#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'md_ruby_eval' # this will only run if the script was the main, not load'd or require'd to_require = [] indentation = 40 line_length = 79 auto = false verbose = false dir = Dir.pwd OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = File.read(__dir__ + '/../README.md') + "\n## Options:\n\n" opts.on('-d', '--directory DIR', 'Working directory') do |v| dir = File.expand_path v end opts.on('-r', '--require FILE', 'Require given files before processing the MD files') do |v| to_require << v end opts.on('-I', '--load-path PATH', 'Adds the path to LOAD_PATH') do |v| $LOAD_PATH << File.expand_path(v) end opts.on('-i', '--indent NUMBER', Integer, 'Default indentation of results') do |v| indentation = v end opts.on('-l', '--line NUMBER', Integer, 'Default maximum line length') do |v| line_length = v end opts.on('--[no-]auto', 'Automatic mode. Finds `*.in.md` files outputting `*.out.md` files') do |v| auto = true end opts.on('--[no-]verbose', 'Print code chunks right before their execution') do |v| verbose = true end end.parse! Dir.chdir dir do if auto input_paths = Dir.glob('*.in.md') input_paths.each do |input_path| pid = fork do to_require.each { |p| require p } init_path = File.basename(input_path, '.in.md') + '.init.rb' if File.exist? init_path puts "using: #{init_path}" load init_path end MDRubyEval.new input_path, input_path.gsub(/(\.in)?\.md$/, '.out.md'), binding, indentation, line_length, verbose end Process.wait pid end else input_path, output_path = ARGV.map { |p| File.expand_path p } raise 'no input path' unless input_path && File.exist?(input_path) MDRubyEval.new input_path, output_path, binding, indentation, line_length, verbose end end