof skipRouting; if (type === 'function' && !skipRouting(href, el) || type === 'string' && $el.is(skipRouting)) { return; } internal = !isAnchor || ((_ref1 = el.hostname) === location.hostname || _ref1 === ''); if (!internal) { if (this.settings.openExternalToBlank) { event.preventDefault(); window.open(el.href); } return; } if (isAnchor) { path = el.pathname; queryString = el.search.substring(1); if (path.charAt(0) !== '/') { path = "/" + path; } } else { _ref2 = href.split('?'), path = _ref2[0], queryString = _ref2[1]; if (queryString == null) { queryString = ''; } } options = { queryString: queryString }; callback = function(routed) { if (routed) { event.preventDefault(); } else if (!isAnchor) { location.href = path; } }; this.publishEvent('!router:route', path, options, callback); }; Layout.prototype.disposed = false; Layout.prototype.dispose = function() { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.stopLinkRouting(); this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.undelegateEvents(); delete this.title; this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Layout; })(); }); define('chaplin/views/view', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/utils', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker', 'chaplin/models/model', 'chaplin/models/collection'], function(_, Backbone, utils, EventBroker, Model, Collection) { 'use strict'; var $, View; $ = Backbone.$; return View = (function(_super) { __extends(View, _super); _(View.prototype).extend(EventBroker); View.prototype.autoRender = false; View.prototype.container = null; View.prototype.containerMethod = 'append'; View.prototype.subviews = null; View.prototype.subviewsByName = null; function View(options) { if (this.initialize !== View.prototype.initialize) { utils.wrapMethod(this, 'initialize'); } if (this.render === View.prototype.render) { this.render = _(this.render).bind(this); } else { utils.wrapMethod(this, 'render'); } if (options) { _(this).extend(_.pick(options, ['autoRender', 'container', 'containerMethod'])); } View.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } View.prototype.initialize = function(options) { this.subviews = []; this.subviewsByName = {}; if (this.model) { this.listenTo(this.model, 'dispose', this.dispose); } if (this.collection) { this.listenTo(this.collection, 'dispose', this.dispose); } if (!this.initializeIsWrapped) { return this.afterInitialize(); } }; View.prototype.afterInitialize = function() { if (this.autoRender) { return this.render(); } }; View.prototype.delegate = function(eventType, second, third) { var event, events, handler, list, selector; if (typeof eventType !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('View#delegate: first argument must be a string'); } if (arguments.length === 2) { handler = second; } else if (arguments.length === 3) { selector = second; if (typeof selector !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('View#delegate: ' + 'second argument must be a string'); } handler = third; } else { throw new TypeError('View#delegate: ' + 'only two or three arguments are allowed'); } if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('View#delegate: ' + 'handler argument must be function'); } list = (function() { var _i, _len, _ref, _results; _ref = eventType.split(' '); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { event = _ref[_i]; _results.push("" + event + ".delegate" + this.cid); } return _results; }).call(this); events = list.join(' '); handler = _(handler).bind(this); if (selector) { this.$el.on(events, selector, handler); } else { this.$el.on(events, handler); } return handler; }; View.prototype._delegateEvents = function(events) { var eventName, key, match, method, selector, _results; if (!(events || (events = getValue(this, 'events')))) { return; } _results = []; for (key in events) { method = events[key]; if (!_.isFunction(method)) { method = this[method]; } if (!method) { throw new Error("Method '" + events[key] + "' does not exist"); } match = key.match(/^(\S+)\s*(.*)$/); eventName = match[1]; selector = match[2]; method = _.bind(method, this); eventName += ".delegateEvents" + this.cid; if (selector === '') { _results.push(this.$el.bind(eventName, method)); } else { _results.push(this.$el.delegate(selector, eventName, method)); } } return _results; }; View.prototype.delegateEvents = function() { var events, _i, _len, _ref; this.undelegateEvents(); _ref = utils.getAllPropertyVersions(this, 'events'); for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { events = _ref[_i]; this._delegateEvents(events); } }; View.prototype.undelegate = function() { return this.$el.unbind(".delegate" + this.cid); }; View.prototype.subview = function(name, view) { if (name && view) { this.removeSubview(name); this.subviews.push(view); this.subviewsByName[name] = view; return view; } else if (name) { return this.subviewsByName[name]; } }; View.prototype.removeSubview = function(nameOrView) { var index, name, otherName, otherView, view, _ref; if (!nameOrView) { return; } if (typeof nameOrView === 'string') { name = nameOrView; view = this.subviewsByName[name]; } else { view = nameOrView; _ref = this.subviewsByName; for (otherName in _ref) { otherView = _ref[otherName]; if (view === otherView) { name = otherName; break; } } } if (!(name && view && view.dispose)) { return; } view.dispose(); index = _(this.subviews).indexOf(view); if (index > -1) { this.subviews.splice(index, 1); } return delete this.subviewsByName[name]; }; View.prototype.getTemplateData = function() { var items, modelOrCollection, templateData; templateData = this.model ? this.model instanceof Model ? this.model.serialize() : utils.beget(this.model.attributes) : this.collection ? (items = this.collection instanceof Collection ? this.collection.serialize() : this.collection.map(function(model) { return utils.beget(model.attributes); }), { items: items }) : {}; modelOrCollection = this.model || this.collection; if (modelOrCollection) { if (typeof modelOrCollection.state === 'function' && !('resolved' in templateData)) { templateData.resolved = modelOrCollection.state() === 'resolved'; } if (typeof modelOrCollection.isSynced === 'function' && !('synced' in templateData)) { templateData.synced = modelOrCollection.isSynced(); } } return templateData; }; View.prototype.getTemplateFunction = function() { throw new Error('View#getTemplateFunction must be overridden'); }; View.prototype.render = function() { var html, templateFunc; if (this.disposed) { return false; } templateFunc = this.getTemplateFunction(); if (typeof templateFunc === 'function') { html = templateFunc(this.getTemplateData()); this.$el.empty().append(html); } if (!this.renderIsWrapped) { this.afterRender(); } return this; }; View.prototype.afterRender = function() { if (this.container) { $(this.container)[this.containerMethod](this.el); return this.trigger('addedToDOM'); } }; View.prototype.disposed = false; View.prototype.dispose = function() { var prop, properties, subview, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref; if (this.disposed) { return; } if (this.subviews == null) { throw new Error('Your `initialize` method must include a super call to\ Chaplin `initialize`'); } _ref = this.subviews; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { subview = _ref[_i]; subview.dispose(); } this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.stopListening(); this.off(); this.$el.remove(); properties = ['el', '$el', 'options', 'model', 'collection', 'subviews', 'subviewsByName', '_callbacks']; for (_j = 0, _len1 = properties.length; _j < _len1; _j++) { prop = properties[_j]; delete this[prop]; } this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return View; })(Backbone.View); }); define('chaplin/views/collection_view', ['backbone', 'underscore', 'chaplin/views/view'], function(Backbone, _, View) { 'use strict'; var $, CollectionView; $ = Backbone.$; return CollectionView = (function(_super) { __extends(CollectionView, _super); CollectionView.prototype.itemView = null; CollectionView.prototype.autoRender = true; CollectionView.prototype.renderItems = true; CollectionView.prototype.animationDuration = 500; CollectionView.prototype.useCssAnimation = false; CollectionView.prototype.listSelector = null; CollectionView.prototype.$list = null; CollectionView.prototype.fallbackSelector = null; CollectionView.prototype.$fallback = null; CollectionView.prototype.loadingSelector = null; CollectionView.prototype.$loading = null; CollectionView.prototype.itemSelector = null; CollectionView.prototype.filterer = null; CollectionView.prototype.filterCallback = function(view, included) { return view.$el.stop(true, true).toggle(included); }; CollectionView.prototype.visibleItems = null; function CollectionView(options) { this.renderAllItems = __bind(this.renderAllItems, this); this.showHideFallback = __bind(this.showHideFallback, this); this.itemsResetted = __bind(this.itemsResetted, this); this.itemRemoved = __bind(this.itemRemoved, this); this.itemAdded = __bind(this.itemAdded, this); if (options) { _(this).extend(_.pick(options, ['renderItems', 'itemView'])); } CollectionView.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } CollectionView.prototype.initialize = function(options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } CollectionView.__super__.initialize.apply(this, arguments); this.visibleItems = []; this.addCollectionListeners(); if (options.filterer != null) { return this.filter(options.filterer); } }; CollectionView.prototype.addCollectionListeners = function() { this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.itemAdded); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'remove', this.itemRemoved); return this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset sort', this.itemsResetted); }; CollectionView.prototype.getTemplateData = function() { var templateData; templateData = { length: this.collection.length }; if (typeof this.collection.state === 'function') { templateData.resolved = this.collection.state() === 'resolved'; } if (typeof this.collection.isSynced === 'function') { templateData.synced = this.collection.isSynced(); } return templateData; }; CollectionView.prototype.getTemplateFunction = function() {}; CollectionView.prototype.render = function() { CollectionView.__super__.render.apply(this, arguments); this.$list = this.listSelector ? this.$(this.listSelector) : this.$el; this.initFallback(); this.initLoadingIndicator(); if (this.renderItems) { return this.renderAllItems(); } }; CollectionView.prototype.itemAdded = function(item, collection, options) { if (options == null) { options = {}; } return this.renderAndInsertItem(item, options.index); }; CollectionView.prototype.itemRemoved = function(item) { return this.removeViewForItem(item); }; CollectionView.prototype.itemsResetted = function() { return this.renderAllItems(); }; CollectionView.prototype.initFallback = function() { if (!this.fallbackSelector) { return; } this.$fallback = this.$(this.fallbackSelector); this.on('visibilityChange', this.showHideFallback); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'syncStateChange', this.showHideFallback); return this.showHideFallback(); }; CollectionView.prototype.showHideFallback = function() { var visible; visible = this.visibleItems.length === 0 && (typeof this.collection.isSynced === 'function' ? this.collection.isSynced() : true); return this.$fallback.toggle(visible); }; CollectionView.prototype.initLoadingIndicator = function() { if (!(this.loadingSelector && typeof this.collection.isSyncing === 'function')) { return; } this.$loading = this.$(this.loadingSelector); this.listenTo(this.collection, 'syncStateChange', this.showHideLoadingIndicator); return this.showHideLoadingIndicator(); }; CollectionView.prototype.showHideLoadingIndicator = function() { var visible; visible = this.collection.length === 0 && this.collection.isSyncing(); return this.$loading.toggle(visible); }; CollectionView.prototype.getItemViews = function() { var itemViews, name, view, _ref; itemViews = {}; _ref = this.subviewsByName; for (name in _ref) { view = _ref[name]; if (name.slice(0, 9) === 'itemView:') { itemViews[name.slice(9)] = view; } } return itemViews; }; CollectionView.prototype.filter = function(filterer, filterCallback) { var included, index, item, view, _i, _len, _ref; this.filterer = filterer; if (filterCallback) { this.filterCallback = filterCallback; } if (filterCallback == null) { filterCallback = this.filterCallback; } if (!_(this.getItemViews()).isEmpty()) { _ref = this.collection.models; for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) { item = _ref[index]; included = typeof filterer === 'function' ? filterer(item, index) : true; view = this.subview("itemView:" + item.cid); if (!view) { throw new Error('CollectionView#filter: ' + ("no view found for " + item.cid)); } this.filterCallback(view, included); this.updateVisibleItems(view.model, included, false); } } return this.trigger('visibilityChange', this.visibleItems); }; CollectionView.prototype.renderAllItems = function() { var cid, index, item, items, remainingViewsByCid, view, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref; items = this.collection.models; this.visibleItems = []; remainingViewsByCid = {}; for (_i = 0, _len = items.length; _i < _len; _i++) { item = items[_i]; view = this.subview("itemView:" + item.cid); if (view) { remainingViewsByCid[item.cid] = view; } } _ref = this.getItemViews(); for (cid in _ref) { if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, cid)) continue; view = _ref[cid]; if (!(cid in remainingViewsByCid)) { this.removeSubview("itemView:" + cid); } } for (index = _j = 0, _len1 = items.length; _j < _len1; index = ++_j) { item = items[index]; view = this.subview("itemView:" + item.cid); if (view) { this.insertView(item, view, index, false); } else { this.renderAndInsertItem(item, index); } } if (!items.length) { return this.trigger('visibilityChange', this.visibleItems); } }; CollectionView.prototype.renderAndInsertItem = function(item, index) { var view; view = this.renderItem(item); return this.insertView(item, view, index); }; CollectionView.prototype.renderItem = function(item) { var view; view = this.subview("itemView:" + item.cid); if (!view) { view = this.getView(item); this.subview("itemView:" + item.cid, view); } view.render(); return view; }; CollectionView.prototype.getView = function(model) { if (this.itemView) { return new this.itemView({ model: model }); } else { throw new Error('The CollectionView#itemView property ' + 'must be defined or the getView() must be overridden.'); } }; CollectionView.prototype.insertView = function(item, view, index, enableAnimation) { var $list, $next, $previous, $viewEl, children, included, length, position, viewEl, _this = this; if (index == null) { index = null; } if (enableAnimation == null) { enableAnimation = true; } position = typeof index === 'number' ? index : this.collection.indexOf(item); included = typeof this.filterer === 'function' ? this.filterer(item, position) : true; viewEl = view.el; $viewEl = view.$el; if (included) { if (enableAnimation) { if (this.useCssAnimation) { $viewEl.addClass('animated-item-view'); } else { $viewEl.css('opacity', 0); } } } else { this.filterCallback(view, included); } $list = this.$list; children = this.itemSelector ? $list.children(this.itemSelector) : $list.children(); if (children.get(position) !== viewEl) { length = children.length; if (length === 0 || position === length) { $list.append(viewEl); } else { if (position === 0) { $next = children.eq(position); $next.before(viewEl); } else { $previous = children.eq(position - 1); $previous.after(viewEl); } } } view.trigger('addedToParent'); this.updateVisibleItems(item, included); if (enableAnimation && included) { if (this.useCssAnimation) { setTimeout(function() { return $viewEl.addClass('animated-item-view-end'); }, 0); } else { $viewEl.animate({ opacity: 1 }, this.animationDuration); } } }; CollectionView.prototype.removeViewForItem = function(item) { this.updateVisibleItems(item, false); return this.removeSubview("itemView:" + item.cid); }; CollectionView.prototype.updateVisibleItems = function(item, includedInFilter, triggerEvent) { var includedInVisibleItems, visibilityChanged, visibleItemsIndex; if (triggerEvent == null) { triggerEvent = true; } visibilityChanged = false; visibleItemsIndex = _(this.visibleItems).indexOf(item); includedInVisibleItems = visibleItemsIndex > -1; if (includedInFilter && !includedInVisibleItems) { this.visibleItems.push(item); visibilityChanged = true; } else if (!includedInFilter && includedInVisibleItems) { this.visibleItems.splice(visibleItemsIndex, 1); visibilityChanged = true; } if (visibilityChanged && triggerEvent) { this.trigger('visibilityChange', this.visibleItems); } return visibilityChanged; }; CollectionView.prototype.dispose = function() { var prop, properties, _i, _len; if (this.disposed) { return; } properties = ['$list', '$fallback', '$loading', 'visibleItems']; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; delete this[prop]; } return CollectionView.__super__.dispose.apply(this, arguments); }; return CollectionView; })(View); }); define('chaplin/lib/route', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker', 'chaplin/controllers/controller'], function(_, Backbone, EventBroker, Controller) { 'use strict'; var Route; return Route = (function() { var escapeRegExp, queryStringFieldSeparator, queryStringValueSeparator, reservedParams; Route.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Route.prototype).extend(EventBroker); reservedParams = ['path', 'changeURL']; escapeRegExp = /[-[\]{}()+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g; queryStringFieldSeparator = '&'; queryStringValueSeparator = '='; function Route(pattern, controller, action, options) { this.pattern = pattern; this.controller = controller; this.action = action; this.options = options != null ? options : {}; this.handler = __bind(this.handler, this); this.addParamName = __bind(this.addParamName, this); if (this.options.name != null) { this.name = this.options.name; } this.paramNames = []; if (_(Controller.prototype).has(this.action)) { throw new Error('Route: You should not use existing controller properties as action names'); } this.createRegExp(); } Route.prototype.reverse = function(params) { var index, name, notEnoughParams, url, value, _i, _len, _ref; url = this.pattern; if (_.isRegExp(url)) { return false; } notEnoughParams = 'Route#reverse: Not enough parameters to reverse'; if (_.isArray(params)) { if (params.length < this.paramNames.length) { throw new Error(notEnoughParams); } index = 0; url = url.replace(/[:*][^\/\?]+/g, function(match) { var result; result = params[index]; index += 1; return result; }); } else { _ref = this.paramNames; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { name = _ref[_i]; value = params[name]; if (value === void 0) { throw new Error(notEnoughParams); } url = url.replace(RegExp("[:*]" + name, "g"), value); } } if (this.test(url)) { return url; } else { return false; } }; Route.prototype.createRegExp = function() { var pattern; if (_.isRegExp(this.pattern)) { this.regExp = this.pattern; if (_.isArray(this.options.names)) { this.paramNames = this.options.names; } return; } pattern = this.pattern.replace(escapeRegExp, '\\$&').replace(/(?::|\*)(\w+)/g, this.addParamName); return this.regExp = RegExp("^" + pattern + "(?=\\?|$)"); }; Route.prototype.addParamName = function(match, paramName) { if (_(reservedParams).include(paramName)) { throw new Error("Route#addParamName: parameter name " + paramName + " is reserved"); } this.paramNames.push(paramName); if (match.charAt(0) === ':') { return '([^\/\?]+)'; } else { return '(.*?)'; } }; Route.prototype.test = function(path) { var constraint, constraints, matched, name, params; matched = this.regExp.test(path); if (!matched) { return false; } constraints = this.options.constraints; if (constraints) { params = this.extractParams(path); for (name in constraints) { if (!__hasProp.call(constraints, name)) continue; constraint = constraints[name]; if (!constraint.test(params[name])) { return false; } } } return true; }; Route.prototype.handler = function(path, options) { var params, queryString, _ref; if (options == null) { options = {}; } queryString = (_ref = options.queryString) != null ? _ref : this.getCurrentQueryString(); params = this.buildParams(path, queryString); options.path = path; return this.publishEvent('matchRoute', this, params, options); }; Route.prototype.getCurrentQueryString = function() { return location.search.substring(1); }; Route.prototype.buildParams = function(path, queryString) { return _.extend({}, this.extractQueryParams(queryString), this.extractParams(path), this.options.params); }; Route.prototype.extractParams = function(path) { var index, match, matches, paramName, params, _i, _len, _ref; params = {}; matches = this.regExp.exec(path); _ref = matches.slice(1); for (index = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; index = ++_i) { match = _ref[index]; paramName = this.paramNames.length ? this.paramNames[index] : index; params[paramName] = match; } return params; }; Route.prototype.extractQueryParams = function(queryString) { var current, field, pair, pairs, params, value, _i, _len, _ref; params = {}; if (!queryString) { return params; } pairs = queryString.split(queryStringFieldSeparator); for (_i = 0, _len = pairs.length; _i < _len; _i++) { pair = pairs[_i]; if (!pair.length) { continue; } _ref = pair.split(queryStringValueSeparator), field = _ref[0], value = _ref[1]; if (!field.length) { continue; } field = decodeURIComponent(field); value = decodeURIComponent(value); current = params[field]; if (current) { if (current.push) { current.push(value); } else { params[field] = [current, value]; } } else { params[field] = value; } } return params; }; return Route; })(); }); define('chaplin/lib/router', ['underscore', 'backbone', 'chaplin/mediator', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker', 'chaplin/lib/route'], function(_, Backbone, mediator, EventBroker, Route) { 'use strict'; var Router; return Router = (function() { Router.extend = Backbone.Model.extend; _(Router.prototype).extend(EventBroker); function Router(options) { this.options = options != null ? options : {}; this.route = __bind(this.route, this); this.match = __bind(this.match, this); _(this.options).defaults({ pushState: true }); this.subscribeEvent('!router:route', this.routeHandler); this.subscribeEvent('!router:routeByName', this.routeByNameHandler); this.subscribeEvent('!router:reverse', this.reverseHandler); this.subscribeEvent('!router:changeURL', this.changeURLHandler); this.createHistory(); } Router.prototype.createHistory = function() { return Backbone.history || (Backbone.history = new Backbone.History()); }; Router.prototype.startHistory = function() { return Backbone.history.start(this.options); }; Router.prototype.stopHistory = function() { if (Backbone.History.started) { return Backbone.history.stop(); } }; Router.prototype.match = function(pattern, target, options) { var action, controller, route, _ref; if (options == null) { options = {}; } if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof target === 'object') { options = target; controller = options.controller, action = options.action; if (!(controller && action)) { throw new Error('Router#match must receive either target or options.controller & options.action'); } } else { controller = options.controller, action = options.action; if (controller || action) { throw new Error('Router#match cannot use both target and options.controller / action'); } _ref = target.split('#'), controller = _ref[0], action = _ref[1]; } route = new Route(pattern, controller, action, options); Backbone.history.handlers.push({ route: route, callback: route.handler }); return route; }; Router.prototype.route = function(path, options) { var handler, _i, _len, _ref; if (options == null) { options = {}; } _(options).defaults({ changeURL: true }); path = path.replace(/^(\/#|\/)/, ''); _ref = Backbone.history.handlers; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { handler = _ref[_i]; if (handler.route.test(path)) { handler.callback(path, options); return true; } } return false; }; Router.prototype.reverseHandler = function(name, params, callback) { return callback(this.reverse(name, params)); }; Router.prototype.reverse = function(name, params) { var handler, url, _i, _len, _ref; _ref = Backbone.history.handlers; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { handler = _ref[_i]; if (!(handler.route.name === name)) { continue; } url = handler.route.reverse(params); if (url !== false) { return url; } } return false; }; Router.prototype.routeHandler = function(path, options, callback) { var routed; if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } routed = this.route(path, options); return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(routed) : void 0; }; Router.prototype.routeByNameHandler = function(name, params, options, callback) { var path; if (arguments.length === 3 && typeof options === 'function') { callback = options; options = {}; } path = this.reverse(name, params); if (!path) { return; } return this.routeHandler(path, options, callback); }; Router.prototype.changeURL = function(url, options) { var navigateOptions; if (options == null) { options = {}; } navigateOptions = { trigger: options.trigger === true, replace: options.replace === true }; return Backbone.history.navigate(url, navigateOptions); }; Router.prototype.changeURLHandler = function(url, options) { return this.changeURL(url, options); }; Router.prototype.disposed = false; Router.prototype.dispose = function() { if (this.disposed) { return; } this.stopHistory(); delete Backbone.history; this.unsubscribeAllEvents(); this.disposed = true; return typeof Object.freeze === "function" ? Object.freeze(this) : void 0; }; return Router; })(); }); define('chaplin/lib/delayer', function() { 'use strict'; var Delayer; Delayer = { setTimeout: function(name, time, handler) { var handle, wrappedHandler, _ref, _this = this; if ((_ref = this.timeouts) == null) { this.timeouts = {}; } this.clearTimeout(name); wrappedHandler = function() { delete _this.timeouts[name]; return handler(); }; handle = setTimeout(wrappedHandler, time); this.timeouts[name] = handle; return handle; }, clearTimeout: function(name) { if (!(this.timeouts && (this.timeouts[name] != null))) { return; } clearTimeout(this.timeouts[name]); delete this.timeouts[name]; }, clearAllTimeouts: function() { var handle, name, _ref; if (!this.timeouts) { return; } _ref = this.timeouts; for (name in _ref) { handle = _ref[name]; this.clearTimeout(name); } }, setInterval: function(name, time, handler) { var handle, _ref; this.clearInterval(name); if ((_ref = this.intervals) == null) { this.intervals = {}; } handle = setInterval(handler, time); this.intervals[name] = handle; return handle; }, clearInterval: function(name) { if (!(this.intervals && this.intervals[name])) { return; } clearInterval(this.intervals[name]); delete this.intervals[name]; }, clearAllIntervals: function() { var handle, name, _ref; if (!this.intervals) { return; } _ref = this.intervals; for (name in _ref) { handle = _ref[name]; this.clearInterval(name); } }, clearDelayed: function() { this.clearAllTimeouts(); this.clearAllIntervals(); } }; if (typeof Object.freeze === "function") { Object.freeze(Delayer); } return Delayer; }); define('chaplin/lib/event_broker', ['chaplin/mediator'], function(mediator) { 'use strict'; var EventBroker; EventBroker = { subscribeEvent: function(type, handler) { if (typeof type !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('EventBroker#subscribeEvent: ' + 'type argument must be a string'); } if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('EventBroker#subscribeEvent: ' + 'handler argument must be a function'); } mediator.unsubscribe(type, handler, this); return mediator.subscribe(type, handler, this); }, unsubscribeEvent: function(type, handler) { if (typeof type !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('EventBroker#unsubscribeEvent: ' + 'type argument must be a string'); } if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('EventBroker#unsubscribeEvent: ' + 'handler argument must be a function'); } return mediator.unsubscribe(type, handler); }, unsubscribeAllEvents: function() { return mediator.unsubscribe(null, null, this); }, publishEvent: function() { var args, type; type = arguments[0], args = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; if (typeof type !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('EventBroker#publishEvent: ' + 'type argument must be a string'); } return mediator.publish.apply(mediator, [type].concat(__slice.call(args))); } }; if (typeof Object.freeze === "function") { Object.freeze(EventBroker); } return EventBroker; }); define('chaplin/lib/support', function() { 'use strict'; var support; support = { propertyDescriptors: (function() { var o; if (!(typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function' && typeof Object.defineProperties === 'function')) { return false; } try { o = {}; Object.defineProperty(o, 'foo', { value: 'bar' }); return o.foo === 'bar'; } catch (error) { return false; } })() }; return support; }); define('chaplin/lib/sync_machine', function() { 'use strict'; var STATE_CHANGE, SYNCED, SYNCING, SyncMachine, UNSYNCED, event, _fn, _i, _len, _ref; UNSYNCED = 'unsynced'; SYNCING = 'syncing'; SYNCED = 'synced'; STATE_CHANGE = 'syncStateChange'; SyncMachine = { _syncState: UNSYNCED, _previousSyncState: null, syncState: function() { return this._syncState; }, isUnsynced: function() { return this._syncState === UNSYNCED; }, isSynced: function() { return this._syncState === SYNCED; }, isSyncing: function() { return this._syncState === SYNCING; }, unsync: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = this._syncState) === SYNCING || _ref === SYNCED) { this._previousSync = this._syncState; this._syncState = UNSYNCED; this.trigger(this._syncState, this, this._syncState); this.trigger(STATE_CHANGE, this, this._syncState); } }, beginSync: function() { var _ref; if ((_ref = this._syncState) === UNSYNCED || _ref === SYNCED) { this._previousSync = this._syncState; this._syncState = SYNCING; this.trigger(this._syncState, this, this._syncState); this.trigger(STATE_CHANGE, this, this._syncState); } }, finishSync: function() { if (this._syncState === SYNCING) { this._previousSync = this._syncState; this._syncState = SYNCED; this.trigger(this._syncState, this, this._syncState); this.trigger(STATE_CHANGE, this, this._syncState); } }, abortSync: function() { if (this._syncState === SYNCING) { this._syncState = this._previousSync; this._previousSync = this._syncState; this.trigger(this._syncState, this, this._syncState); this.trigger(STATE_CHANGE, this, this._syncState); } } }; _ref = [UNSYNCED, SYNCING, SYNCED, STATE_CHANGE]; _fn = function(event) { return SyncMachine[event] = function(callback, context) { if (context == null) { context = this; } this.on(event, callback, context); if (this._syncState === event) { return callback.call(context); } }; }; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { event = _ref[_i]; _fn(event); } if (typeof Object.freeze === "function") { Object.freeze(SyncMachine); } return SyncMachine; }); define('chaplin/lib/utils', ['chaplin/lib/support'], function(support) { 'use strict'; var utils; utils = { beget: (function() { var ctor; if (typeof Object.create === 'function') { return Object.create; } else { ctor = function() {}; return function(obj) { ctor.prototype = obj; return new ctor; }; } })(), readonly: (function() { var readonlyDescriptor; if (support.propertyDescriptors) { readonlyDescriptor = { writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: false }; return function() { var obj, prop, properties, _i, _len; obj = arguments[0], properties = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : []; for (_i = 0, _len = properties.length; _i < _len; _i++) { prop = properties[_i]; readonlyDescriptor.value = obj[prop]; Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, readonlyDescriptor); } return true; }; } else { return function() { return false; }; } })(), getPrototypeChain: function(object) { var chain, _ref; chain = [object.constructor.prototype]; while (object = (_ref = object.constructor) != null ? _ref.__super__ : void 0) { chain.push(object); } return chain; }, getAllPropertyVersions: function(object, property) { return _(utils.getPrototypeChain(object)).chain().pluck(property).compact().uniq().value().reverse(); }, wrapMethod: function(instance, name) { var func; func = instance[name]; instance["" + name + "IsWrapped"] = true; return instance[name] = function() { if (instance.disposed) { return false; } func.apply(instance, arguments); instance["after" + (utils.upcase(name))].apply(instance, arguments); return instance; }; }, upcase: function(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1); }, underscorize: function(string) { return string.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(char, index) { return (index !== 0 ? '_' : '') + char.toLowerCase(); }); }, modifierKeyPressed: function(event) { return event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey; } }; if (typeof Object.seal === "function") { Object.seal(utils); } return utils; }); define('chaplin', ['chaplin/application', 'chaplin/mediator', 'chaplin/dispatcher', 'chaplin/controllers/controller', 'chaplin/models/collection', 'chaplin/models/model', 'chaplin/views/layout', 'chaplin/views/view', 'chaplin/views/collection_view', 'chaplin/lib/route', 'chaplin/lib/router', 'chaplin/lib/delayer', 'chaplin/lib/event_broker', 'chaplin/lib/support', 'chaplin/lib/sync_machine', 'chaplin/lib/utils'], function(Application, mediator, Dispatcher, Controller, Collection, Model, Layout, View, CollectionView, Route, Router, Delayer, EventBroker, support, SyncMachine, utils) { return { Application: Application, mediator: mediator, Dispatcher: Dispatcher, Controller: Controller, Collection: Collection, Model: Model, Layout: Layout, View: View, CollectionView: CollectionView, Route: Route, Router: Router, Delayer: Delayer, EventBroker: EventBroker, support: support, SyncMachine: SyncMachine, utils: utils }; }); }).call(this); ;FI"required_assets_digest;F"%a46c5d28c03510fcb5b60162895fed27I" _version;F"%ffd318ca8b794f42f5029101c2cf5d91