require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe CurbFu do describe "stubs=" do it 'should insert the CurbFu::Request::Test module into CurbFu::Request' do CurbFu.stubs = { '' => mock(Object, :call => [200, {}, "Hello, World"] ) } CurbFu::Request.should include(CurbFu::Request::Test) end it 'should not insert the CurbFu::StubbedRequest module into CurbFu::Request if it is already there' do CurbFu::Request.stub!(:include?).and_return(false, true) CurbFu::Request.should_receive(:include).once CurbFu.stubs = { '' => mock(Object, :call => [200, {}, "Hello, World"] ) } CurbFu.stubs = { '' => mock(Object, :call => [404, {}, "not found"] ) } end it 'should not insert the CurbFu::StubbedRequest module if the method is given nil instead of a hash' do CurbFu::Request.should_not_receive(:include) CurbFu.stubs = nil end end describe 'stub' do it 'should create a stub interface for the given hostname using the supplied object' do CurbFu.stubs = { 'localhost' => Object } my_rack_app = mock(Object) CurbFu.stub('',my_rack_app) CurbFu.stubs['']. should be_an_instance_of(CurbFu::Request::Test::Interface) CurbFu.stubs = nil end end describe 'stubs' do it 'should return nil by default' do CurbFu.stubs = nil # no way to guarantee that CurbFu.stubs hasn't already been set by another spec CurbFu.stubs.should be_nil end it 'should return a hash of hostnames pointing to CurbFu::StubbedRequest::TestInterfaces' do CurbFu.stubs = { '' => mock(Object, :call => [200, {}, "Hello, World"] ) } CurbFu.stubs[''].should be_a_kind_of(CurbFu::Request::Test::Interface) end it 'should set the hostname on each interface' do CurbFu.stubs = { '' => mock(Object) } CurbFu.stubs[''].hostname.should == '' end end end