require 'fileutils' require 'thor' require 'ruby_learner/version.rb' require 'open3' require 'ruby_learner/common.rb' require 'ruby_learner/sequential_main' module RubyLearner # ruby_learner CLI main class class CLI < Thor def initialize(*args) super @workshop_dir = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.ruby_learner/workshop" @gem_dir = File.expand_path("../../../", __FILE__) Common.allocate.init_mk_files(gem_dir: @gem_dir, workshop_dir: @workshop_dir) end desc '-v', 'show program version' map "-v" => "version" def version puts RubyLearner::VERSION end desc 'emacs_key', 'check emacs key-bindings' def emacs_key system("cat #{@gem_dir}/lib/datas/") end desc 'sequential_check [section:1~11] [part:1~]','learning drill' option :next, aliases: :n, type: :boolean option :drill, aliases: :d, type: :boolean def sequential_check(*args) begin sequential_main =, @workshop_dir) if options[:drill] sequential_main.drill_contents elsif options[:next] final_sec, final_par = sequential_main.get_final_history(@gem_dir) next_sec, next_par = sequential_main.get_next_question(final_sec, final_par) sequential_main.action(next_sec, next_par) else sequential_main.action(args[0], args[1]) end rescue => error puts "Error.message: #{error.message}" puts 'sequential_check has 3-modes' puts 'mode-1: $ sequential_check [section:1~11] [part:1~] ,ex) sequential_check 1 3' puts 'mode-2: $ sequential_check -d, check drill contents' puts 'mode-3: $ sequential_check -n, learn next to your last-question' end end desc 'restore','check your restore' option :refresh, aliases: :r, type: :boolean def restore(*args) if options[:refresh] system("rm -rf #{@workshop_dir}/restore/") system("mkdir #{@workshop_dir}/restore") elsif args.empty? == true then system("ls #{@workshop_dir}/restore") print("\n If you want to open a restore_file, you execute 'ruby_learner restore [file_name]'") print("\n If you want to remove all restore_files, you execute 'ruby_learner restore -r'") else system("emacs #{@workshop_dir}/restore/#{args[0]}") end end desc 'install_emacs','install emacs in your mac' def install_emacs file_path = "#{@gem_dir}/lib/datas/" system("sh #{file_path}") end desc 'theme [black or white]',"change ruby_learner's theme" def theme(*args) args[0].chomp if args[0] == 'black' || args[0] == 'white' Common.allocate.change_theme(color: args[0], gem_dir: @gem_dir) else puts "you can change the theme_color, only black or white." end end end end