require 'rubygems' require 'hpricot' require 'net/http' module RedfinApi module Base class << self def query_location(address) url = "{URI.encode(address)}" location = http_get_json(url) # we either get a postSalesBuildings element or listings element item = location['pastSalesBuildings'].not_nil? ? location['pastSalesBuildings'][0] : location['listings'][0] return nil if !item address = item['address'] hash = { :lat => item['point']['lat'].to_s, :lon => item['point']['long'].to_s, :number => address['number'], :street_name => address['streetName'], :street_type => address['streetType'], :unit => address['unitValue'], :address_line_1 => "#{address['number']} #{address['streetName']} #{address['streetType']}", :city => address['city'], :state => address['state'], :zip => address['zip'], } if location['pastSalesBuildings'].not_nil? hash[:property_id] = item['id'].to_s hash[:url] = construct_redfin_url_from_address(hash) else hash[:listing_id] = item['id'].to_s hash.merge!(gis_id_search(hash[:listing_id])) end hash end def construct_redfin_url_from_address(location) "{location[:state]}/#{location[:city].gsub(' ','-')}/#{location[:number]}-#{location[:street_name].gsub(' ','-')}-#{location[:street_type]}-#{location[:zip]}/home/#{location[:property_id]}" end def gis_id_search(listing_id) url ="{listing_id}" response = http_get(url) response = response.strip[3..-4] # ignore the /*( and )*/ require 'json' json_hash = JSON.parse(response) raise RuntimeError, "Failed to perform gis_id_search", json_hash if json_hash['resultCode' != 0] payload = json_hash['payload'][0] { :property_id => payload['property']['id'].to_s, :url => "{payload['URL']}", } end def extract_pin(url) response = http_get(url) /Parcel Identification Number:\s*(\d{10,14})/.match(response)[1].strip rescue puts "Failed to extract PIN from redfin url: #{$!}" nil end # this method is often overridden for testing purposes def http_get(url) Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url)).body end def http_get_json(url) response = http_get(url) response = response.strip[2..-3] # ignore the /* and */ # puts "response = #{response}" require 'json' json_hash = JSON.parse(response) # TODO symbolize_keys! here json_hash end end end end