require 'spec_helper' require 'jwt' describe 'BooticClient::Strategies::Authorized' do require 'webmock/rspec' let(:client_id) {'aaa'} let(:client_secret) {'bbb'} def jwt_assertion(expired_token, now) JWT.encode({ iss: client_id, aud: 'api', prn: expired_token, exp: now.utc.to_i + 5 }, client_secret, 'HS256') end def stub_api_root(access_token, status, body) stub_request(:get, ""). with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{access_token}"}). to_return(status: status, :body => JSON.dump(body)) end def stub_auth(expired_token, status, body) now = Time.stub(:now).and_return now stub_request(:post, ""). with(body: { "assertion" => jwt_assertion(expired_token, now), "assertion_type" => "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer", "client_id" => "", "client_secret" => "", "grant_type" => "assertion", "scope"=>"" }, headers: { 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }). to_return(status: status, body: JSON.dump(body), headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) end let(:store){ } let(:root_data) { { '_links' => { 'shops' => {'href' => ''} }, 'message' => "Hello!" } } describe 'with missing client credentials' do it 'raises error' do expect{ BooticClient.client(:authorized) }.to raise_error end end describe 'with no access_token' do it 'raises error' do expect{ BooticClient.client(:authorized) }.to raise_error end end describe 'with valid client credentials and access_token' do let(:client) do BooticClient.client(:authorized, access_token: 'abc') do |new_token| store[:access_token] = new_token end end before do BooticClient.configure do |c| c.client_id = client_id c.client_secret = client_secret end end context 'without a block' do it 'is valid' do expect{ BooticClient.client(:authorized, access_token: 'abc') }.not_to raise_error end end context 'with valid token' do before do @root_request = stub_api_root('abc', 200, message: 'Hello!') end it 'does not request new token to auth service' do root = client.root expect(@root_request).to have_been_requested expect(root.message).to eql('Hello!') end end context 'with expired token' do before do @failed_root_request = stub_api_root('abc', 401, message: 'Unauthorized') @auth_request = stub_auth('abc', 200, access_token: 'foobar') @successful_root_request = stub_api_root('foobar', 200, root_data) end it 'attempts unauthorised API request, refreshes token from auth an tries again' do root = client.root expect(@failed_root_request).to have_been_requested expect(@auth_request).to have_been_requested expect(root.message).to eql('Hello!') end it 'yields new token to optional block' do client.root expect(store[:access_token]).to eql('foobar') end end end end