# Gon gem — get your Rails variables in your js
![Gon. You should try this. If you look closer - you will see an elephant.](https://github.com/gazay/gon/raw/master/doc/logo_small.png)
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If you need to send some data to your js files and you don't want to do this with long way through views and parsing - use this force!
Now you can easily renew data in your variables through ajax with [gon.watch](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Usage-gon-watch)!
With [Jbuilder](https://github.com/rails/jbuilder), [Rabl](https://github.com/nesquena/rabl), and [Rabl-Rails](https://github.com/ccocchi/rabl-rails) support!
For Sinatra available [gon-sinatra](https://github.com/gazay/gon-sinatra).
For .Net MVC available port [NGon](https://github.com/brooklynDev/NGon).
## An example of typical use
### Very good and detailed example and reasons to use is considered in [railscast](http://railscasts.com/episodes/324-passing-data-to-javascript) by Ryan Bates
When you need to send some start data from your controller to your js
you might be doing something like this:
1. Write this data in controller(presenter/model) to some variable
2. In view for this action you put this variable to some objects by data
attributes, or write js right in view
3. Then there can be two ways in js:
+ if you previously wrote data in data
attributes - you should parse this attributes and write data to some
js variable.
+ if you wrote js right in view (many frontenders would shame you for
that) - you just use data from this js - OK.
4. You can use your data in your js
And everytime when you need to send some data from action to js you do this.
With gon you configure it firstly - just put in layout one tag, and add
gem line to your Gemfile and do the following:
1. Write variables by
``` ruby
gon.variable_name = variable_value
# or new syntax
:user_id => 1,
:user_role => "admin"
gon.push(any_object) # any_object with respond_to? :each_pair
2. In your js you get this by
``` js
3. profit?
With the `gon.watch` feature you can easily renew data in gon variables!
Simply call `gon.watch` from your js file. It's super useful
in modern web applications!
## Usage
### More details about configuration and usage you can find in [gon wiki](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki)
Old readme available in [./README_old.md](https://github.com/gazay/gon/blob/master/README_old.md)
``` erb
some title
<%= include_gon %>
You can pass some [options](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Options)
to `include_gon` method.
You put something like this in the action of your controller:
``` ruby
@your_int = 123
@your_array = [1,2]
@your_hash = {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}
gon.your_int = @your_int
gon.your_other_int = 345 + gon.your_int
gon.your_array = @your_array
gon.your_array << gon.your_int
gon.your_hash = @your_hash
gon.all_variables # > {:your_int => 123, :your_other_int => 468, :your_array => [1, 2, 123], :your_hash => {'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}}
gon.your_array # > [1, 2, 123]
gon.clear # gon.all_variables now is {}
Access the variables from your JavaScript file:
``` js
### AMD compatible version: `include_gon_amd`
If your site uses AMD modules you can use the `include_gon_amd` helper to
include the variables and watch function as a module. Options are mostly
the same as for `include_gon`, except for `namespace_check`, which does
nothing and `namespace`, which is used as the name of the defined module.
The end result will look somewhat like the following:
define('yourNameSpace', [], function() {
var gon = {};
gon.yourVariable = yourValue;
// etc...
return gon;
A (very) simplified usage example:
include_gon_amd namespace: 'data'
`Some JavaScript module`
define(['data'], function(data) {
## gon.watch - renew your data easily!
You can use gon for renewing your data without reloading pages and
writing long js functions! It's really great for some live values.
Supports `gon.watch.rabl` and `gon.watch.jbuilder` usage.
[Instruction](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Usage-gon-watch) for
usage gon.watch.
## Usage with Rabl
You can write your variables assign logic to templates with [Rabl](https://github.com/nesquena/rabl).
The way of writing Rabl templates is very clearly described in their repo.
Profit of using Rabl with gon:
1. You can clean your controllers now!
2. Work with database objects and collections clearly and easyly
3. All power of Rabl
4. You can still be lazy and don't use common way to transfer data in js
5. And so on
[Instruction](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Usage-with-rabl) for
usage gon with Rabl.
## Usage with Rabl-Rails
`gon.rabl` works with [rabl-rails](https://github.com/ccocchi/rabl-rails). Learn to write RABL the rabl-rails way [here](https://github.com/ccocchi/rabl-rails).
Add gon and rabl-rails to your environment:
gem 'gon'
gem 'rabl-rails'
Define a rabl template using rabl-rails syntax:
object :@user
attributes :id, :name, :email, :location
Call gon.rabl in your controller
def show
@user = User.find(params[:id])
## Usage with Jbuilder
Use gon with [Jbuilder](https://github.com/rails/jbuilder) as with [Rabl](https://guthub.com/nesquena/rabl):
[Instruction](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Usage-with-jbuilder) for
usage gon with Jbuilder.
## gon.global
You can use gon for sending your data to js from anywhere! It's really
great for some init data.
[Instruction](https://github.com/gazay/gon/wiki/Usage-gon-global) for
usage gon.global.
## Speed up Gon
You can use any [JSON Engine](https://github.com/intridea/multi_json#supported-json-engines) you want.
Gon uses `MultiJson` with autodetect mode, so all you need is just require your JSON library.
## Contributors
* @gazay
Special thanks to @brainopia, @kossnocorp and @ai.
## License
The MIT License