require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' module Spec module Mocks describe Mock do context "unstubbing a mock object with a stub" do it "should remove the stub" do a_mock = mock 'an object', :foo => :bar a_mock.unstub! :foo a_mock.should_not respond_to(:foo) end end context "unstubbing a real object with a stub" do before do @obj = end it "should raise a NoMethodError if the message is called after unstubbing" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :bar @obj.unstub!(:foo) lambda { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should only clear the stub specified" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :bar @obj.stub!(:other).and_return :baz @obj.unstub!(:foo) @obj.other.should == :baz end it "should no longer respond_to? the method" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :bar @obj.unstub!(:foo) @obj.should_not respond_to(:foo) end it "should unstub using a string (should convert the string to a symbol)" do @obj.stub!(:foo) @obj.unstub!("foo") @obj.should_not respond_to(:foo) end it "should restore a previous method definition" do def :a_result end @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :stubbed_result @obj.unstub!(:foo) == :a_result end it "should have unstub as an alias of unstub!" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :bar @obj.unstub(:foo) lambda { }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "should raise a MockExpectationError if it is not stubbed" do lambda { @obj.unstub!(:foo) }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "The method `foo` was not stubbed or was already unstubbed") end it "should raise a MockExpectationError if it was already unstubbed" do @obj.stub!(:foo) @obj.unstub!(:foo) lambda { @obj.unstub!(:foo) }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "The method `foo` was not stubbed or was already unstubbed") end it "should use the correct message name in the error" do @obj.stub!(:bar) @obj.unstub!(:bar) lambda { @obj.unstub!(:bar) }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError, "The method `bar` was not stubbed or was already unstubbed") end it "should raise a MockExpectationError if the method is defined, but not stubbed" do def @obj.meth; end lambda { @obj.unstub!(:meth) }.should raise_error(MockExpectationError) end it "should be able to restub a after unstubbing" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :bar @obj.unstub!(:foo) @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :baz == :baz end it "should remove only the first stub if multiple stubs have been defined" do @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :first @obj.stub!(:foo).and_return :second @obj.unstub!(:foo) == :first end end end end end