require 'uri' require 'digest/sha1' module Jekyll module OctopodFilters JSON_ENTITIES = { '&' => '\u0026', '>' => '\u003E', '<' => '\u003C', "'" => '\u0027' } # Escapes some text for CDATA def cdata_escape(input) input.gsub(//, ']]>') end # Escapes HTML entities in JSON strings. # More or less a copy of the equivalent method in Active Support. # def j(str) str.to_s.gsub(/[&"><']/) { |e| JSON_ENTITIES[e] } end # Replaces relative urls with full urls # # {{ "about.html" | expand_urls }} => "/about.html" # {{ "about.html" | expand_urls:site.url }} => "" def expand_urls(input, url='') url ||= '/' input.gsub /(\s+(href|src)\s*=\s*["|']{1})(\/[^\"'>]*)/ do $1+url+$3 end end # Removes scripts tag and audio tags in multiline moderator def remove_script_and_audio(input) input.gsub(//m, '').gsub(//m, '') end # Formats a Time to be RSS compatible like "Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT" # # {{ site.time | time_to_rssschema }} def time_to_rssschema(time) time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") end # Returns the first argument if it's not nil or empty otherwise it returns # the second one. # # {{ | }} def otherwise(first, second) first = first.to_s first.empty? ? second : first end # Returns the audio file name of a given hash. Is no key as second parameter given, it # trys first "mp3", than "m4a" and than it will return a more or less random # value. # # {{ | audio:"m4a" }} => "my-episode.m4a" def audio(hsh, key = nil) if !hsh.nil? && hsh.length if key.nil? hsh['mp3'] ? hsh['mp3'] : hsh['m4a'] ? hsh['m4a'] : hsh['ogg'] ? hsh['ogg'] : hsh['opus'] ? hsh['opus'] : hsh.values.first else hsh[key] end end end # Returns the audio-type of a given hash. Is no key as second parameter given, it # trys first "mp3", than "m4a" and than it will return a more or less random # value. # # {{ | audiotype }} => "my-episode.m4a" def audio_type(hsh) if !hsh.nil? && hsh.length hsh['mp3'] ? mime_type('mp3') : hsh['m4a'] ? mime_type('m4a') : hsh['ogg'] ? mime_type('ogg') : mime_type('opus') end end # Returns the MIME-Type of a given file format. # # {{ "m4a" | mime_type }} => "audio/mp4a-latm" def mime_type(format) types = { 'mp3' => 'mpeg', 'm4a' => 'mp4a-latm', 'ogg' => 'ogg; codecs=vorbis', 'opus' => 'ogg; codecs=opus' } "audio/#{types[format]}" end # Returns the size of a given file in bytes. If there is just a filename # without a path, this method assumes that the file is an episode audio file # which lives in /episodes. # # {{ "example.m4a" | file_size }} => 4242 def file_size(path, rel = nil) return 0 if path.nil? path = path =~ /\// ? path : File.join('episodes', path) path = rel + path if rel File.size(path) end # Returns a slug based on the id of a given page. # # {{ page | slug }} => '2012_10_02_octopod' def slug(page) page['id'][1..-1].gsub('/', '_') end # Returns the image of the post or the default logo. # # {{ page | image_with_fallback }} => '/path/to/image.png' def image_with_fallback(page) if page["image"] "/img/" + page["image"] else "/img/logo-itunes.jpg" end end # Returns the dowrload url with fallback to the site's episode folder url def download_url_with_fallback(site) if site["download_url"] == "" or site["download_url"] == nil site["url"] + "/episodes" else site["download_url"] end end # Splits a chapter, like it is written to the post YAML front matter into # the components 'start' which refers to a single point in time relative to # the beginning of the media file nad 'title' which defines the text to be # the title of the chapter. # # {{ '00:00:00.000 Welcome to Octopod!' | split_chapter }} # => { 'start' => '00:00:00.000', 'title' => 'Welcome to Octopod!' } # # {{ '00:00:00.000 Welcome to Octopod!' | split_chapter:'title' }} # => 'Welcome to Octopod!' # # {{ '00:00:00.000 Welcome to Octopod!' | split_chapter:'start' }} # => '00:00:00.000' def split_chapter(chapter_str, attribute = nil) attributes = chapter_str.split(/ /, 2) return nil unless attributes.first.match(/\A(\d|:|\.)+\z/) if attribute.nil? { 'start' => attributes.first, 'title' => attributes.last } else attribute == 'start' ? attributes.first : attributes.last end end # Gets a number of seconds and returns an human readable duration string of # it. # # {{ 1252251 | string_of_duration }} => "00:03:13" def string_of_duration(duration) seconds = duration.to_i minutes = seconds / 60 hours = minutes / 60 "#{"%02d" % hours}:#{"%02d" % (minutes % 60)}:#{"%02d" % (seconds % 60)}" end # Gets a number of bytes and returns an human readable string of it. # # {{ 1252251 | string_of_size }} => "1.19M" def string_of_size(bytes) bytes = bytes.to_i.to_f out = '0' return out if bytes == 0.0 jedec = %w[b K M G] [3, 2, 1, 0].each { |i| if bytes > 1024 ** i out = "%.1f#{jedec[i]}" % (bytes / 1024 ** i) break end } return out end # Returns the host a given url # # {{ '' | host_from_url }} => "" def host_from_url(url) URI.parse(url).host end # Generates the config for disqus integration # If a page object is given, it generates the config variables only for this # page. Otherwise it generate only the global config variables. # # {{ site | disqus_config }} # {{ site | disqus_config:page }} def disqus_config(site, page = nil) if page disqus_vars = { 'disqus_identifier' => page['url'], 'disqus_url' => "#{site['url']}#{page['url']}", 'disqus_category_id' => page['disqus_category_id'] || site['disqus_category_id'], 'disqus_title' => j(page['title'] || site['site']) } else disqus_vars = { 'disqus_developer' => site['disqus_developer'], 'disqus_shortname' => site['disqus_shortname'] } end disqus_vars.delete_if { |_, v| v.nil? } { |k, v| "var #{k} = '#{v}';" }.compact.join("\n") end # Returns the hex-encoded hash value of a given string. The optional # second argument defines the length of the returned string. # # {{ "Octopod" | sha1 }} => "8b20a59c" # {{ "Octopod" | sha1:23 }} => "8b20a59c8e2dcb5e1f845ba" def sha1(str, lenght = 8) sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(str) sha1[0, lenght.to_i] end # Returns a, ready to use, navigation list of all pages that have # navigation set in their YAML front matter. The list is sorted by # the value of navigation. # # {{ site | navigation_list:page }} def navigation_list(site, page) pages = site['pages'].select { |p|['navigation'] &&['title'] }.sort_by { |p|['navigation'] } list = [] list << { |p| active = (p.url == page['url']) || (page.key?('next') && File.join(p.dir, p.basename) == '/index') navigation_list_item(File.join(site['url'], p.url),['title'], active) } list.join("\n") end def talk_list(site, page) pages = site['pages'].select { |p|['talk'] &&['title'] }.sort_by { |p|['talk'] } list = [''] if pages.any? list.join("\n") end end def navigation_list_item(url, title, active = false) a_class = active ? ' class="active"' : '' %Q{#{title}} end # Returns an array of all episode feeds named by the convetion # 'episodes..rss' within the root directory. Also it # contains all additional feeds specified by 'additional_feeds' in the # '_config.yml'. If an 'episode_file_format' or key of 'additional_feeds' # equals the optional parameter 'except', it will be skipped. # # episode_feeds(site, except = nil) => # [ # ["m4a Episode RSS-Feed", "/episodes.m4a.rss"], # ["mp3 Episode RSS-Feed", "/episodes.mp3.rss"], # ["Torrent Feed m4a", ""], # ["Torrent Feed mp3", ""] # ] def episode_feeds(site, except = nil) feeds = [] if site['episode_feed_formats'] site['episode_feed_formats'].map { |f| feeds << ["#{f} Episode RSS-Feed", "#{site['url']}/episodes.#{f}.rss"] unless f == except } end if site['additional_feeds'] site['additional_feeds'].each { |k, v| feeds << [k.gsub('_', ' '), v] unless k == except } end feeds end # Returns HTML links to all episode feeds named by the convetion # 'episodes..rss' within the root directory. Also it # returns all additional feeds specified by 'additional_feeds' in the # '_config.yml'. If an 'episode_file_format' or key of 'additional_feeds' # equals the optional parameter 'except', it will be skipped. # # {{ site | episode_feeds_html:'m4a' }} => # # # def episode_feeds_html(site, except = nil) episode_feeds(site, except).map { |f| %Q{} }.join("\n") end # Returns RSS-XML links to all episode feeds named by the convetion # 'episodes..rss' within the root directory. Also it # returns all additional feeds specified by 'additional_feeds' in the # '_config.yml'. If an 'episode_file_format' or key of 'additional_feeds' # equals the optional parameter 'except', it will be skipped. # # {{ site | episode_feeds_rss:'m4a' }} => # # # def episode_feeds_rss(site, except = nil) episode_feeds(site, except).map { |f| %Q{} }.join("\n") end # Prints out current version def version_string(site) Jekyll::Octopod::VERSION::STRING end end end Liquid::Template.register_filter(Jekyll::OctopodFilters)