/* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or http://ckeditor.com/license */ (function() { var pxUnit = CKEDITOR.tools.cssLength, needsIEHacks = CKEDITOR.env.ie && ( CKEDITOR.env.ie7Compat || CKEDITOR.env.quirks || CKEDITOR.env.version < 7 ); function getWidth( el ) { return CKEDITOR.env.ie ? el.$.clientWidth : parseInt( el.getComputedStyle( 'width' ), 10 ); } function getBorderWidth( element, side ) { var computed = element.getComputedStyle( 'border-' + side + '-width' ), borderMap = { thin: '0px', medium: '1px', thick: '2px' }; if ( computed.indexOf( 'px' ) < 0 ) { // look up keywords if ( computed in borderMap && element.getComputedStyle( 'border-style' ) != 'none' ) computed = borderMap[ computed ]; else computed = 0; } return parseInt( computed, 10 ); } // Gets the table row that contains the most columns. function getMasterPillarRow( table ) { var $rows = table.$.rows, maxCells = 0, cellsCount, $elected, $tr; for ( var i = 0, len = $rows.length ; i < len; i++ ) { $tr = $rows[ i ]; cellsCount = $tr.cells.length; if ( cellsCount > maxCells ) { maxCells = cellsCount; $elected = $tr; } } return $elected; } function buildTableColumnPillars( table ) { var pillars = [], pillarIndex = -1, rtl = ( table.getComputedStyle( 'direction' ) == 'rtl' ); // Get the raw row element that cointains the most columns. var $tr = getMasterPillarRow( table ); // Get the tbody element and position, which will be used to set the // top and bottom boundaries. var tbody = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( table.$.tBodies[ 0 ] ), tbodyPosition = tbody.getDocumentPosition(); // Loop thorugh all cells, building pillars after each one of them. for ( var i = 0, len = $tr.cells.length ; i < len ; i++ ) { // Both the current cell and the successive one will be used in the // pillar size calculation. var td = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $tr.cells[ i ] ), nextTd = $tr.cells[ i + 1 ] && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( $tr.cells[ i + 1 ] ); pillarIndex += td.$.colSpan || 1; // Calculate the pillar boundary positions. var pillarLeft, pillarRight, pillarWidth, pillarPadding; var x = td.getDocumentPosition().x; // Calculate positions based on the current cell. rtl ? pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( td, 'left' ) : pillarLeft = x + td.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( td, 'right' ); // Calculate positions based on the next cell, if available. if ( nextTd ) { x = nextTd.getDocumentPosition().x; rtl ? pillarLeft = x + nextTd.$.offsetWidth - getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'right' ) : pillarRight = x + getBorderWidth( nextTd, 'left' ); } // Otherwise calculate positions based on the table (for last cell). else { x = table.getDocumentPosition().x; rtl ? pillarLeft = x : pillarRight = x + table.$.offsetWidth; } pillarWidth = Math.max( pillarRight - pillarLeft, 3 ); // Make the pillar touch area at least 14 pixels wide, for easy to use. pillarPadding = Math.max( Math.round( 7 - ( pillarWidth / 2 ) ), 0 ); // The pillar should reflects exactly the shape of the hovered // column border line. pillars.push( { table : table, index : pillarIndex, x : pillarLeft, y : tbodyPosition.y, width : pillarWidth, height: tbody.$.offsetHeight, padding : pillarPadding, rtl : rtl } ); } return pillars; } function getPillarAtPosition( pillars, positionX ) { for ( var i = 0, len = pillars.length ; i < len ; i++ ) { var pillar = pillars[ i ], pad = pillar.padding; if ( positionX >= pillar.x - pad && positionX <= ( pillar.x + pillar.width + pad ) ) return pillar; } return null; } function cancel( evt ) { ( evt.data || evt ).preventDefault(); } function columnResizer( editor ) { var pillar, document, resizer, isResizing, startOffset, currentShift; var leftSideCells, rightSideCells, leftShiftBoundary, rightShiftBoundary; function detach() { pillar = null; currentShift = 0; isResizing = 0; document.removeListener( 'mouseup', onMouseUp ); resizer.removeListener( 'mousedown', onMouseDown ); resizer.removeListener( 'mousemove', onMouseMove ); document.getBody().setStyle( 'cursor', 'auto' ); // Hide the resizer (remove it on IE7 - #5890). needsIEHacks ? resizer.remove() : resizer.hide(); } function resizeStart() { // Before starting to resize, figure out which cells to change // and the boundaries of this resizing shift. var columnIndex = pillar.index, map = CKEDITOR.tools.buildTableMap( pillar.table ), leftColumnCells = [], rightColumnCells = [], leftMinSize = Number.MAX_VALUE, rightMinSize = leftMinSize, rtl = pillar.rtl; for ( var i = 0, len = map.length ; i < len ; i++ ) { var row = map[ i ], leftCell = row[ columnIndex + ( rtl ? 1 : 0 ) ], rightCell = row[ columnIndex + ( rtl ? 0 : 1 ) ]; leftCell = leftCell && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( leftCell ); rightCell = rightCell && new CKEDITOR.dom.element( rightCell ); if ( !leftCell || !rightCell || !leftCell.equals( rightCell ) ) { leftCell && ( leftMinSize = Math.min( leftMinSize, getWidth( leftCell ) ) ); rightCell && ( rightMinSize = Math.min( rightMinSize, getWidth( rightCell ) ) ); leftColumnCells.push( leftCell ); rightColumnCells.push( rightCell ); } } // Cache the list of cells to be resized. leftSideCells = leftColumnCells; rightSideCells = rightColumnCells; // Cache the resize limit boundaries. leftShiftBoundary = pillar.x - leftMinSize; rightShiftBoundary = pillar.x + rightMinSize; resizer.setOpacity( 0.5 ); startOffset = parseInt( resizer.getStyle( 'left' ), 10 ); currentShift = 0; isResizing = 1; resizer.on( 'mousemove', onMouseMove ); // Prevent the native drag behavior otherwise 'mousemove' won't fire. document.on( 'dragstart', cancel ); } function resizeEnd() { isResizing = 0; resizer.setOpacity( 0 ); currentShift && resizeColumn(); var table = pillar.table; setTimeout( function () { table.removeCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' ); }, 0 ); document.removeListener( 'dragstart', cancel ); } function resizeColumn() { var rtl = pillar.rtl, cellsCount = rtl ? rightSideCells.length : leftSideCells.length; // Perform the actual resize to table cells, only for those by side of the pillar. for ( var i = 0 ; i < cellsCount ; i++ ) { var leftCell = leftSideCells[ i ], rightCell = rightSideCells[ i ], table = pillar.table; // Defer the resizing to avoid any interference among cells. CKEDITOR.tools.setTimeout( function( leftCell, leftOldWidth, rightCell, rightOldWidth, tableWidth, sizeShift ) { leftCell && leftCell.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( Math.max( leftOldWidth + sizeShift, 0 ) ) ); rightCell && rightCell.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( Math.max( rightOldWidth - sizeShift, 0 ) ) ); // If we're in the last cell, we need to resize the table as well if ( tableWidth ) table.setStyle( 'width', pxUnit( tableWidth + sizeShift * ( rtl ? -1 : 1 ) ) ); } , 0, this, [ leftCell, leftCell && getWidth( leftCell ), rightCell, rightCell && getWidth( rightCell ), ( !leftCell || !rightCell ) && ( getWidth( table ) + getBorderWidth( table, 'left' ) + getBorderWidth( table, 'right' ) ), currentShift ] ); } } function onMouseDown( evt ) { cancel( evt ); resizeStart(); document.on( 'mouseup', onMouseUp, this ); } function onMouseUp( evt ) { evt.removeListener(); resizeEnd(); } function onMouseMove( evt ) { move( evt.data.$.clientX ); } document = editor.document; resizer = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '
', document ); // Except on IE6/7 (#5890), place the resizer after body to prevent it // from being editable. if ( !needsIEHacks ) document.getDocumentElement().append( resizer ); this.attachTo = function( targetPillar ) { // Accept only one pillar at a time. if ( isResizing ) return; // On IE6/7, we append the resizer everytime we need it. (#5890) if ( needsIEHacks ) { document.getBody().append( resizer ); currentShift = 0; } pillar = targetPillar; resizer.setStyles( { width: pxUnit( targetPillar.width ), height : pxUnit( targetPillar.height ), left : pxUnit( targetPillar.x ), top : pxUnit( targetPillar.y ) }); // In IE6/7, it's not possible to have custom cursors for floating // elements in an editable document. Show the resizer in that case, // to give the user a visual clue. needsIEHacks && resizer.setOpacity( 0.25 ); resizer.on( 'mousedown', onMouseDown, this ); document.getBody().setStyle( 'cursor', 'col-resize' ); // Display the resizer to receive events but don't show it, // only change the cursor to resizable shape. resizer.show(); }; var move = this.move = function( posX ) { if ( !pillar ) return 0; var pad = pillar.padding; if ( !isResizing && ( posX < pillar.x - pad || posX > ( pillar.x + pillar.width + pad ) ) ) { detach(); return 0; } var resizerNewPosition = posX - Math.round( resizer.$.offsetWidth / 2 ); if ( isResizing ) { if ( resizerNewPosition == leftShiftBoundary || resizerNewPosition == rightShiftBoundary ) return 1; resizerNewPosition = Math.max( resizerNewPosition, leftShiftBoundary ); resizerNewPosition = Math.min( resizerNewPosition, rightShiftBoundary ); currentShift = resizerNewPosition - startOffset; } resizer.setStyle( 'left', pxUnit( resizerNewPosition ) ); return 1; }; } function clearPillarsCache( evt ) { var target = evt.data.getTarget(); if ( evt.name == 'mouseout' ) { // Bypass interal mouse move. if ( !target.is ( 'table' ) ) return; var dest = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( evt.data.$.relatedTarget || evt.data.$.toElement ); while( dest && dest.$ && !dest.equals( target ) && !dest.is( 'body' ) ) dest = dest.getParent(); if ( !dest || dest.equals( target ) ) return; } target.getAscendant( 'table', true ).removeCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' ); evt.removeListener(); } CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'tableresize', { requires : [ 'tabletools' ], init : function( editor ) { editor.on( 'contentDom', function() { var resizer; editor.document.getBody().on( 'mousemove', function( evt ) { evt = evt.data; // If we're already attached to a pillar, simply move the // resizer. if ( resizer && resizer.move( evt.$.clientX ) ) { cancel( evt ); return; } // Considering table, tr, td, tbody but nothing else. var target = evt.getTarget(), table, pillars; if ( !target.is( 'table' ) && !target.getAscendant( 'tbody', true ) ) return; table = target.getAscendant( 'table', true ); if ( !( pillars = table.getCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars' ) ) ) { // Cache table pillars calculation result. table.setCustomData( '_cke_table_pillars', ( pillars = buildTableColumnPillars( table ) ) ); table.on( 'mouseout', clearPillarsCache ); table.on( 'mousedown', clearPillarsCache ); } var pillar = getPillarAtPosition( pillars, evt.$.clientX ); if ( pillar ) { !resizer && ( resizer = new columnResizer( editor ) ); resizer.attachTo( pillar ); } }); }); } }); })();