#-- encoding: UTF-8
require 'net/http'
# Loading all files in the subdirectory `csdĀ“
Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'csd', '*.rb')].sort.each { |path| require "csd/#{File.basename(path, '.rb')}" }
# The CSD namespace is given to the entire gem.
# It stands for Communication Systems Design (see http://www.tslab.ssvl.kth.se/csd).
module CSD
class << self
# This String holds the name of the executable the user used to execute/bootstrap this gem.
# It is useful for showing example commands to the end-user, such as "Please type: ai install minisip".
# Because the name of the executable might change after some time. Currently, +ai+ and +ttai+ are
# supported executables.
attr_reader :executable
# This method "runs" the whole CSD gem, so to speak.
# ==== Options
# The following options can be passed as a hash.
# [+:executable+] A String which holds the name of the exectuable that was used to call this method (default: [EXECUTABLE]).
def bootstrap(options={})
# Storing the important options into instance variables
@executable = options[:executable] || '[EXECUTABLE]'
# Reading the command-line arguments
# Intercepting and processing AI-internal commands such as "ai update" and "ai edge"
# Ensure that the chosen action, application (and optionally the scope) are valid
UI.debug "#{self}.bootstrap initializes the task #{Options.action.to_s.enquote if Options.action} of the application #{Applications.current.name.to_s.enquote if Applications.current} now"
# Passing on the desired action to the instance of the chosen application module (e.g. passing on "install" to the "MiniSIP" module)
Applications.current.instance.send("#{Options.action}".to_sym) if Applications.current
# This method is the first in the chain of processing the command-line arguments. It will react to
# AI-internal commands such as "update" or "edge".
def respond_to_internal_ai_options
# If an application was chosen, this is clearly not an internal AI functionality which the user requested
return if Applications.current
# Other than that, react to some predefined commands
if ARGV.include?('update')
elsif ARGV.include?('edge')
# Updating the AI via the internal RubyGems mechanism (i.e. gem update).
# The AI will quit with status code 0 after the operation was successful.
def update_ai_using_rubygems
UI.info "Updating the AI to the newest version".green.bold
Cmd.run "sudo gem update csd --no-ri --no-rdoc", :announce_pwd => false, :verbose => true
exit! # with status code 0
# This method is used to conveniently update the AI without officially publishing it on RubyGems.
# This can be handy when testing many things on many machines in a very short amount of time :)
# Basically this function will download a list of predefined locations on where the cutting-edge
# gem of the AI can be obtained from. Then it will go through each location in order to download
# and install the edge version. The AI quits after the first successful download+installation attempt.
def update_ai_to_cutting_edge
UI.info "Updating the AI to the cutting-edge experimental version".green.bold
# Create a temporary working directory
Path.edge_tmp = Dir.mktmpdir
Path.edge_file = File.join(Path.edge_tmp, 'edge.gem')
# Retrieve list of possible locations for edge versions. Note that you can just modify that list to add your own locations
# You can modify the list at http://github.com/csd/csd/downloads but note that the Amazon G3 cache (used by Github) takes about 12 hours to refresh the file, though!
for location in Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse('http://cloud.github.com/downloads/csd/csd/edge.txt')).body.split.each do
# See if there is a downloadable edge version at this location. If not, move on to the next location
next unless Cmd.download(location, Path.edge_file).success?
# If the download was successful here, let's update the AI from that downloaded gem-file and quit the loop
updated = Cmd.run("sudo gem install #{Path.edge_file} --no-ri --no-rdoc", :announce_pwd => false, :verbose => true).success?
UI.info "Currently there is no edge version published.".green.bold unless updated
# Cleaning up the temporary directory
FileUtils.rm_r Path.edge_tmp
exit! # with status code 0
# This method check the arguments the user has provided and terminates the AI with
# some helpful message if the arguments are invalid.
def respond_to_incomplete_arguments
choose_application unless Applications.current
choose_action unless Options.valid_action?
choose_scope if Options.scope and not Options.valid_scope?
# This methods lists all applications that the AI currently supports.
def choose_application
UI.info ' Welcome to the Automated Installer.'.green.bold
UI.info ' The AI can assist you with the following applications: '
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = ''
Applications.all { |app| opts.list_item(app.name, app.description) }
UI.info opts.help
UI.info ' For more information type: '.green.bold + "#{executable} [APPLICATION NAME]".cyan.bold + " Example: #{executable} minisip".dark
UI.warn "You did not specify a valid application name."
raise Error::Argument::NoApplication
# This methods lists all available actions for the currently selected application.
def choose_action
UI.info " Automated Installer assistance for #{Applications.current.human}".green.bold
UI.info " The AI can assist you with the following tasks regarding #{Applications.current.human}:"
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = ''
actions = Applications.current.actions['public']
actions << Applications.current.actions['developer'] if Options.developer
actions.flatten.each { |action| opts.list_item(action.keys.first, action.values.first) }
UI.info opts.help
example_action = Options.actions_names.empty? ? 'install' : Options.actions_names.first
UI.info ' To execute a task: '.green.bold + "#{executable} [TASK] #{Applications.current.name}".cyan.bold + " Example: #{executable} #{example_action} #{Applications.current.name}".dark
UI.info ' For more details: '.green.bold + "#{executable} help [TASK] #{Applications.current.name}".cyan.bold + " Example: #{executable} help #{example_action} #{Applications.current.name}".dark
UI.warn "You did not specify a valid task name."
raise Error::Argument::NoAction
# This methods lists all available scopes for the currently selected application and action.
def choose_scope
UI.info " Automated Installer assistance to #{Options.action} #{Applications.current.human}".green.bold
UI.info " The AI can #{Options.action} the following #{Applications.current.human} components:"
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = ''
scopes = Applications.current.scopes(Options.action)
scopes.flatten.each { |scope| opts.list_item(scope.keys.first, scope.values.first) }
UI.info opts.help
example_scope = Options.scopes_names.empty? ? 'myscope' : Options.scopes_names.first
UI.info ' To choose all components: '.green.bold + "#{executable} #{Options.action} #{Applications.current.name}".cyan.bold + " Example: #{executable} #{Options.action} #{Applications.current.name}".dark
UI.info ' To choose one component: '.green.bold + "#{executable} #{Options.action} #{Applications.current.name} [COMPONENT]".cyan.bold + " Example: #{executable} #{Options.action} #{Applications.current.name} #{example_scope}".dark
UI.warn "You did not specify a valid scope."
raise Error::Argument::NoAction