# frozen_string_literal: true
module Pagerduty
# Trigger incidents via the PagerDuty Events API version 1.
# @see https://v2.developer.pagerduty.com/docs/events-api PagerDuty Events
# API V1 documentation
# @see Pagerduty.build
# @see Pagerduty::EventsApiV1::Incident
class EventsApiV1
# Rather than using this directly, use the {Pagerduty.build} method to
# construct an instance.
# @option config [String] integration_key Authentication key for connecting
# to PagerDuty. A UUID expressed as a 32-digit hexadecimal number.
# Integration keys are generated by creating a new service, or creating a
# new integration for an existing service in PagerDuty, and can be found
# on a service's Integrations tab. This option is required.
# @option config [String] http_proxy.host The DNS name or IP address of the
# proxy host. If nil or unprovided an HTTP proxy will not be used.
# @option config [String] http_proxy.port The TCP port to use to access the
# proxy.
# @option config [String] http_proxy.username username if authorization is
# required to use the proxy.
# @option config [String] http_proxy.password password if authorization is
# required to use the proxy.
# @see Pagerduty.build
def initialize(config)
@config = config
# Send PagerDuty a trigger event to report a new or ongoing problem.
# @example Trigger an incident
# incident = pagerduty.trigger(
# ""
# )
# @example Trigger an incident, providing more context and details
# incident = pagerduty.trigger(
# "FAILURE for production/HTTP on machine srv01.acme.com",
# client: "Sample Monitoring Service",
# client_url: "https://monitoring.service.com",
# contexts: [
# {
# type: "link",
# href: "http://acme.pagerduty.com",
# text: "View the incident on PagerDuty",
# },
# {
# type: "image",
# src: "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart.png",
# }
# ],
# details: {
# ping_time: "1500ms",
# load_avg: 0.75,
# },
# )
# @param [String] description A short description of the problem that led to
# this trigger. This field (or a truncated version) will be used when
# generating phone calls, SMS messages and alert emails. It will also
# appear on the incidents tables in the PagerDuty UI. The maximum length
# is 1024 characters.
# @option options [String] client The name of the monitoring client that is
# triggering this event.
# @option options [String] client_url The URL of the monitoring client that
# is triggering this event.
# @option options [Array] contexts An array of objects. Contexts to be
# included with the incident trigger such as links to graphs or images.
# @option options [Hash] details An arbitrary hash containing any data you'd
# like included in the incident log.
# @return [Pagerduty::EventsApiV1::Incident] The triggered incident.
# @raise [PagerdutyException] If PagerDuty responds with a status that is
# not "success"
def trigger(description, options = {})
config = @config.merge(incident_key: options[:incident_key])
options = options.reject { |key| key == :incident_key }
Incident.new(config).trigger(description, options)
# @param [String] incident_key Identifies the incident to which
# this trigger event should be applied. If there's no open (i.e.
# unresolved) incident with this key, a new one will be created. If
# there's already an open incident with a matching key, this event will be
# appended to that incident's log. The event key provides an easy way to
# "de-dup" problem reports. If this field isn't provided, PagerDuty will
# automatically open a new incident with a unique key. The maximum length
# is 255 characters.
# @return [Pagerduty::EventsApiV1::Incident] The incident referenced by the
# key.
# @raise [ArgumentError] If incident_key is nil
def incident(incident_key)
raise ArgumentError, "incident_key is nil" if incident_key.nil?
Incident.new(@config.merge(incident_key: incident_key))
class Incident
attr_reader :incident_key
# @option (see Pagerduty::EventsApiV1#initialize)
# @option config [String] incident_key Identifies the incident to which
# this trigger event should be applied. If there's no open
# (i.e. unresolved) incident with this key, a new one will be created.
# If there's already an open incident with a matching key, this event
# will be appended to that incident's log. The event key provides an
# easy way to "de-dup" problem reports. If this field isn't provided,
# PagerDuty will automatically open a new incident with a unique key.
# The maximum length is 255 characters.
def initialize(config)
@integration_key = config.fetch(:integration_key) do
raise ArgumentError "integration_key not provided"
@incident_key = config[:incident_key]
@transport = Pagerduty::HttpTransport.new(
path: "/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json",
proxy: config[:http_proxy],
# Send PagerDuty a trigger event to report a new or ongoing problem. When
# PagerDuty receives a trigger event, it will either open a new incident,
# or add a new trigger log entry to an existing incident, depending on the
# provided incident_key.
# @example Trigger or update an incident
# incident.trigger(
# ""
# )
# @example Trigger or update an incident, providing more context
# incident.trigger(
# "FAILURE for production/HTTP on machine srv01.acme.com",
# client: "Sample Monitoring Service",
# client_url: "https://monitoring.service.com",
# contexts: [
# {
# type: "link",
# href: "http://acme.pagerduty.com",
# text: "View the incident on PagerDuty",
# },
# {
# type: "image",
# src: "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart.png",
# }
# ],
# details: {
# ping_time: "1500ms",
# load_avg: 0.75,
# },
# )
# @param (see Pagerduty::EventsApiV1#trigger)
# @option (see Pagerduty::EventsApiV1#trigger)
def trigger(description, options = {})
raise ArgumentError, "incident_key provided" if options.key?(:incident_key)
options = options.merge(description: description)
options[:incident_key] = @incident_key unless @incident_key.nil?
response = api_call("trigger", options)
@incident_key = response["incident_key"]
# Acknowledge the referenced incident. While an incident is acknowledged,
# it won't generate any additional notifications, even if it receives new
# trigger events. Send PagerDuty an acknowledge event when you know
# someone is presently working on the problem.
# @example Acknowledge the incident
# incident.acknowledge
# @example Acknowledge, providing a description and extra details
# incident.acknowledge(
# "Engineers are investigating the incident",
# {
# ping_time: "1700ms",
# load_avg: 0.71,
# }
# )
# @param [String] description Text that will appear in the incident's log
# associated with this event.
# @param [Hash] details An arbitrary hash containing any data you'd like
# included in the incident log.
# @return [Pagerduty::EventsApiV1::Incident] self
# @raise [PagerdutyException] If PagerDuty responds with a status that is
# not "success"
def acknowledge(description = nil, details = nil)
modify_incident("acknowledge", description, details)
# Resolve the referenced incident. Once an incident is resolved, it won't
# generate any additional notifications. New trigger events with the same
# incident_key as a resolved incident won't re-open the incident. Instead,
# a new incident will be created. Send PagerDuty a resolve event when the
# problem that caused the initial trigger event has been fixed.
# @example Resolve the incident
# incident.resolve
# @example Resolve, providing a description and extra details
# incident.resolve(
# "A fix has been deployed and the service has recovered",
# {
# ping_time: "130ms",
# load_avg: 0.23,
# }
# )
# @param [String] description Text that will appear in the incident's log
# associated with this event.
# @param [Hash] details An arbitrary hash containing any data you'd like
# included in the incident log.
# @return [Pagerduty::EventsApiV1::Incident] self
# @raise [PagerdutyException] If PagerDuty responds with a status that is
# not "success"
def resolve(description = nil, details = nil)
modify_incident("resolve", description, details)
def modify_incident(event_type, description, details)
options = { incident_key: incident_key }
options[:description] = description if description
options[:details] = details if details
api_call(event_type, options)
def api_call(event_type, args)
args = args.merge(
service_key: @integration_key,
event_type: event_type,
response = @transport.send_payload(args)
raise PagerdutyException.new(self, response, response["message"]) unless response["status"] == "success"