@import "api/float"; @import "api/isolation"; ////////////////////////////// // Master Grid Span mixin ////////////////////////////// @mixin grid-span($span, $location: 1, $grid: null, $gutter: null, $output-style: null, $gutter-style: null, $options: null) { @if $output-style == null { $output-style: sgs-get('output'); } $Grid: find-grid($grid); $Gutter: find-gutter($gutter); $Style: find-gutter-style($gutter-style); $Start-Row: start-row($location); $End-Row: end-row($span, $location, $Grid); $Fixed-Gutter: fixed-gutter($Grid, $Gutter, $Style); $Split-Gutter: index($Style, 'split'); $Gutter-Property: gutter-property($Grid, $Gutter, $Style); $Direction: sgs-get('direction'); $From: if($options and type-of($options) == 'map', if(map-get($options, 'from'), map-get($options, 'from'), $Direction), $Direction); $From: if($From == 'ltr' or $From == 'rtl', named-direction($From), $From); $Holder: (); @each $k, $v in $options { $Holder: if($k == 'from', $Holder, map-merge($Holder, ($k: $v))); } $options: if(length($Holder) > 0, $Holder, null); $Span-Map: ( 'span': $span, 'location': $location, 'grid': $Grid, 'gutter': $Gutter, 'style': $Style, 'start row': $Start-Row, 'end row': $End-Row, 'fixed gutter': $Fixed-Gutter, 'split gutter': $Split-Gutter, 'gutter property': $Gutter-Property, 'options': $options ); @if sgs-get('debug') != false { -sgs-span-settings: inspect($Span-Map); } @if function-exists('output-#{$output-style}') { $Left: (); $Right: (); @if $Direction == 'both' or $From == 'left' or ($Direction == 'rtl' and $From == 'opposite') { $Left: call('output-#{$output-style}', map-merge($Span-Map, ('direction': left))); } @if $Direction == 'both' or $From == 'right' or ($Direction == 'ltr' and $From == 'opposite') { $Right: call('output-#{$output-style}', map-merge($Span-Map, ('direction': right))); } $Left-Keys: map-keys($Left); $Right-Keys: map-keys($Right); $Exclude: (); @each $key in $Left-Keys { @if index($Right-Keys, $key) { @if map-get($Right, $key) == map-get($Left, $key) { $Exclude: append($Exclude, $key); } } } // Always try and print the Left value @include grid-span-build-exclude($Left, $Exclude, false); // If Direction is Both or RTL, add the RTL attribute selector @if $Direction == 'both' or $Direction == 'rtl' { [dir="rtl"] & { @include grid-span-build-exclude($Right, $Exclude, true); } } @else { @include grid-span-build-exclude($Right, $Exclude, true); } } @else { @warn "There doesn't appear to be an output style named `#{$output-style}`. Please ensure that the function `output-#{$output-style}` and that the output style `#{$output-style}` are both available before trying to use them."; } } @mixin grid-span-build($property, $value) { @if type-of($value) != 'map' { #{$property}: $value; } @else { @each $prefix, $val in $value { #{$property}: $val; } } } @mixin grid-span-build-exclude($properties, $delta, $exclude: false) { @each $property, $value in $properties { @if $exclude { @if not index($delta, $property) { @include grid-span-build($property, $value); } } @else { @include grid-span-build($property, $value); } } }