# encoding: utf-8 # A Hash-like class for storing errorTraceData data. # require 'ting_yun/support/exception' require 'ting_yun/support/coerce' module TingYun module Agent module Collector class NoticedError attr_accessor :metric_name, :timestamp, :message, :exception_class_name, :stack_trace, :attributes_from_notice_error, :attributes, :count_error, :is_external_error, :external_metric_name, :code, :trace, :type, :http_code attr_reader :exception_id, :is_internal def initialize(metric_name, exception, timestamp = Time.now) @metric_name = metric_name @timestamp = timestamp @stack_trace = [] @count_error = 1 @exception_id = exception.object_id @exception_class_name = exception.is_a?(Exception)? exteneral_error?(exception)? "External #{exception.tingyun_code}" : exception.class.name : 'Error' @is_external_error = exception.respond_to?(:tingyun_external)? exception.tingyun_external : false @code = 0 if @is_external_error @external_metric_name = exception.tingyun_klass @http_code = exception.tingyun_code @trace = exception.tingyun_trace end # It's critical that we not hold onto the exception class constant in this # class. These objects get serialized for Resque to a process that might # not have the original exception class loaded, so do all processing now # while we have the actual exception! @is_internal = (exception.class < TingYun::Support::Exception::InternalAgentError) if exception.nil? @message = '<no message>' elsif exception.respond_to?('original_exception') @message = (exception.original_exception || exception).to_s else # exception is not nil, but does not respond to original_exception @message = exception.to_s end unless @message.is_a?(String) # In pre-1.9.3, Exception.new({}).to_s.class != String # That is, Exception#to_s may not return a String instance if one wasn't # passed in upon creation of the Exception. So, try to generate a useful # String representation of the exception message, falling back to failsafe @message = String(@message.inspect) rescue '<unknown message type>' end # clamp long messages to 4k so that we don't send a lot of # overhead across the wire @message = @message[0..4095] if @message.length > 4096 end def ==(other) return true if other.respond_to?(:exception_id) && exception_id == other.exception_id if metric_name == other.metric_name && message == other.message @count_error = count_error + 1 return true else return false end end include TingYun::Support::Coerce def to_collector_array(encoder) if is_external_error [timestamp.to_i, string(external_metric_name), int(http_code), string(exception_class_name), count_error, string(metric_name), encoder.encode(error_params) ] else [timestamp.to_i, string(metric_name), int(code), string(exception_class_name), string(message), count_error, string(attributes.agent_attributes[:request_path]||metric_name), encoder.encode(error_params), attributes.agent_attributes[:trace_id] ] end end def error_params hash = { :params => custom_params } if is_external_error hash[:stacktrace] = trace else hash[:stacktrace] = stack_trace hash[:requestParams] = request_params end hash end def custom_params return {} if type ==:exception hash = {:threadName => string(attributes.agent_attributes[:threadName])} hash[:httpStatus] = int(code) hash[:referer] = string(attributes.agent_attributes[:referer]) || '' hash end def request_params return {} unless TingYun::Agent.config['nbs.capture_params'] attributes.request_params end def exteneral_error? exception if defined? ::Thrift::ApplicationException exception.is_a?(TingYun::Support::Exception::InternalServerError) or exception.is_a?(::Thrift::ApplicationException) else exception.is_a?(TingYun::Support::Exception::InternalServerError) end end end end end end