module Tinder # A campfire room class Room attr_reader :id, :name def initialize(connection, attributes = {}) @connection = connection @id = attributes['id'] @name = attributes['name'] @loaded = false end # Join the room. Pass +true+ to join even if you've already joined. def join(force = false) post 'join' end # Leave a room def leave post 'leave' end # Get the url for guest access def guest_url "#{@connection.uri}/#{guest_invite_code}" if guest_access_enabled? end def guest_access_enabled? load @open_to_guests ? true : false end # The invite code use for guest def guest_invite_code load @active_token_value end # Change the name of the room def name=(name) connection.put("/room/#{@id}.json", :body => {:room => {:name => name}}.to_json) end alias_method :rename, :name= # Change the topic def topic=(topic) connection.put("/room/#{@id}.json", :body => {:room => {:topic => topic}}.to_json) end # Get the current topic def topic load @topic end # Lock the room to prevent new users from entering and to disable logging def lock post :lock end # Unlock the room def unlock post :unlock end def ping(force = false) raise NotImplementedError end def destroy raise NotImplementedError end # Post a new message to the chat room def speak(message, options = {}) send_message(message) end def paste(message) send_message(message, 'PasteMessage') end def play(sound) send_message(sound, 'SoundMessage') end # Get the list of users currently chatting for this room def users reload! @users end # return the user with the given id; if it isn't in our room cache, do a request to get it def user(id) if id user = users.detect {|u| u[:id] == id } unless user user_data = connection.get("/users/#{id}.json") user = user_data && user_data[:user] end user[:created_at] = Time.parse(user[:created_at]) user end end # Listen for new messages in the room, yielding them to the provided block as they arrive. # Each message is a hash with: # * +:body+: the body of the message # * +:user+: Campfire user, which is itself a hash, of: # * +:id+: User id # * +:name+: User name # * +:email_address+: Email address # * +:admin+: Boolean admin flag # * +:created_at+: User creation timestamp # * +:type+: User type (e.g. Member) # * +:id+: Campfire message id # * +:type+: Campfire message type # * +:room_id+: Campfire room id # * +:created_at+: Message creation timestamp # # room.listen do |m| # room.speak "Go away!" if m[:body] =~ /Java/i # end def listen raise "no block provided" unless block_given? require 'twitter/json_stream' join # you have to be in the room to listen auth = connection.default_options[:basic_auth] options = { :host => "streaming.#{Connection::HOST}", :path => room_url_for(:live), :auth => "#{auth[:username]}:#{auth[:password]}", :timeout => 2 } EventMachine::run do stream = Twitter::JSONStream.connect(options) stream.each_item do |message| message = message[:user] = user(message.delete(:user_id)) message[:created_at] = Time.parse(message[:created_at]) yield(message) end end end # Get the dates for the available transcripts for this room def available_transcripts raise NotImplementedError end # Get the transcript for the given date (Returns a hash in the same format as #listen) # # room.transcript(room.available_transcripts.first) # #=> [{:message=>"foobar!", # :user_id=>"99999", # :person=>"Brandon", # :id=>"18659245", # :timestamp=>=>Tue May 05 07:15:00 -0700 2009}] # # The timestamp slot will typically have a granularity of five minutes. # def transcript(transcript_date) url = "/room/#{@id}/transcript/#{transcript_date.to_date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')}.json" connection.get(url)['messages'].map do |room| { :id => room['id'], :user_id => room['user_id'], :message => room['body'], :timestamp => Time.parse(room['created_at']) } end end def upload(filename), "rb") do |file| params ='upload' => file) post(:uploads, :body => params.query) end end # Get the list of latest files for this room def files(count = 5) get(:uploads)['uploads'].map { |u| u['full_url'] } end protected def load reload! unless @loaded end def reload! attributes = connection.get("/room/#{@id}.json")['room'] @id = attributes['id'] @name = attributes['name'] @topic = attributes['topic'] @full = attributes['full'] @open_to_guests = attributes['open_to_guests'] @active_token_value = attributes['active_token_value'] @users = attributes['users'] @loaded = true end def send_message(message, type = 'TextMessage') post 'speak', :body => {:message => {:body => message, :type => type}}.to_json end def get(action, options = {}) connection.get(room_url_for(action), options) end def post(action, options = {}), options) end def room_url_for(action) "/room/#{@id}/#{action}.json" end def connection @connection end end end