require 'bindata' require_relative 'elf_enums' module ElfStructs class ElfIdentification < BinData::Record endian :little string :id_magic, :length=>4 , :initial_value => "\x7FELF" #TODO: validate? uint8 :id_class uint8 :id_data uint8 :id_version skip :length => 9 end def alias_recordtype(from,to) self.class.class_eval do define_method from do |*args| send(to,*args) end end end def hdr elf_identification :ident #end of identification half :type #File type. half :machine #Machine architecture. word :version #ELF format version. addr :entry #Entry point. off :phoff #Program header file offset. off :shoff #Section header file offset. word :flags #Architecture-specific flags. half :ehsize #Size of ELF header in bytes. half :phentsize #Size of program header entry. half :phnum #Number of program header entries. half :shentsize #Size of section header entry. half :shnum #Number of section header entries. half :shstrndx #Section name strings section. end def note uint32 :namesz, :value => lambda{name.num_bytes} #Length of name. uint32 :descsz, :value => lambda{desc.num_bytes} # Length of descriptor. uint32 :type # Type of this note. string :name, :read_length => lambda{ (namesz.to_i * 4 + 3)/4 } # Round up string :desc, :read_length => lambda{ (descsz.to_i * 4 + 3)/4 } attr_accessor :section_name end def shdr word :name #Section name (index into section header string table word :type #Section type. xword :flags #Section flags. addr :vaddr #Address in memory image. off :off #Offset in file. xword :siz#Size in bytes. Patch: Had to change to siz word :link #Index of a related section. word :info #Depends on section type. xword :addralign #Alignment in bytes. xword :entsize #Size of each entry in section. attr_accessor :index # So we retain the index after parsing end def phdr32 # FAIL different layout with 32 and 64 word :type #Entry type. off :off #File offset of contents. addr :vaddr #Virtual address in memory image. addr :paddr #Physical address (not used). xword :filesz #Size of contents in file. xword :memsz #Size of contents in memory. word :flags #Access permission flags. xword :align #Alignment in memory and file. end def phdr64 word :type word :flags off :off addr :vaddr addr :paddr xword :filesz xword :memsz xword :align end # Dynamic structure. The ".dynamic" section contains an array of them. def dyn sxword :tag #Entry type. addr :val #Address value or raw value end # * Relocation entries # Relocations that don't need an addend field. */ def rel_common case @bits when 32 define_method :sym do info.to_i >> 8 end define_method :type do info.to_i & 0xff end define_method :sym= do |val| = type | (val << 8) end define_method :type= do |val| = (val &0xff) | (sym << 8) end when 64 define_method :sym do info.to_i >> 32 end define_method :type do info.to_i & 0xffffffff end define_method :sym= do |val| = type | (val << 32) end define_method :type= do |val| = (val &0xffffffff) | (sym << 32) end end end def rel addr :off #Location to be relocated. xword :info #Relocation type and symbol index. define_method :addend do nil end rel_common end # Relocations that need an addend field. */ def rela addr :off #Location to be relocated. xword :info #Relocation type and symbol index. sxword :addend #Addend. rel_common end #Elf Symbol def sym_common define_method :type do info & 0xf end define_method :binding do info >> 4 end define_method :type= do |val| raise "Invalid param" unless val & 0xf == val = (info&0xf0) | val end define_method :binding= do |val| raise "Invalid param" unless val & 0xf == val = (info&0xf) | (val << 4) end end def sym32 word :name #String table index of name. addr :val #Symbol value. PATCH: change to val so as to avoid name conflict word :siz #Size of associated object. PATCH: Change to val char :info #Type and binding information. char :other #Reserved (not used). half :shndx #Section index of symbol. sym_common end def sym64 word :name uint8 :info uint8 :other half :shndx addr :val xword :siz sym_common end def versym half :veridx end def verdaux word :name word :nextoff end def verdef half :version half :flags half :ndx half :cnt word :hsh word :aux word :nextoff end def verneed half :version half :cnt word :file word :aux word :nextoff end def vernaux word :hsh half :flags half :other word :name word :nextoff end def stringtable array :strings, :type => :stringz, :initial_length=> 0 end #ELFP redesign - in progress =begin def elfp_chunk_desc # Each chunk of ELFbac metadata is also a section uint32 :type uint32 :offset uint32 :size end def elfp_header uint32 :sectioncount, value: lambda { sectionheaders.length } array :sectionheaders, type: @@factory.elfp_chunk_desc, read_length: initia end =end #ELFP old def elfp_header uint32 :chunkcount, value: lambda {states.size + tags.size+ calls.size + data.size} array :states, type: @factory.elfp_state array :tags, type: @factory.elfp_tag array :calls, type: @factory.elfp_call array :data, type: @factory.elfp_data end def elfp_state uint32 :chunkid , value: 1 uint32 :id uint32 :stackid, default_value: 0 end def elfp_call uint32 :chunktype, value: 2 uint32 :from uint32 :to uint64 :off uint16 :parambytes uint16 :returnbytes end def elfp_data uint32 :chunktype, value: 3 uint32 :from uint32 :to uint64 :tag uint32 :type end def elfp_tag uint32 :chunktype, value:4 uint64 :tag uint64 :addr uint64 :siz end ELF_OBJECTS = [:sym, :rela, :rel, :dyn, :phdr, :shdr, :hdr, :note, :vernaux, :verneed, :verdef, :verdaux, :versym, :elfp_state, :elfp_call, :elfp_data, :elfp_tag, :elfp_header] Split = { phdr: { 32 => :phdr32, 64 => :phdr64 }, sym: { 32 => :sym32, 64 => :sym64 } } def bitness(bits) @bits = bits alias_recordtype :char, :uint8 case bits when 32 alias_recordtype :word, :uint32 alias_recordtype :sword, :int32 alias_recordtype :half, :uint16 alias_recordtype :off, :uint32 alias_recordtype :addr, :uint32 alias_recordtype :xword, :uint32 alias_recordtype :sxword, :uint32 when 64 alias_recordtype :addr, :uint64 alias_recordtype :off, :uint64 alias_recordtype :half, :uint16 alias_recordtype :word, :uint32 alias_recordtype :sword, :int32 alias_recordtype :xword, :uint64 alias_recordtype :sxword, :int64 else raise "We only know about 32-bit or 64-bit ELF formats, not about #{bits}" end end end class ElfStructFactory attr_reader *ElfStructs::ELF_OBJECTS def self.instance(endian, bits) @@instances[endian][bits] end def rel_info_sym(info) if @width == 32 info.to_i >> 8 else info.to_i >> 32 end end def rel_info_type(info) if @width == 32 info.to_i & 0xff else info.to_i & 0xffffffff end end def rel_build_info(sym,type) if @width == 32 (sym.to_i << 8) | (type.to_i &0xff) else (sym.to_i << 32) | (type.to_i &0xffffffff) end end def initialize(endian,width) @endian = endian @width = width factory = self ElfStructs::ELF_OBJECTS.each do |object| klass = BinData::Record do extend ElfStructs endian endian bitness width @factory = factory if(ElfStructs::Split.include? object) self.send(ElfStructs::Split[object][width]) else self.send(object) end end instance_variable_set("@#{object.to_s}",klass) end end @@instances = {:little => {32 =>,32), 64=>,64) }, :big => {32 =>,32) , 64 =>,64)} } end