# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../spec_helpers') module TestHelper def touch_last_successful_test_run(test_task, timestamp = Time.now) test_task.instance_eval do record_successful_run File.utime(timestamp, timestamp, last_successful_run_file) end end end describe Buildr::TestTask do def test_task @test_task ||= define('foo').test end it 'should respond to :compile and return compile task' do test_task.compile.should be_kind_of(Buildr::CompileTask) end it 'should respond to :compile and add sources to compile' do test_task.compile 'sources' test_task.compile.sources.should include('sources') end it 'should respond to :compile and add action for test:compile' do write 'src/test/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' test_task.compile { task('action').invoke } lambda { test_task.compile.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end it 'should execute compile tasks first' do write 'src/main/java/Nothing.java', 'class Nothing {}' write 'src/test/java/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define 'foo' lambda { project('foo').test.compile.invoke }.should run_tasks(['foo:compile', 'foo:test:compile']) end it 'should respond to :resources and return resources task' do test_task.resources.should be_kind_of(Buildr::ResourcesTask) end it 'should respond to :resources and add prerequisites to test:resources' do file('prereq').should_receive :invoke_prerequisites test_task.resources 'prereq' test_task.compile.invoke end it 'should respond to :resources and add action for test:resources' do task 'action' test_task.resources { task('action').invoke } lambda { test_task.resources.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end it 'should respond to :setup and return setup task' do test_task.setup.name.should =~ /test:setup$/ end it 'should respond to :setup and add prerequisites to test:setup' do test_task.setup 'prereq' test_task.setup.prerequisites.should include('prereq') end it 'should respond to :setup and add action for test:setup' do task 'action' test_task.setup { task('action').invoke } lambda { test_task.setup.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end it 'should respond to :teardown and return teardown task' do test_task.teardown.name.should =~ /test:teardown$/ end it 'should respond to :teardown and add prerequisites to test:teardown' do test_task.teardown 'prereq' test_task.teardown.prerequisites.should include('prereq') end it 'should respond to :teardown and add action for test:teardown' do task 'action' test_task.teardown { task('action').invoke } lambda { test_task.teardown.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end it 'should respond to :with and return self' do test_task.with.should be(test_task) end it 'should respond to :with and add artifacfs to compile task dependencies' do test_task.with 'test.jar', 'acme:example:jar:1.0' test_task.compile.dependencies.should include(File.expand_path('test.jar')) test_task.compile.dependencies.should include(artifact('acme:example:jar:1.0')) end it 'should respond to :with and add artifacfs to task dependencies' do test_task.with 'test.jar', 'acme:example:jar:1.0' test_task.dependencies.should include(File.expand_path('test.jar')) test_task.dependencies.should include(artifact('acme:example:jar:1.0')) end it 'should response to :options and return test framework options' do test_task.using :foo=>'bar' test_task.options[:foo].should eql('bar') end it 'should respond to :using and return self' do test_task.using.should be(test_task) end it 'should respond to :using and set value options' do test_task.using('foo'=>'FOO', 'bar'=>'BAR') test_task.options[:foo].should eql('FOO') test_task.options[:bar].should eql('BAR') end it 'should start without pre-selected test framework' do test_task.framework.should be_nil end it 'should respond to :using and select test framework' do test_task.using(:testng) test_task.framework.should eql(:testng) end it 'should infer test framework from compiled language' do lambda { test_task.compile.using(:javac) }.should change { test_task.framework }.to(:junit) end it 'should respond to :include and return self' do test_task.include.should be(test_task) end it 'should respond to :include and add inclusion patterns' do test_task.include 'Foo', 'Bar' test_task.send(:include?, 'Foo').should be_true test_task.send(:include?, 'Bar').should be_true end it 'should respond to :exclude and return self' do test_task.exclude.should be(test_task) end it 'should respond to :exclude and add exclusion patterns' do test_task.exclude 'FooTest', 'BarTest' test_task.send(:include?, 'FooTest').should be_false test_task.send(:include?, 'BarTest').should be_false test_task.send(:include?, 'BazTest').should be_true end it 'should execute setup task before running tests' do mock = mock('actions') test_task.setup { mock.setup } test_task.enhance { mock.tests } mock.should_receive(:setup).ordered mock.should_receive(:tests).ordered test_task.invoke end it 'should execute teardown task after running tests' do mock = mock('actions') test_task.teardown { mock.teardown } test_task.enhance { mock.tests } mock.should_receive(:tests).ordered mock.should_receive(:teardown).ordered test_task.invoke end it 'should not execute teardown if setup failed' do test_task.setup { fail } lambda { test_task.invoke rescue nil }.should_not run_task(test_task.teardown) end it 'should use the main compile dependencies' do define('foo') { compile.using(:javac).with 'group:id:jar:1.0' } project('foo').test.dependencies.should include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) end it 'should include the main compile target in its dependencies' do define('foo') { compile.using(:javac) } project('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').compile.target) end it 'should include the main compile target in its dependencies, even when using non standard directories' do write 'src/java/Nothing.java', 'class Nothing {}' define('foo') { compile path_to('src/java') } project('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').compile.target) end it 'should include the main resources target in its dependencies' do write 'src/main/resources/config.xml' define('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').resources.target) end it 'should not use the test compile dependencies' do define('foo') { test.compile.using(:javac).with 'group:id:jar:1.0' } project('foo').test.dependencies.should_not include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) end it 'should include the test compile target in its dependencies' do define('foo') { test.compile.using(:javac) } project('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').test.compile.target) end it 'should include the test compile target in its dependencies, even when using non standard directories' do write 'src/test/Test.java', 'class Test {}' define('foo') { test.compile path_to('src/test') } project('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').test.compile.target) end it 'should add test compile target ahead of regular compile target' do write 'src/main/java/Code.java' write 'src/test/java/Test.java' define 'foo' depends = project('foo').test.dependencies depends.index(project('foo').test.compile.target).should < depends.index(project('foo').compile.target) end it 'should include the test resources target in its dependencies' do write 'src/test/resources/config.xml' define('foo').test.dependencies.should include(project('foo').test.resources.target) end it 'should add test resource target ahead of regular resource target' do write 'src/main/resources/config.xml' write 'src/test/resources/config.xml' define 'foo' depends = project('foo').test.dependencies depends.index(project('foo').test.resources.target).should < depends.index(project('foo').resources.target) end it 'should not have a last successful run timestamp before the tests are run' do test_task.timestamp.should == Rake::EARLY end it 'should clean after itself (test files)' do define('foo') { test.compile.using(:javac) } mkpath project('foo').test.compile.target.to_s lambda { task('clean').invoke }.should change { File.exist?(project('foo').test.compile.target.to_s) }.to(false) end it 'should clean after itself (reports)' do define 'foo' mkpath project('foo').test.report_to.to_s lambda { task('clean').invoke }.should change { File.exist?(project('foo').test.report_to.to_s) }.to(false) end end describe Buildr::TestTask, 'with no tests' do it 'should pass' do lambda { define('foo').test.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should report no failed tests' do lambda { verbose(true) { define('foo').test.invoke } }.should_not show_error(/fail/i) end it 'should return no failed tests' do define('foo') { test.using(:junit) } project('foo').test.invoke project('foo').test.failed_tests.should be_empty end it 'should return no passing tests' do define('foo') { test.using(:junit) } project('foo').test.invoke project('foo').test.passed_tests.should be_empty end it 'should execute teardown task' do lambda { define('foo').test.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test:teardown') end end describe Buildr::TestTask, 'with passing tests' do def test_task @test_task ||= begin define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval do @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['PassingTest1', 'PassingTest2']) @framework.stub!(:run).and_return(['PassingTest1', 'PassingTest2']) end end project('foo').test end end it 'should pass' do lambda { test_task.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should report no failed tests' do lambda { verbose(true) { test_task.invoke } }.should_not show_error(/fail/i) end it 'should return passed tests' do test_task.invoke test_task.passed_tests.should == ['PassingTest1', 'PassingTest2'] end it 'should return no failed tests' do test_task.invoke test_task.failed_tests.should be_empty end it 'should execute teardown task' do lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test:teardown') end it 'should update the last successful run timestamp' do before = Time.now ; test_task.invoke ; after = Time.now (before-1..after+1).should include(test_task.timestamp) end end describe Buildr::TestTask, 'with failed test' do include TestHelper def test_task @test_task ||= begin define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval do @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['FailingTest', 'PassingTest']) @framework.stub!(:run).and_return(['PassingTest']) end end project('foo').test end end it 'should fail' do lambda { test_task.invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /Tests failed/) end it 'should report failed tests' do lambda { verbose(true) { test_task.invoke rescue nil } }.should show_error(/FailingTest/) end it 'should return failed tests' do test_task.invoke rescue nil test_task.failed_tests.should == ['FailingTest'] end it 'should return passing tests as well' do test_task.invoke rescue nil test_task.passed_tests.should == ['PassingTest'] end it 'should not fail if fail_on_failure is false' do test_task.using(:fail_on_failure=>false).invoke lambda { test_task.invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should report failed tests even if fail_on_failure is false' do test_task.using(:fail_on_failure=>false) lambda { verbose(true) { test_task.invoke } }.should show_error(/FailingTest/) end it 'should return failed tests even if fail_on_failure is false' do test_task.using(:fail_on_failure=>false).invoke test_task.failed_tests.should == ['FailingTest'] end it 'should execute teardown task' do lambda { test_task.invoke rescue nil }.should run_task('foo:test:teardown') end it 'should not update the last successful run timestamp' do a_second_ago = Time.now - 1 touch_last_successful_test_run test_task, a_second_ago test_task.invoke rescue nil test_task.timestamp.should <= a_second_ago end end describe Buildr::Project, '#test' do it 'should return the project\'s test task' do define('foo') { test.should be(task('test')) } end it 'should accept prerequisites for task' do define('foo') { test 'prereq' } project('foo').test.prerequisites.should include('prereq') end it 'should accept actions for task' do task 'action' define('foo') { test { task('action').invoke } } lambda { project('foo').test.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end it 'should set fail_on_failure true by default' do define('foo').test.options[:fail_on_failure].should be_true end it 'should set fork mode by default' do define('foo').test.options[:fork].should == :once end it 'should set properties to empty hash by default' do define('foo').test.options[:properties].should == {} end it 'should set environment variables to empty hash by default' do define('foo').test.options[:environment].should == {} end it 'should inherit options from parent project' do define 'foo' do test.using :fail_on_failure=>false, :fork=>:each, :properties=>{ :foo=>'bar' }, :environment=>{ 'config'=>'config.yaml' } define 'bar' do test.using :junit test.options[:fail_on_failure].should be_false test.options[:fork].should == :each test.options[:properties][:foo].should == 'bar' test.options[:environment]['config'].should == 'config.yaml' end end end it 'should clone options from parent project when using #using' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' do test.using :fail_on_failure=>false, :fork=>:each, :properties=>{ :foo=>'bar' }, :environment=>{ 'config'=>'config.yaml' } test.using :junit end.invoke test.options[:fail_on_failure].should be_true test.options[:fork].should == :once test.options[:properties].should == {} test.options[:environment].should == {} end end it 'should clone options from parent project when using #options' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' do test.options[:fail_on_failure] = false test.options[:fork] = :each test.options[:properties][:foo] = 'bar' test.options[:environment]['config'] = 'config.yaml' test.using :junit end.invoke test.options[:fail_on_failure].should be_true test.options[:fork].should == :once test.options[:properties].should == {} test.options[:environment].should == {} end end it 'should accept to set a test property in the top project' do define 'foo' do test.options[:properties][:foo] = 'bar' end project('foo').test.options[:properties][:foo].should == 'bar' end it 'should accept to set a test property in a subproject' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' do test.options[:properties][:bar] = 'baz' end end project('foo:bar').test.options[:properties][:bar].should == 'baz' end it 'should not change options of unrelated projects when using #options' do define 'foo' do test.options[:properties][:foo] = 'bar' end define 'bar' do test.options[:properties].should == {} end end it "should run from project's build task" do write 'src/main/java/Foo.java' write 'src/test/java/FooTest.java' define('foo') lambda { task('foo:build').invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end end describe Buildr::Project, '#test.compile' do it 'should identify compiler from project' do write 'src/test/java/com/example/Test.java' define('foo') do test.compile.compiler.should eql(:javac) end end it 'should include identified sources' do write 'src/test/java/Test.java' define('foo') do test.compile.sources.should include(_('src/test/java')) end end it 'should compile to target/test/' do define 'foo', :target=>'targeted' do test.compile.using(:javac) test.compile.target.should eql(file('targeted/test/classes')) end end it 'should use main compile dependencies' do define 'foo' do compile.using(:javac).with 'group:id:jar:1.0' test.compile.using(:javac) end project('foo').test.compile.dependencies.should include(artifact('group:id:jar:1.0')) end it 'should include the main compiled target in its dependencies' do define 'foo' do compile.using(:javac).into 'bytecode' test.compile.using(:javac) end project('foo').test.compile.dependencies.should include(file('bytecode')) end it 'should include the test framework dependencies' do define 'foo' do test.compile.using(:javac) test.using(:junit) end project('foo').test.compile.dependencies.should include(*artifacts(JUnit.dependencies)) end it 'should clean after itself' do write 'src/test/java/Nothing.java', 'class Nothing {}' define('foo') { test.compile.into 'bytecode' } project('foo').test.compile.invoke lambda { project('foo').clean.invoke }.should change { File.exist?('bytecode') }.to(false) end end describe Buildr::Project, '#test.resources' do it 'should ignore resources unless they exist' do define('foo').test.resources.sources.should be_empty project('foo').test.resources.target.should be_nil end it 'should pick resources from src/test/resources if found' do mkpath 'src/test/resources' define('foo') { test.resources.sources.should include(file('src/test/resources')) } end it 'should copy to the resources target directory' do write 'src/test/resources/config.xml', '' define('foo', :target=>'targeted').test.invoke file('targeted/test/resources/config.xml').should contain('') end it 'should create target directory even if no files to copy' do define('foo').test.resources.filter.into('resources') lambda { file(File.expand_path('resources')).invoke }.should change { File.exist?('resources') }.to(true) end it 'should execute alongside compile task' do task 'action' define('foo') { test.resources { task('action').invoke } } lambda { project('foo').test.compile.invoke }.should run_tasks('action') end end describe Buildr::TestTask, '#invoke' do include TestHelper def test_task @test_task ||= define('foo') { test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval do @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['PassingTest']) @framework.stub!(:run).and_return(['PassingTest']) end }.test end it 'should require dependencies to exist' do lambda { test_task.with('no-such.jar').invoke }.should \ raise_error(RuntimeError, /Don't know how to build/) end it 'should run all dependencies as prerequisites' do file(File.expand_path('no-such.jar')) { task('prereq').invoke } lambda { test_task.with('no-such.jar').invoke }.should run_tasks(['prereq', 'foo:test']) end it 'should run tests if they have never run' do lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should not run tests if test option is off' do Buildr.options.test = false lambda { test_task.invoke }.should_not run_task('foo:test') end describe 'when there was a successful test run already' do before do @a_second_ago = Time.now - 1 src = ['main/java/Foo.java', 'main/resources/config.xml', 'test/java/FooTest.java', 'test/resources/config-test.xml'].map { |f| File.join('src', f) } target = ['classes/Foo.class', 'resources/config.xml', 'test/classes/FooTest.class', 'test/resources/config-test.xml'].map { |f| File.join('target', f) } files = ['buildfile'] + src + target files.each { |file| write file } (files + files.map { |file| file.pathmap('%d') }).each { |file| File.utime(@a_second_ago, @a_second_ago, file) } touch_last_successful_test_run test_task, @a_second_ago end it 'should not run tests if nothing changed' do lambda { test_task.invoke }.should_not run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if options.test is :all' do Buildr.options.test = :all lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if main compile target changed' do touch project('foo').compile.target.to_s lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if test compile target changed' do touch test_task.compile.target.to_s lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if main resources changed' do touch project('foo').resources.target.to_s lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if test resources changed' do touch test_task.resources.target.to_s lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if compile-dependent project changed' do write 'bar/src/main/java/Bar.java', 'public class Bar {}' define('bar', :version=>'1.0', :base_dir=>'bar') { package :jar } project('foo').compile.with project('bar') lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if test-dependent project changed' do write 'bar/src/main/java/Bar.java', 'public class Bar {}' define('bar', :version=>'1.0', :base_dir=>'bar') { package :jar } test_task.with project('bar') lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should run tests if buildfile changed' do touch 'buildfile' lambda { test_task.invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end end end describe Rake::Task, 'test' do it 'should be recursive' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } lambda { task('test').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'foo:bar:test') end it 'should be local task' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } lambda do in_original_dir project('foo:bar').base_dir do task('test').invoke end end.should run_task('foo:bar:test').but_not('foo:test') end it 'should stop at first failure' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should run_tasks('foo:test').but_not('bar:test') end it 'should ignore failure if options.test is :all' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } options.test = :all lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end it 'should ignore failure if environment variable test is \'all\'' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } ENV['test'] = 'all' lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end it 'should ignore failure if environment variable TEST is \'all\'' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } ENV['TEST'] = 'all' lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end it 'should execute no tests if options.test is false' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } options.test = false lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should_not run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end it 'should execute no tests if environment variable test is \'no\'' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } ENV['test'] = 'no' lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should_not run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end it 'should execute no tests if environment variable TEST is \'no\'' do define('foo') { test { fail } } define('bar') { test { fail } } ENV['TEST'] = 'no' lambda { task('test').invoke rescue nil }.should_not run_tasks('foo:test', 'bar:test') end end describe 'test rule' do include TestHelper it 'should execute test task on local project' do define('foo') { define 'bar' } lambda { task('test:something').invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should reset tasks to specific pattern' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } define 'bar' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } end end task('test:something').invoke ['foo', 'foo:bar'].map { |name| project(name) }.each do |project| project.test.tests.should include('something') project.test.tests.should_not include('nothing') end end it 'should apply *name* pattern' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['prefix-something-suffix']) } end task('test:something').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('prefix-something-suffix') end it 'should not apply *name* pattern if asterisks used' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['prefix-something', 'prefix-something-suffix']) } end task('test:*something').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('prefix-something') project('foo').test.tests.should_not include('prefix-something-suffix') end it 'should accept multiple tasks separated by commas' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) } end task('test:foo,bar').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('foo') project('foo').test.tests.should include('bar') project('foo').test.tests.should_not include('baz') end it 'should execute only the named tests' do write 'src/test/java/TestSomething.java', 'public class TestSomething extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testNothing() {} }' write 'src/test/java/TestFails.java', 'public class TestFails extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testFailure() { fail(); } }' define 'foo' task('test:Something').invoke end it 'should execute the named tests even if the test task is not needed' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } end touch_last_successful_test_run project('foo').test task('test:something').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('something') end it 'should not update the last successful test run timestamp' do define 'foo' do test.using(:junit) test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } end a_second_ago = Time.now - 1 touch_last_successful_test_run project('foo').test, a_second_ago task('test:something').invoke project('foo').test.timestamp.should <= a_second_ago end end describe Buildr::Options, 'test' do it 'should be true by default' do Buildr.options.test.should be_true end ['skip', 'no', 'off', 'false'].each do |value| it "should be false if test environment variable is '#{value}'" do lambda { ENV['test'] = value }.should change { Buildr.options.test }.to(false) end end ['skip', 'no', 'off', 'false'].each do |value| it "should be false if TEST environment variable is '#{value}'" do lambda { ENV['TEST'] = value }.should change { Buildr.options.test }.to(false) end end it 'should be :all if test environment variable is all' do lambda { ENV['test'] = 'all' }.should change { Buildr.options.test }.to(:all) end it 'should be :all if TEST environment variable is all' do lambda { ENV['TEST'] = 'all' }.should change { Buildr.options.test }.to(:all) end it 'should be true and warn for any other value' do ENV['TEST'] = 'funky' lambda { Buildr.options.test.should be(true) }.should show_warning(/expecting the environment variable/i) end end describe Buildr, 'integration' do it 'should return the same task from all contexts' do task = task('integration') define 'foo' do integration.should be(task) define 'bar' do integration.should be(task) end end integration.should be(task) end it 'should respond to :setup and return setup task' do setup = integration.setup define('foo') { integration.setup.should be(setup) } end it 'should respond to :setup and add prerequisites to integration:setup' do define('foo') { integration.setup 'prereq' } integration.setup.prerequisites.should include('prereq') end it 'should respond to :setup and add action for integration:setup' do action = task('action') define('foo') { integration.setup { action.invoke } } lambda { integration.setup.invoke }.should run_tasks(action) end it 'should respond to :teardown and return teardown task' do teardown = integration.teardown define('foo') { integration.teardown.should be(teardown) } end it 'should respond to :teardown and add prerequisites to integration:teardown' do define('foo') { integration.teardown 'prereq' } integration.teardown.prerequisites.should include('prereq') end it 'should respond to :teardown and add action for integration:teardown' do action = task('action') define('foo') { integration.teardown { action.invoke } } lambda { integration.teardown.invoke }.should run_tasks(action) end end describe Rake::Task, 'integration' do it 'should be a local task' do define('foo') { test.using :integration } define('bar', :base_dir=>'other') { test.using :integration } lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_task('foo:test').but_not('bar:test') end it 'should be a recursive task' do define 'foo' do test.using :integration define('bar') { test.using :integration } end lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'foo:bar:test') end it 'should find nested integration tests' do define 'foo' do define('bar') { test.using :integration } end lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:bar:test').but_not('foo:test') end it 'should ignore nested regular tasks' do define 'foo' do test.using :integration define('bar') { test.using :integration=>false } end lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:test').but_not('foo:bar:test') end it 'should agree not to run the same tasks as test' do define 'foo' do define 'bar' do test.using :integration define('baz') { test.using :integration=>false } end end lambda { task('test').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:test', 'foo:bar:baz:test').but_not('foo:bar:test') lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:bar:test').but_not('foo:test', 'foo:bar:baz:test') end it 'should run setup task before any project integration tests' do define('foo') { test.using :integration } define('bar') { test.using :integration } lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks([integration.setup, 'bar:test'], [integration.setup, 'foo:test']) end it 'should run teardown task after all project integrations tests' do define('foo') { test.using :integration } define('bar') { test.using :integration } lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks(['bar:test', integration.teardown], ['foo:test', integration.teardown]) end it 'should run test cases marked for integration' do write 'src/test/java/FailingTest.java', 'public class FailingTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testNothing() { assertTrue(false); } }' define('foo') { test.using :integration } lambda { task('test').invoke }.should_not raise_error lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, /tests failed/i) end it 'should run setup and teardown tasks marked for integration' do define('foo') { test.using :integration } lambda { task('test').invoke }.should run_tasks().but_not('foo:test:setup', 'foo:test:teardown') lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should run_tasks('foo:test:setup', 'foo:test:teardown') end it 'should run test actions marked for integration' do task 'action' define 'foo' do test.using :integration, :junit end lambda { task('test').invoke }.should_not change { project('foo').test.passed_tests } lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should change { project('foo').test.passed_tests } project('foo').test.passed_tests.should be_empty end it 'should not fail if test=all' do write 'src/test/java/FailingTest.java', 'public class FailingTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testNothing() { assertTrue(false); } }' define('foo') { test.using :integration } options.test = :all lambda { task('integration').invoke }.should_not raise_error end it 'should execute by local package task' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do test.using :integration package :jar end lambda { task('package').invoke }.should run_tasks(['foo:package', 'foo:test']) end it 'should execute by local package task along with unit tests' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do test.using :integration package :jar define('bar') { test.using :integration=>false } end lambda { task('package').invoke }.should run_tasks(['foo:package', 'foo:test'], ['foo:bar:test', 'foo:bar:package']) end it 'should not execute by local package task if test=no' do define 'foo', :version=>'1.0' do test.using :integration package :jar end options.test = false lambda { task('package').invoke }.should run_task('foo:package').but_not('foo:test') end end describe 'integration rule' do it 'should execute integration tests on local project' do define 'foo' do test.using :junit, :integration define 'bar' end lambda { task('integration:something').invoke }.should run_task('foo:test') end it 'should reset tasks to specific pattern' do define 'foo' do test.using :junit, :integration test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } define 'bar' do test.using :junit, :integration test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['something', 'nothing']) } end end task('integration:something').invoke ['foo', 'foo:bar'].map { |name| project(name) }.each do |project| project.test.tests.should include('something') project.test.tests.should_not include('nothing') end end it 'should apply *name* pattern' do define 'foo' do test.using :junit, :integration test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['prefix-something-suffix']) } end task('integration:something').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('prefix-something-suffix') end it 'should not apply *name* pattern if asterisks used' do define 'foo' do test.using :junit, :integration test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['prefix-something', 'prefix-something-suffix']) } end task('integration:*something').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('prefix-something') project('foo').test.tests.should_not include('prefix-something-suffix') end it 'should accept multiple tasks separated by commas' do define 'foo' do test.using :junit, :integration test.instance_eval { @framework.stub!(:tests).and_return(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) } end task('integration:foo,bar').invoke project('foo').test.tests.should include('foo') project('foo').test.tests.should include('bar') project('foo').test.tests.should_not include('baz') end it 'should execute only the named tests' do write 'src/test/java/TestSomething.java', 'public class TestSomething extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testNothing() {} }' write 'src/test/java/TestFails.java', 'public class TestFails extends junit.framework.TestCase { public void testFailure() { fail(); } }' define('foo') { test.using :junit, :integration } task('integration:Something').invoke end end